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Everything posted by parallelman

  1. I'm not saying I like the idea nor perhaps does PE Trump but no doubt he wants to keep an eye on what is going on to avoid surprises. No doubt the IT crowd feel the same same about him...hence I used the word 'need'. A 'world communication' system was almost inevitbale because such ideas were around in the 1930/1940's. Information Theory, IT, was born when Claud Shanon, Alan Turing and others were busy laying the groundwork for what we have today. I too grew up in an era where there wasn't an internet & social media and although I knew nothing of Alan Turing's work I did know a little about C. Shanon etc...and studiying Astronomy at the time it wasn't hard to extrapolate and guess what was coming.
  2. I don't know about the 'Morning Joe' program but I am not surprised about High Tech and Platforms thereof. My guess is that PE Trump acknowledges that we live in a High Tech/Social Media age and if he intends for the US to be more self-sufficient then he will need them just as much as they will need him, to maintain that.
  3. I don't visit Malls much and rarely eat at/from Pizza Chains. However, that doesn't stop 'unwanted particles' being in Thai food that I eat and most are small sharp bone splinters mixed in the rice. But glass in food is a serious event and in this case I can only imagine that somewhere along the line some of the ingredients were mixed in a glass container which splintered or broke.
  4. I am TT so I don't what what 'spirit' is black...do Thais drink Guinness? That's the only 'spirit' I know that is almost black...never heard about it climbing through open windows though 😀.
  5. Sounds like you have Allergic Bronchitis inflamation caused by some pollutant(s). If it worse in town then it could be increase in dust and fumes. Several Bronchodialator treaments are available, including certain steroids and some inhalers although the latter may only give temprary relief.
  6. Well if you '...marry a Thai wife...' aren't you off to bad start anyway? I mean why marry someoneone who is already '...a wife...'? 😆
  7. Obviously Thaksin doesn't like the idea that a major independent institution being able to disclose the truth about the economy of Thailand...just as he doesn't want the truth to come out about his 'hospitalisation'. What surprises me is the comspicuious silence of Army related MP's telling Thaksin to 'shut up'...or do they want him to be the cause of another coup?
  8. Like the bit about '...duplication of effort...'. Since when have Thai Gov. depts. been worried about duplication? Next step, House Comm. orders x number of brown envelopes. If all those other depts have been/are investigating the same where are their conclusions. I mean, how long does it take to view a persons hospitalisation file?
  9. Imo, if V.P. extends the war elslewhere he will only do so by using tactical nukes. He thought he would take Ukrane in a very short time but his conventional weapons have not been successful in doing that. So he must realise that making strikes anywhere else with the same type of weopons will also be unsuccessful (in terms of winning 'the day' as it were). That leaves him with only the nuke option. But even then he must realise that if doesn't kill (all) his opposition in a first strike Russia will suffer from nuclear strikes too.
  10. Imo, if V.P. extends the war elslewhere he will only do so by using tactical nukes. He thought he would take Ukrane in a very short time but his conventional weapons have not been successful in doing that. So he must realise that making strikes anywhere else with the same type of weopons will also be unsuccessful (in terms of winning 'the day' as it were). That leaves him with only the nuke option. But even then he must realise that if doesn't kill (all) his opposition in a first strike Russia will suffer from nuclear strikes too.
  11. I must say that I really don't see what all the fuss is about. (I don't have an 'X' or Facebook account.) Things change from time to time, swings one way and then another. All it means is tha 'X' is now turning to the Right of politics where before it was to the Left. I am sure that the Guardian won't lose out and will adjust to keep its followers/readers.
  12. If you are taliking about the next President then you are saying that they have failed already?
  13. The Demacrats might have lost the election buI are still in power...are you saying that the present government are failed fascists?
  14. Although I don't actually know, I wouldn't have thought the USA was/is the only source of military supplies. And if the the rest of the world didn't supply the Middle East militaries would continue fighting with whatever they could use...pehaps the best way since bows and arrows are explosive 🙂
  15. While I agree something should be done, a 'ramming adventure' might not be what the patient needs.
  16. Standing on one leg is simple for most elderly folk. The important exercise is standing on one leg, the other rasied to waist level (90o angle) or higher and perforing various arm exercises (to the sides, raised etc.) for 10-15 secs each leg. Not a good idea to go beyond 20 secs as this can put excessive pressure on the standing knee
  17. 'Where ever you may be let the wind go free....' supposed to be on a gravestone or two I understand. A few days of the white menthol mixture (ยาธาตุน้ำขาว) might be worth a try. It transforms flatulence into mild burps.
  18. Don't think that is a good comment. The video shows the road is clear and indeed the ambulance was not moving at speed nor sounding sirens either. Siens were used when the car blocked the amulance...aon a clear road.The video shows it was a deliberate act to delay or stop the amubulance not once but twice. The driver of the car should receive a s jail entence.
  19. I have been recieving my company pension Certificate of Existence every year for years and used to get it signed by my BKK Bank Mananger. However, about 3 years ago the Bank informed me that by government instruction they could no longer be a counter signatory in such cases so I now have it signed by my Dentist. It used to be that I had to return the counter signed CoE to the company but during the Covid pandemic where mail was being disrupted, the company said I could scan the CoE and send the PDF by email. Have been doing so that since then.
  20. Just a few days ago it 150+ people died in Vietnam now 180+ in CA. Blame Climate Change or not 'mother nature' can be a killing machine. Sad to see that damage in CA.
  21. Glad to hear that ghosts are keeping up modern trends...Very hungry ghost indeed with a bagful like that.
  22. 30 +years ago I came to Thailand on a Non-B, firstly on Marriage system and then switched to Retirement later. Didn't change visa type and still have the same Non-B. Has the system changed?
  23. Well presumably, if Sex Workers have a Tax ID I wonder if they'll be given a 'Job Description' too? That would make a 'fun' reading. Will they have cock, sorry, 'clock in', do shift rota etc.? Seriously though, would the government actually make sure these workers are taken care of with things like medical care and proper protection? What kind of 'books' are the workers going to keep for income assessment? Or is it just going to be 'give us tax and carry on as usual'.
  24. Very tragic. Sincere condolences to the families. If the driver did flee the scene there are lots of questions there. Such as did he flee the scene before trying to help those inside or after when he realised they were trapped?
  25. Ahh, so the foriegner is known to the community. Police have sufficient evidence...thge the suspect needs to be put away.
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