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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. I used to live in England. Most of the quaint old churches were used as markets on Saturday. They didn't desert these moribund, useless hunks of dead wood real estate because they went woke. They just prefer them as venues to buy carrots and out of date KitKat bars.
  2. I thought he was channeling Issaic Hayes singing Shaft: He's one baaad Mothuh-Fuh.... Shut yo' mouth.
  3. I love that guy. I love that the FBI effed with him and kept his stupid hat, "for evidence". Why couldn't he just buy another $40 stupid hat? Google tells me he spent a lot of money to go to court. He was reunited with his shaman spell-hat last August. Now available to entertain at children's parties, I presume.
  4. I just googled People Can't Afford Insulin. I got thousand of hits. He has no concepts of a plan to address this. He wants to cut medicare. I guess you got proven wrong.
  5. There are no hostages -anywhere in the world, am I right? Only scapegoats? Too funny.
  6. How does that usually shake out? We as a nation are currently doing so -while also holding multiple pairs of scissors. Towards our groins, obviously. Glad I'm chilling out on Soi 33 -and not in some white Haiti red state when the next big storm hits after he s-cans FEMA.
  7. "Im not the puppet. YOU, you're the puppet". Their riffs never change. This is exactly what bed bug crazy people always say: "Why is there a vast conspiracy of people who inexplicably don't completely agree with me?".
  8. Yeah, no. Locking up felons provides no leverage to negotiate for anything. It's just, you know, locking up felons. Calling them hostages is inaccurate. Are they political prisoners? Please, amuse us. Don't you believe (at all) in the longstanding concept of deterrence -or do you want people to "try" to storm the Capitol as an ongoing thing?
  9. ""I don', I don' .... unnnnerstann. Help meee. "But maybe I do. Maybe I'm just a passive aggressive chump pretending not to understand because I got no argument game" "Or maybe I'm just a dimwit chump who never heard of the concept of tone policing".
  10. They're busy redacting, don't you know. From under their oxygen tent in their nursing home.
  11. More tone policing from another cancel culture crybaby. Tone policing on the internet is usually reserved for woke feminazi's. Hang your limp head in shame.
  12. Great moment in Trump's walk with Christ: "Trump, is that you're bible that you're holding?" Trump: "Well, it's, uh A bible". As long as I'm here: who else has used ultra-thin bible paper to roll a spliff?
  13. So if an intel person was 25 when Kennedy got shot, that person is almost certainly already dead by now.
  14. I'm waiting for his promised UFO disclosures. Meanwhile, poor people can't get insulin.
  15. They had a play called No Sex Please, We're British. It ran for 30 years.
  16. Why do these dimwit miscreants keep referring to these felons as hostages? A hostage is someone who is held for some kind of advantage, like the unlucky people ensnared by Hamas. What advantage was procured from locking up these gullible rageoholics? None.
  17. Trump pardoned your imaginary FBI plants. Man, you're just not cut out for cognitive dissonance.
  18. Just out of curiosity, have you ever read The Ice Man Cometh? For Trump Trash, a book be like kryptonite (thank you, Chris Rock).
  19. Future girlfriend requirement: If she hears I'm having urination parties with hookers, she has to find it to be a bit of a laugh.
  20. I was more looking for a funny hat update. Why won't anyone ever admit to wearing the funny hat?
  21. Thanks, I agree. It's going to be a glorious Reich.
  22. "I am clairvoyant and can see -from peering like a seer into my lap top screen- exactly what your life consists of." "Please, ask me for a winning race horse pick. I am always happy to help."
  23. Not getting the confusion emoji's. Two simple straightforward questions. Are they really confused? Or just play acting since they have no argument game?
  24. The recidivism rate for violent felons is about 66%. Already, TODAY, one of the pardonee's is already back in trouble. It's going to be a slow drip for the next four years of these miscreants making Fattie look bad -not unlike the argument he uses against migrants. But instead of "who let them in?", it's going a constant drumbeat of which personality disordered madman "let the out". Sweet.
  25. "I got nothing. So I will bat away anything anyone says to me and then cosplay that that's really me being high-minded".
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