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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. As long as I am here, just what IS the Trump Trash ratio in Siem Reap? Is it even one in ten? Do you lay low, or strut around in the funny red hat?
  2. I only see more humorous scorn so far. Like since forever Where ARE the liberal tears? Promised now for almost a decade. Nada. Did you get hosed again on liberal tears -like with The Wall and $60 a month concepts of a plan health insurance? AGAIN? Sweet.
  3. Fair comment. It's like Catholics without the ritual and protestants without the tunes. Like everything of English-origin, it's a little on the repressed and tepid side.
  4. And what about Fattie's usual brain dead staff dragging him to yet another place where he'd look bad? I guess Four Seasons Landscaping was booked for the day.
  5. Yagoda, If I ever get involved in a game of wits with you, I'll check mine at the door so we can start out even. A Trump pot head -really only found in SEA and dumps like Alabama.
  6. If we review the record, I am sure he only promised concepts of a plan for tariffs.
  7. Poor maroon, hoping words on a screen are somehow "scrared".
  8. If you didn't have a meme, you wouldn't have a life. And then you're weak IQ thing. Highest year of college, Trump Tard?
  9. So you're saying that she 100% believes he watched hookers take a pee? If ( a big if) you have a girlfriend, would she just accept that about you with a resigned shrug like Melania does? Man, great to be you. And him, in a way.
  10. To his resentment-choked, incel followers, he's always sniffily crying that "they're laughing at you". Always a carefully unspecified "they" Total projection. Fattie, meet mirror.
  11. B--but, if YOU somehow know it's all BS, might the other people at the negotiating table who all went to top end schools and had successful careers in politics possibly broadly posses the same deal making acumen as you? Nah.
  12. Trump said the Capitol rioters were rife with Antifa agitators - all of whom he just happily pardoned. I thought he was supposed to be anti-Antifa. That makes Fattie anti-anti-Antifa. Where will his brain fever take him next?
  13. But as far as it goes, even tho Trump must die -hopefully at the hands of Milania, using her zany soup plate hat like Odd Job's bowler hat in Goldfinger- it was indeed a grandstanding show of passive aggressive impotence from that minister with her 5th Beatle-style haircut. It was Fattie's day in the sun fair and square, and the event should have been apolitical. Also: Begging Fattie Ming The Merciless for mercy is just tossing more gasoline on his sociopathic fire.
  14. Was just enjoying a Guinness meat pie at the legendary Royal Oak Pub near my condo with a genial oiky white van baldie type sitting a stool away. He did envy me having Trump as my leader. Reason: Trump will stop the 100% sale of ALL USA farmland, currently taking place. At least in America, we won't be begging on our hands and knees for a bushel of wheat. If only Bojo had had the stones to do the same. Just a cheery blockhead from the Norf. We exchanged Line's.
  15. Loved thin skinned fattie's petulant whining for an apology. If he were any more beta cuck, he'd be posting here.
  16. If only he was one tenth as interested in helping poor people get insulin. But nooooooo.
  17. Not butt hurt at all. 'avin' a laff. But you know that. Thanks Cuck-tard for the leg humping. If your dream comes true, I will send you the drycleaner bill.
  18. Strange debate on Reddit between Trump-backed think tank pretending that Trump is going to "rewrite" all tax treaties worldwide and sane tax accountants laughing at him. Some useful insights into tax treaties and double taxation (not from the Trump guy):
  19. And def. Wooly Bully. The original, not the Bad Manners version. Too manic. That song wants to stretch out.
  20. Don't Mess With Bill by The Marvellettes has haunted me for 60 years.
  21. Thanks. It's probably my fate. Why re-invent the wheel? Actual advice instead of retards pretending that they don't get that the expression "fire" was like, you know, a figure of speech. Like an effing stuck record. Over and over again. Patting themselves on the back for pretending not to understand. It's an AOL chatroom from the late 90's here, troll-wise. Bleach-drinking, retard,Trump Trash does in fact have low comprehension on average, so it's a pretty plausible gag. This is the hamfisted world of Trump 'Tards, where their last verifiable joke was "Orange Man Bad", like a decade ago.
  22. I chatted with a hotel desk person (age 52) on Tinder. You are right, she worked a 10 hour day, 6 days a week. But def. western-friendly with great language skills. I have read many accounts of solid relationships here with such people. Since I'd be happy with a low time investment relationship, such a person could find a mutually beneficial deal with me.
  23. Umi Sushi was a deal for the money. It's close to the Market Village Mall, which is a nice area to stay in (tho on the non-beach side of the road). Hua Hin is sort of where S. Thailand starts, so you can't go wrong ordering a yellow curry.
  24. When I lived in Trump Trash Appalachia, they had volunteers stationed outside of Walmart Ladies Rooms to prevent Tran's from entering. Like that would even happen in trailer park-land. If you're gay or whatever, you're gone at 18, never to return to Nutbush City Limits. I said to one of them: "Man, and I thought jury duty was bad".
  25. I love how he wouldn't touch the Bible -since he knew he would burst into flames. Relatedly, his wife was wearing a protective soup plate on her head. Because everyone knows what happens when you throw water on a witch.
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