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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. An incorrect blanket statement i'm afraid. We use offshore investment plans and they are simply subject to different tax regimes that can be advantageous to some clients. The country in which the plan is registered is the deciding factor for tax treatment within the investment wrapper. Then the fund can be registered elsewhere. Then the tax regime of the client upon encashment. No place for generalisations!
  2. Historically, I would guess that they were sold on the benefits of avoiding inheritance tax. Whilst uk pensions are also not subject to IHT they do have pre and post age 75 tax consequences on death. We use legacy preservation trusts alongside an expression of wish. This may be of personal interest to you. Also lifetime allowance cap (the £1.07m) was an issue for some. I think this did not apply to qrops. Although now changed to the LSA and LSDBA from 6/4/2024. As legislation changes, it can be tricky. You can only assess suitability at that point in time.
  3. Not my area ...but typically the likes of isle of man is used for the qrops provider. They are in the EEA which negates the tax penalty your link states. You don’t have to be tax resident in isle of man of course. And thats about the scope of my knowledge on them! But they are still around, so must be attractive for some folks.
  4. The obvious (legit) market in thailand is moving pensions into QROPS. I don't know much about it and it seems difficult to find the clients. In the UK we team up with accountants who make referrals. Its probably how the respectable businesses in asia do it too. Last week i was involved with moving £2.6m for a husband and wife.
  5. They also go to "air out" their sweaty 15 year old sandals. Of course, must raise their cankles as high as possible to prevent DVT.
  6. I only buy food from places were i know that there is a soap dispenser in the toilets the staff are likely to use. A piss in the nearest alleyway doesn't fill me with confidence about hygiene.
  7. Anywhere else in pattaya ...not anywhere else. Yes i do mostly eat at home - so i'm not amongst the awful teeth pickers and the truly gross who sit there flossing!! Zoo animals have more class.
  8. They are scruffy slobs with zero social manners. Most or all of it self inflicted. Why should i be sympathetic? They don't like my kind, so the feeling is mutual.
  9. Agreed. You see fat parents and they all have fat kids. Almost inevitable.
  10. Did you have a mirror and progressively tighter trousers? No need for blood test. Common sense!
  11. How can you comfortably eat with some fossil digging pad khrapao out of his back teeth whilst getting air to his ugly diabetes feet. I would rather starve!
  12. So knock 6 from the 17 you didn’t get. Or whatever. Why so tricky? Rocket science is easier than explaining this to you. Your 10% and my 10% are not the same. I don't need to buy/build/sell a house and land to make 6m in a year. Appears my time is even more important than yours.
  13. I've nothing against cheap eats - good and cheap food is everywhere. Its the people i can't stomach. They were scruffs back in farangland and they are here too. I might move to bangkok soon. Getting a bit bored of living amongst the typical pattaya expat.
  14. A lot of words, but you spent 3m and now have a house. You saved an estimated 3m in rent. Fair enough, all good so far. But where is the bit where it says the 3m would be now worth nearly 17m?? ...and that you recognise this is the opportunity cost. Its almost like you wrote the big long story to show how savvy you are!!
  15. Gods waiting room. Full of teeth pickers and old men with their sandals off. Place makes me sick. I can't sit in these places. The people just give off low class vibes.
  16. Indeed. Mentally i add a 'portability premium' onto my rent ...how much am i willing to pay each month in order to be able to walk away, at a near point in the future. I do recognise the benefit of owning and choosing decor etc. At some point i may sacrifice the portability factor.
  17. Only if you sacrificed zero capital over 24 years. Otherwise you need to account for opportunity cost at 10% pa.
  18. Lost equity huh? Opportunity cost anyone? Stick to your crypto.
  19. I don't trade anyway, but non UK residents are not subject to capital gains tax on equity sales (in a taxable account). As long as they don't return to the UK within 5 years. Arguably its a good reason to hold equity funds rather than bond funds (in a taxable account).
  20. A broad statement and is likely to be country specific. For me, it would not apply.
  21. Joke books on sale at B2S. Go treat yourself.
  22. I will call it an absurd weakness. There is no bear in mind.
  23. Then i don't get the "joke". Or was it? Why is it famous last words.
  24. You drink 1 to 2L of diet coke per day??
  25. Typed from a barstool?
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