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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. Two slices of cheddar on whole wheat with a thin spreading of mango chutney and a splash of Tabasco is my go-to when I need to eat, but don't want a meal. Praise to England, no other nation ever took the concept as toast so seriously.
  2. I more like the idea of Trink than the mostly dross he churned out; calling go-go bars nighteries and hookers, demimondes. He was the pinnacle of the golden era of mongers, wearing big medallions and over-tailored shirts. I have stayed the Miami Hotel on soi, where the film The Serpent was filmed to good effect. It's been done up since, but retains it's retro charm. Is it still open? I was thinking about booking it? I knew Cleo Odzer who wrote Patpong Sisters, the first feminist, post-modernist critique -but surely unread here, except possibly by Gamma.
  3. Spent a month next to Mkt village, a great food area. Proper yellow curry abounding and a very solid, cheap sushi place in a soi next door.
  4. Gamma, you're the Garbo of the board, but I'd love to take you out for a six bucks Pad Thai. The AseanNow universe as we know it would implode.
  5. Just not enough of us cheapskates to warrant a single drone sitting at a formica desk.
  6. He thinks liberals are a secret society, arrayed conspiratorially agains him. I'm enjoying it.
  7. Yeah, that was a well-spent half a mil on medical school to end up in Pattaya milking the likes of Bob for nickels and dimes. Who has lower self-esteem? Bob or the imaginary doctor?
  8. Think of the sweet agony of being a Ritchie-rich and having your personal assistant utter the dreaded words: "It's Trump on the phone. Again. Are you in or still at the dentist?"
  9. Lost in Time-Fattie is now detailing his plans to invade Cuba: https://www.mediaite.com/trump/trump-hints-at-toppling-cuban-government-its-gonna-be-changed/ In later news, Lost In Time-Fattie expressed surprise that Lindbergh made it all the way home.
  10. I def like that we're both members of The Red Pill Church. I'm light-pink, you're fire engine-red. My wife is actually redder than me. Really? You'd prefer Shakira to Jane? In later news, BritManToo revealed that water is wet.
  11. Nuh-nuh not so fast on Fattie's all-caps texting incontinence about claiming he has a half a bil in the bank. His perennially embarrassed trash-lawyers are frantically trying to walk it back: https://www.rawstory.com/trutmp-s-lawyers-scramble-to-explain-away-his-500-million-boast/ Can I be the first to laugh at the cuck-retards here who accepted this as fact right out of the gate? I believe I can be.
  12. Gotta disagree. Across all ages, women swipe right on only the top 20% of men. That means the top 20% of looks, mostly. A good bank book and confident demeanor can only shift your odds a bit, maybe 15%. Just like there is a looks-threshold below which most men won't go, no matter how kinky or sweet she is, so too do men run out of options if they don't meet most women's looks threshold. The wall is a pathetic revenge fantasy. Jane Fonda can still pull if she wants to.
  13. Is half your age, plus seven still a thing? I was entertaining my fellow group tour members in Morocco with this durable trope. None of the old married guys weren't doing the math. Problem with going too young: The ball sack problem. How long can they look at that low-hanging wrinkled mess and talk themselves out of being yucked? My guess: about 6 months. No wait, really more like 3. Possible solution: Blindfold them when they're down there; maybe dress it up with a bit of 50 Shades of Grey-nonsense. Or get a ball sack nip and tuck. A fellow oldie? She has no choice but to be grateful for that saggy prune stuffed with 2 raisins. Still no day at the beach for her, tho. My (American) wife is 11 years younger. A few years ago, I was looking at Long Term Care Insurance. She said: "Honey, I'M your long term care insurance". Once you go much younger than that, that promise tends to be much less reliable.
  14. Gotta toss you into the pile that my sweet wife schooled me to refer to as neuro-diverse. Have a great life.
  15. This was clearly written by AI. The weird peroxide blonde part is the tip-off. Any Russian ruining Phuket (like I care) is one less available to fight and is also depriving Russia of cash. Come one, come all. Humanities Professor -I wonder what backwater community college had the honor.
  16. TrumpTrashTraitor alert: Technically speaking, he CAN legally accept money from Putin to bail him out. Triple-T retards -how would you feel about that? Who here is also waiting patiently for his stroke? I'm willing to put on a TrumpTrash funny hat and mock the disabled like he loves to when it happens. MAGA = My Assets Gone Away.
  17. Another sweet moment to point and laugh at Fattie: https://www.rawstory.com/trump-rally-cost/ He can't even afford to rent out high school gyms anymore. TrumpTrash, I ask you: When do the Liberal Tears commence? You prommmisssed. And his cokehead retard son is begging on his hands and knees "for just $5". https://www.rawstory.com/trump-cash-woes/ This liberal is crying -from laughter. No wait, Fattie's got it in the bag. Relax, Trash: https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-rages-as-deadline-approaches-makes-new-claim-i-currently-have-almost-five-hundred-million-dollars-in-cash/ Check out Dark Brandon's cool burn: https://www.mediaite.com/news/biden-brutally-roasts-broke-don-trump-over-his-crushing-debt-donald-im-sorry-i-cant-help-you/ Want to hear about me meeting Kimberly in Florida last year? We got along, she views the Trash on this forum as something she'd scrape off her shoe.
  18. You just callll up the Russians when you need a hand We all need some-body to lien on They might want a secret That you've got on hand We all neeeeed some-body to lien on Lien on me -when you're dead wrong And I'll be your friend I'll help you post bond But don't take too long Leticia's gonna need some assets to seize on.
  19. 5* restaurants can be helpful here. I have only 11 left on my BKK list, but thank god one or two are opening every month. But not every one gets on my list. Sushi offers ever-diminishing returns and Omakase is just too much food. Chinese 5*'s are about premium ingredients that seem to be premium just because they say so. Surhing is a brilliant (and expensive) take on German food, but will I ever go again? No. But it's always in the top 5 listings. Follow your stomach and your heart.
  20. If you flat out don't like the name, don't give them a nickel. Your generosity is very admirable.
  21. Wiki's your friend, it's not that kind of cross. in Thailand, I have given some cash to the preservation of krill, an essential food chain element in the coastal area's. There are easily google-able lists of Thai charities. My fave poster here, ThaiBeachLover, is a fan of the orphanage in Pattaya, and so am I.
  22. Getting older means being more alone, for most people. The non-alone are usually surrounded by family, which is a mixed bag at best. Developing resiliency for that can start at any age.
  23. Don't need another nickel, and haven't followed this bit of news, but I am very broadly a fan of his -as someone who actually got even more undeserved grief in his life than me.
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