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Everything posted by parallelman

  1. It's all relative. And what's wrong with being a cleaner? This guy seems to be doing okay. 😄
  2. Yes I think I have lost time...replying to to you. Open your eyes and ears. Dave Weiss, one leading FE YOUTUBER, stated categorically that a 24 hour couldn't happen on a Flat Earth. And yes I know about the diverse ideas within the cult but ultimately 'it's a flat Earth'. Jeran Campanella, one of the FE's who went on the Antarctic trip Sun has admitted he was wrong and that there is a 24 hour Sun. He has left the FE cult, received many insults etc. but he now knows that the Earth isn't flat. It is you who needs to question and start thinking with an open mind. You are missing so much wonder living in a FE Closet.
  3. Oh dear, clutching at straws. The Earth is a spheroid and all the FE's are striving and arguing among themselves after the 24 hour Sun debunked flat earth (which FE's said coundn't happen) Get over it.
  4. https://flatearth.ws/polar-circumnav
  5. Agreed. I don't understand why the B.E. no longer supplies this and that and why they stpped PP renewal.
  6. My stamp transfer was at Udornthani and only handed them the old and new passport plus letter. But different IMO's do have different requirements for for other things too, something we have to live with I suppose.
  7. Yes, I used this agent. No problem. New Passport + letter for immigration.
  8. Sunni Williams looks as though the long stay has taken its toll. But then if one thought it was only going to be 8 days....
  9. Quantum Physicists usually stay away from this if for no other reason that it can't be tested in machines like LHC. Consciousness, let alone the subconsious, can't really be defined and at present still remain in the domain of Philosophy etc. However, QFT tells us that everything is the result of interaction between Elementary and Fundamental Fields so any last 'puff' of brain activity could just be Fields settling to their elementary states.
  10. As long as the travel is straight (no curves or gradients) then a steady increase increase in velocity would be okay. Don't forget the 'force of gravity' is downtowards the Earth's center. The slightest curve however would invoke the centripital/centrifugal/'g force'. Say 5000kim/h is about 1389m/s. a circle radius of 30km would still result in about 64g, enough to kill a human. Now that's for an aircraft and how tight a curve it could make but for a vactrain under water I don't know how that would modify the equations. Perhaps an engineer member here could work that out.
  11. It states quite clearly at the top of page 2 of 6 '...The official at the agency/institution you use will then sign and stamp the Life Certificate'.
  12. A lot could happen in the next 7 years. The orbit could be disturbed either causing the asteroid to move away from Earth...or put it on a more direct path towards us. Maybe it will do us a favour and shift some of that mass of debris/junk already around Earth, Ha!
  13. But they are blaming the 'smog'. If the 'smog' was that thick one wouldn't be able to see the signs anyway...especially if driving too fastin bad conditions.
  14. In my bank accounts the interest is listed and then a tax deductuon. So it would seem that the bank does it automatically. Not quite sure if that's the same thing though.
  15. Definitely an issue today in Thailand is debris on the road. Larrge trucks overload and spill onto the road. Certainly in the area where I live, it has gotten worse over the past 10-15 years
  16. Start cleaning my own front door???? What are you on about. We are discussing an incident in Thailand that happened recently, not back in an a era, and place. where & hen things were a lot different.
  17. Allowed to ride a m/b at 13? I would usually offer condolences to the family but perhaps in this case the parents should be prosecuted. Sad loss of a very young life.
  18. Not really, Transgender is a transformation, hence the term. Gay people (I use 'gay' as a general category here) have an affinity for same sex relationships. As far as I am aware there is no definitive asnwer as to why this happens, plenty of hypotheses sure, But then again, we can;t define many things that are related to the physical-mental states and their attractions. And not all gay people want to change.
  19. Sounds a bit like Halloween has come early this year.
  20. Well Pres. Biden thought it was a big enough deal '...we got your back.'
  21. Must say I haven't heard that one before (in Thailand, that is) Overdoing it a bit?
  22. I mean no disresepect but sad events like this always makes me think of the 'One night in Bangkok' song. Like it or not that's the city's reputation. My condolenses to the family.
  23. Just been looking at some news and the FAA said that the military do fly in the said region (and have been doing so for years) training for emergency situations. We'll have to wait for the BB analysis to find out what was going on.
  24. Certainly according to various outlets the airport seems to be one of the busiest. Just before the collision, one aircraft coming in to land while there is another taking off so the control tower and pilots seem expert enough. My questions would be; how often to military helicopters fly that route? If none, then what was that one doing there in the first place and what was the military helicopter port control instructions?
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