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Posts posted by Prubangboy

  1. 10 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

     all probability your not going past 83

    All probability for whom?


    Lumped in with you, a beer-drinking depressive who longs for a re-make of On The Buses, you're dragging the death age average down. Dragging things down is very you.


    Lumped in with Yoga/vegan types who I have more in common with, I'm on the short end of them, but still leaving you well behind in the dust.


    The diff: I feel a little bad about that. While you want to gloat over it to some ancient, penniless 3rd world janitor. 

    • Sad 1
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  2. 6 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

    My father had a genius level IQ, and his two sons are pretty smart. 

    On this subject, I am unburdened. I am dead-average, so if brain power = lifespan, I'm already dead for at least five years.


    But clearly, educated (diff from smart) people with money live longer.


    I got a full range of possibly helpful genetic testing. I get a colonoscopy every 3 years. A blood test twice a year. I have a gym trainer. Plus no stress. More money deff means less stress.

    • Sad 1
  3. Uh-uh. It's not even necessarily true.


    Life Expectancy Calculators put me at 80% likely to hit 86 and 20% likely to hit 92. And that's loading me in statistically with a lot of deadwood like from here.


    With $$$'s, brains, zero stress, and a decent diet, I think 90 is really my baseline and 95 is possible. Plus Big Pharma is working around the clock to develop new technology (sell me stuff).




    • Confused 2
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  4. My cop brother once came upon a suicide victim in a motel bath tub.


    The guy had left a note -and $200 in cash to replace the bathtub. We say that nice guy attitude is what put the gun in his mouth more than his personal tragedy.


    If they find my body, well, that's someone else's problem. I paid enough tax and did enough good deeds in my life for someone -who gets paid to do it- to drag me to the crematorium. 


    That guy worrying about the maid finding him dead should just use google translate and tip her out now.



    • Sad 2
  5. ....But as long as I'm here, I have always wanted to take a Tahitian cruise. What one did you pick and why? I looked and looked at the Paul Gaughan cruise line, but have never pulled the ticket.


    My big Tahiti fear: I went to Kuai, the least spoiled Hawaiian island. And it was a little on the boring side. 


    Tipping-wise, I'm going to Bhutan this smoke season. That's an expected $20 a day for the guide and $10 for the driver.


    Or some comically awkward attempt at dodging them when getting off the bus for the last time. 

  6. Cynthia Kane is a good one to read for quick and thoughtful overviews.


    Buddha's Brain, if you want an 8 hour listen and you like his style. Since you liked Think Like A Roman Emperor, take a look at his title, Resilient, which talks about the Stoic/Buddhist overlap. 


    10 day retreats tend to be by The Goenke organization. They focus a lot on noting body sensations. To me, a bit of a distraction, but def a reasonable way "in".

  7. Stickman's Reader's Contribution page has a two-parter from a hilarious monger with lots of detail.




    Yes, his pinay horror story.


    This, from the writer of Poems to my Pinay. How soon it can all go from winsome, reflective poems to a swirling vortex of horror.


    Poems to my Pinay is available as a free download -surely no takers, even from (especially from) the Pinay in question.


    What I recall:


    -Koreans are running more and more bars and that's a bad thing.

    -Much lamenting about the lack of old style mama sans.


    I've been twice. It's like Thailand meets Mexico. Just pick.

  8. Stickman's Reader's Contribution page has a two-parter from a hilarious monger with lots of detail.




    Yes, his pinay horror story.


    This, from the writer of Poems to my Pinay. How soon it can all go from winsome, reflective poems to a swirling vortex of horror.


    Poems to my Pinay is available as a free download -surely no takers, even from (especially from) the Pinay in question.


    What I recall:


    -Koreans are running more and more bars and that's a bad thing.

    -Much lamenting about the lack of old style mama sans.


    I've been twice. It's like Thailand meets Mexico. Just pick.

  9. The odds of you complaining here about cruise ship corkage fees being funny or interesting are zero.


    Aren't cruise tips factored in at the get-go with a box you can uncheck?


    And as an inadvertent Alan Partridge parody, didn't you long ago uncheck that box with zesty satisfaction?


    Will that Fillipino indentured-slave to his family you call a bartender be anything less than over-gracious when you stiff him when he shuffles over with a propah pint of IPA?

  10. 2 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    many Indian Thali restaurants where the food is dished out onto a banana leaf along with a mound of rice..


    As long as the table is clean, what's the problem?

    This great ol' tradition of thwacking your banana leaf with curry goo from a bucket may be gone.  


    'Looked for it in vain in Singapore this year, even at fabled The Banana Leaf Apollo -who provided plates and not a banana leaf, and then brought all the little bites together from a steam table at the same time.


    Same in Kuala Lumpur.  Possibly a victim of Covid?

    • Sad 1
  11. It that you want to cling to stranger's legs on the internet to press your cheap Charlie claim -that has already been beaten to death tens of thousands of times here- that reeks of dull desperation.


    Short version: As a sniffy Brit, no sane service worker expects dime-one out of you.

    • Like 1
  12. Given the found nowhere else on earth preponderance of self-proclaimed Mensa member genius's here, I can't afford to block anyone. 

    It's just so weird that the world's intellectual 1% all live in cheap condo's, living on less money than a postman's salary, and are dating women with 9th grade educations.


    It's gotta be a long game genius-thing, no? Whatever it is, I know going in that I'm not smart enough to understand it.

    • Confused 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Chris Daley said:

    British cuisine.  Everyone wants it but they can't get it right.

    I read here about evil miscreants stealing the bottles of HP sauce that gracious restaurants supply with the breakfast that killed more Brits than Hitler. 


    Wouldn't seeing such a small potato's thief being merrily beaten about the head and neck with a bottle of HP sauce qualify as a small and under-rated pleasure?


    Relatedly, Tiptree, the pricey jam people, sell an average-sized bottle of brown sauce for 3 quid. You'd have to have it on a chain. But someone would prob just bring a straw.



    • Sad 1
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  14. There are tons of places that do this in the states, so it may be worth sending it overseas.


    I found a small micro-cassette tape of my deceased wife practicing Spanish and had it converted to a CD for myself and her relatives. $20 per CD.


    Amazon USA also sells (or sold) a duel VCR/CD machine which could dupe your cassette.

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