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Everything posted by parallelman

  1. My understanding is that Project 2025 is a product of The Heritage Foundation, which I have heard say is a kind of Conservative 'think tank' and has its origins in 1980's. It is not specifically for, or by, Donald Trump but, as I understand it, a list of procedures to develop policies that a Conservative President should follow. News outlets on the issue say Donald Trump was not one of the authors nor owns any of the content. Donald Trump, apparently, likes some of the proposals in the manuscrpt but dislikes others. However, because it is Donald Trump campaigning for a second term in office then such a document is bound to cause 'waves'.
  2. Are there no RC schools in the district if parents want their children to taught such? And of course, there are probably the other 'schools' too...I think they are called a Church.
  3. This is not good for anyone involved. If Boeing did drop out because of development problems it might affect contingency/backup plans that are necessary in such ventures. I can't imagine that Musk welcomes this because it places extra pressure on his own programmes. I hope all turns out well and the astrounauts return safely.
  4. Sounds encouraging too, eh...I don't think.
  5. I wonder if you would feel the same if Thaksin suggested that immigration should increase the financial requirements for expats staying in Thailand or suggest that a tax ID be required for yearly extensions or...Oh I suppose you would just 'up and leave'
  6. Then why use a Thai economical stratergy as his topic? He could have talked his family and how he proud of his daughter etc. and even say that in his opinion Thai peole need more help. But If the words of the OP are accurate then he was clearly giving advice and laying out a stratgy. I just hope that the military don't see his words and deeds as interference and decide to do something about it.
  7. Tragic. My condolences to the families of those on board.
  8. While I would agree that Buddhism is a philosphy, Thai people also page homage to various gods. I doubt there is any expat here who hasn't been taken by Thai friends or family to a temple or shrine where instead of Buhda other statue images are laced with various 'gifts' or offerings. The Erawan Shrine in BKK is a good example where there is an image of Maha Brahma. Then there are the various 'gods' of the land, more often called spirits, which again I'm sure expats know about. Then there are the very ornate dancing spectacles that dipict the various gods and demons, such as the Khon, โขน.
  9. Of course it is...a 'family holiday resort' isn't that what we've been told?
  10. He's a former stunt man shouldn't others be asking for his advice?
  11. Definitely not photoshopped. On TV news getting out of a Limo being met by his daughter then walking around.
  12. While I agree with you it seems that Thailand doesn't agree with our view. Aagain from The Nation yesyerday apparently during an interview quote; 'When asked if he would assist in a political capacity, Thaksin replied, “No, I’m too old for that. I’m 75.” So it seems that The Nation has assumed that he would be allowed to take office. Incredible!
  13. From last weeks thread (posted there yesterday) Seems that Thaksin disagrees with you. It'll be interesting to see if Thai media has anything to say about him appearing in uniform.
  14. There's our answer. Thaksin Shinawatra Granted Royal Pardon, Released from Prison Term Immediately
  15. Echoed my thoughts when I saw the news. I asked two Thai people who looking at the same and you'll never guess what they said to me...TIT. Ha, I had to laugh. They also said that they didn't know why he was allowed to do this. I'll keep an eye open to see if any news programme explains it.
  16. Dad is looking fine especially in uniform.
  17. I don't actually know or have proof but a Chinese-Thai Engineering Director friend told me that Thaksin & family are Chinese-Thais. Again not sure, but I think the Thai law says Chinese-Thais can hold office but must be at least twice-removed from Chinese origin. Perhaps a forum member here can give a more accurate comment.
  18. So using Earths Polar radius and 435 km above the surface the'll be travelling at around 27,220 km/h, orbiting the Earth in about 1.69 hours. This mission will infuriate Flat Earthers. 😀
  19. Probably in the form of some kind of 'chemical mud' in porous material and at that depth we aren't going to know anytime soon.
  20. Certainly plays havoc on my buttocks. When I exercise I do build up a sweat and if I use softener on my underwear I get a red rash below and it gets very sore especially when doing sit-ups. Now I wash my underclothes and exercise outfit without the use of softener and no problem.
  21. Thank you. Yes I saw these yesterday. enjoyed the music.
  22. Thank you. I looked up Youtube and there seems to have been some early movies from 50's which look like pre-breakdance and then the Bronx Boys. Ha, I didn't know about these movies. Oh well learn something new every day.
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