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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. "Please feed me crude, propaganda misinformation. I am gagging to believe stupid stuff. No source is too spurious".
  2. You are intermittently sensible here so I hope that some day, you can apsire to lower-medium status. You know, Pad Thai WITH the prawns.
  3. May as well hang a sign around her neck that says, "takes on all comers". Or just write it on her lower back for easier reading by Mohamed.
  4. When I worked for NYC Subway, She did indeed once turn up to tour a train yard. She was a bit of a train buff. Reportedly the nicest celeb guest they ever had.
  5. So while Mohamed is indeed back door-dilating that sow you used to call your wife, you personally are getting reamed by beret-wearing fops. That's gotta burn. The brown man who might mow your lawn is your friend. You are a chump for simps who still read philosophy books. Fight the power!
  6. Can we hear more about how little you are? How does the macro-economic goings on of either party affect your (admittedly) little life at all? Me? I am medium-sized. I just laugh off all of the handwringing of drama queen eternal victims.
  7. Your problem is not Mohamed pounding your fat ex-wife from behind as the white dog she is; this we agree is a good thing, possibly a great thing. It's the French perkily saying, "Bon Voyage" as Mohamed cheekily departs from their shores to become your headache.
  8. Uh-uh. It's either bazooka blast, or Mohamed is railing your sister.
  9. Nah, people just want their check and government goodies delivered to them. Which party wants to cut said goodies, and which party consistently delivers them?
  10. Thank you for your sensible vote to fire guns blindly into crowds. Your picture avatar would be proud.
  11. Separating from my wife last year was brutal, but the death of the first one has to slightly outrank it. One person I can still send a Christmas card to, one I can't. And I turned down un-hot sex 4 times in 2024. It's just a matter of time until I fall into something else stupid. "Nice lefty people" -we gotta lose that anvil around our necks.
  12. American voters are schizophrenic manic depressives. They always over-correct over perceived slights and vote for the exact opposite every 4 years. Soon, Trump will have another health crisis to hilariously botch, plus inflation, plus the usual drama-fatigue that is already settling in, 2 weeks in. Some white male democrat will stumble upon the right outrage to beat him over the head with like Muh Eggs, and it will be another dull shift back into Biden-Land.
  13. If I went to the trouble of dodging death in an inner tube in the Channel, the very last thing on earth I would want to see is 50 of my dead beat relatives showing up. Much sympathy to them. How to stop this? If I'm in some sub-equator hell hole, I'm heading to Doncaster -that's because they don't know what a toilet the Norf and Midlands are. The best deterrent against immigration would be to show them pics of downtown Leeds on a Saturday night. If their material situation improves in Algeria due to do-good NGO's, that only means that they now have to funds to leave earlier, more comfortably, and arrive sooner. And their whole family is backing them. Who here on this thread has the stones to sink the dinghies? Not that hard to sink a crowded rubber boat. So why not? As righties are always wailing here, why just be butt-hurt? Trump begged the Army to shoot at the legs of border jumpers. Who's on onboard for this no-brainer of a plan?
  14. Righties toss around Butt Hurt entirely too much here; just more laughable He-man cosplaying. I fear this may come from their direct experience. Remember: As a he-man, it's the ladyboy who's supposed to be on the bottom. Not you.
  15. If people are waking up to the woke, aren't they still well, well behind people who already "woke" up?
  16. But you won't be lucky enough to get the bleach drinking advocate himself. It will be like in Colonial India where you get stuck with some viceroy. I can see Charles anointing one with a sword: "Arise, Sir Don Jr."
  17. If what you're positing is Brits shagging boat people, I really can't see a downside.
  18. Mid-50's would be on the low side, age-wise here. These people are drunken fantasists. Oddly, Lefties never threaten to fight. We're sticking with the Make Love, Not War theme that got us laid back in the day. Whereas Trump Trash had to switch hemispheres to get even a whiff of sex.
  19. I've met 4 people here. All very wise and entertaining. I tried to do a meetup, but no one wanted to meet me. Long gone Bignok wanted to fight me on a street corner; actually, 4 times. Why a street corner, exactly? He would never say. I def want to meet him if I ever get the chance. 3 other Trump Trash retards made comically impotent threats against me too. I'd love to meet them. too.
  20. You never see a Greenland restaurant. -And who doesn't love smoked fish?
  21. Although obviously barking mad, he is easily the most erudite and well read contributor here.
  22. I prefer to post on informational-type threads or obscure cultural references like in a Gamma Globual thread, but I am also happy to make fun of passive aggressive retards; if I have a good insult to toss in, and if they're really, really retarded. I also am brit-ophile, in terms of forgotten bands there. Given the ancient demographic here, you could toss up a thread about The Shadows or Matt Monroe and get a dozen witty posts and some quality Youtube links. Otherwise, I enjoy the sense of community here. I have my faves. I was eating in a fake Jewish Deli with one of them today.
  23. “ I don’t read no books. Just the bottom line on the screen when Fox News is on. Why would I read books? I ain’t no liberal.”.
  24. I have no comment on this comment. I just wanted to thank this guy for putting Robert Johnson's face out there as his avatar. But let's say you're a typical Brit Chav white van baldie in Pattaya. You can finally (finally) get laid. You can smoke a room full of weed. Why be a drug hog? You can take the Chav out of Doncaster, but......
  25. "Rumors emerging" is the same as: "It came to me in a dream".
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