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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. Your previous boyfriend said your were unoriginal and predictable? I'm more of sky bar person. Tichuca is nice...
  2. Bit of a low self-esteem question IMO.
  3. Interesting doesn't mean bad ...i know its AN but not every comment is a battle. Yeh i see the positives.
  4. Oh i see. Lack of context changes the picture dramatically. When you write about costs, you should state age 72. I typically mention my age (50) when doing the same. Age 72 with kids. Also an interesting situation!
  5. Now in bangkok, it was great for me to get away from pattaya. Definitely a big positive tick in the state-of-mind column. Was never into drinking/girls etc ...but living amongst those types became a challenge.
  6. Fortunate? ...thats a big assumption though. You have to visually see the person behind the words and the whole picture before that conclusion. You are never going to get that. This guy is a snapshot of my worst nightmare lol. But i have friends back in UK who are similar. Kid turns 18 and needs £100k gbp for a house deposit.
  7. 300k baht a month, just to stand still financially? Of course, this is net not gross income. On the basis, that nothing comes for free and stress etc, that seems like a lot on you, especially here where it doesn’t need to be. How old are you and when do you plan to retire?
  8. He isn’t too smart. Wasting your time.
  9. I bill at £100/hour approximately. So did about 3.5 in the condo and another in a restaurant whilst eating dinner. Wealth management stuff - deliberately vague, of course. Been running my own business for 10 years. Tax free as well. People don't believe that you can make decent money but also spend very little. Earned 17,000 baht today and spent 228b in a restaurant. Tomorrow i'll go to my local coffee shop and do an hour. 60b for a mocha frappe. Same problem again, albeit a nice one! Also, I don't actually spend any earned income or remit it to thailand. It stays in UK.
  10. I don’t mix well with online nobody's. If i have to pick a set of life expectancy stats, i'm certainly closer to UK ones than native thai folks or the world population. If you can't recognise that then hope is lost ....for you
  11. You just keep pressing that confused emoji button. Don't let me down...
  12. Pollution? ...i live indoors. I'm completely unaffected. Traded against knife crime in UK and the fact i don't drive a car here. So?
  13. Ok ...so if we go worst case ie. Its decreased, what factors in thailand have caused my decrease? Arguably, life saving care time could be slower here. I can't think of anything else thats different from my 50 years in UK compared with 2.5 in thailand. Therefore i will still refer to UK stats until i materially change something. Agree or disagree?
  14. When you feel foolish, cornered and have no answer. Whip out the "naive" ....oooookay 🙄
  15. Not irrelevant to me. Why is my middle class life different here than UK?
  16. Drunks, smokers and obese probably. Unfortunately low socio-economic groups as well.
  17. I'm from UK and we have more detailed stats from the office of national statistics.... Age 60 male has LE of 84 and a 25% probability of reaching 92.
  18. I have a stick-on Kensington lock on the front cover of my laptop. 14 inch ones don't seem to have the slot. Had to buy it from shoppee i think. Works great.
  19. You are miles off with age 80. Way below life expectancy rate.
  20. I have a tiny breakfast and only have one proper meal per day. My typical day - mess about until noon. Work until 4pm. Head to iron pan restaurant and with a coke zero its about 160b. I'll do another hour and by then i will have invoiced £400x42.5=17,000 baht equivalent. Don’t have the time to spend it. Last friday ...??...i think!
  21. 50k is thai baht? I think i won't have kids if so lol. If you're happy then you have more than most on here.
  22. Went to buy some cinnamon fireball at a posh wine/spirit place in emsphere, bkk. Cheaper to buy 5x 200ml bottles versus 1L. Not on sale either. Bit strange!
  23. A nice quote. Deserved more than an anonymous like.
  24. I'm a low spender but pretty high income earner and super high capital. Just hit age 50, so not on retirement visa. Average bangkok rent. Midweek i spend next to nothing because of work, although its only about 3 or 4 hours. 100b for dinner is typical. Saturday night cocktails here don't come under 450b. My 'luxury' spending. My visa is the most i've spent here. I don’t need 800k in thai bank but keep far more anyway. No health insurance because of capital. Not interested in buying lots of stuff. 12 noon, better do some work!
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