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The Cyclist

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Everything posted by The Cyclist

  1. Hah Too funny 😀😀 It will be different this time, or something equally stupid.
  2. Thai Tax Consultant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mNdXpvY1GQ Go phone him and tell him he is wrong. Please record the conversation and post it on here, so that we can all have a good chuckle as he rips you a new one.
  3. Sure, if you go through other processes. I am only talking about monthly payments, like pensions etc.
  4. To the best of my understanding. The only exempt foreign income, is income prior to 01 Jan 2024. Any foreign income after 01 Jan 2024 and remitted in 2024, is automatically assessable income, regardless of source. Tax residents require to file a tax return if that income exceeds the 60 / 120 / 220k assessable limit. Which then brings in DTA's It will then be exempt Thai taxation, due to Country X, Y or Z having exclusive taxation rights. Or Tax Credits will be applied, to ensure that double taxation does not take place. Certain Thai visa's quite possibly also exempt people from paying tax on overseas income
  5. The assessable thresholds couldn't get any lower 60 / 120 / 220 k baht a year, as laid down in the revenue code. The thresholds where people start paying tax, are different for each individual.
  6. Go back to the original tax thread, and you will see me giving Listerine pelters. I was the guy asking him if he was the window cleaner at the big 4. I have had more than my fair share of both agreements and disagreements with changmai
  7. Some streams of Income are exempt taxation in Thailand, or to use the wording on a DTA, can only be taxed exclusively by country X, Y or Z. ( Which pretty much makes them exempt ) Some income streams are taxable in Thailand, but will be subject to a Tax Credit to ensure that they are not taxed twice. Royal Decree 18:does not say exempt from filing a tax return in compliance with Tax Laws if you are a tax resident of Thailand.
  8. I believe that the Revenue Department has. It goes along the lines of, as a tax resident, if you earn income in 2024 and remit it to Thailand in 2024 it is assessable income for tax purposes. The Thai Guy, a tax Consultant, reiterates that. Perhaps you could explain where a DTA, exempts anyone, from filing a tax return, in a Country where they are resident for tax purposes ? Or perhaps you would like to revert back to the mantra of, a DTA says my income is non assessable in Thailand for tax purposes. Only it doesn't. As the Thai guy, who is a Tax Consultant, reiterates.
  9. I don't think anyone is ******* themselves, most will pay nothing or very little in the way of tax. No-one is claiming that all expats have to file a tax return For a potential tax bill that might top out at 10,000 Baht, sure, makes absolute sense, to someone, somewhere.
  10. Why would Thailand need tax agents that speak 40 languages ? Tax filing can be done in 2 languages, Thai and English. But the poster is correct. Tax people too much, and those that can leave, will leave.
  11. And ? He is Thai, he is a Tax Consultant that works for Siam Legal. People only need to ask themselves one simple question. What is the purpose of a DTA ? And the answer is to prevent Double taxation. It is not, and never has been, a document that exempts anyone from filing a tax return, in another Country where they are a tax resident. That it has been ignored, un-enforced, or nobody gave a **** in the past, does not change the purpose of a DTA.
  12. Think that is called denial, obfuscation and whataboutery. Supermarkets were claiming the official population figures were utter garbage at least 15 years ago.
  13. This Thai, Tax Consultant is not an anonymous poster Particular attention should be said about what he says about US Social Security ( And by extension, other pensions that are only taxable in the other Country ) And this is my understanding of DTA's 1. They ensure that a person is not double taxed. 2. They do not exempt a person from Tax filing. Up to the 3 minute mark covers debit / credit cards. 3 minutes onwards covers everything else.
  14. Possibly Or as I have said previously, they might just produce a new form ( Lets call it a PND 92 ) for foreign tax residents. Leave the current PND 90 / 91 for Thais and people who work legally in Thailand. There really is no need to update those 2 forms to deal with stuff that falls under DTA's etc.
  15. My bad. Yes, I forgot Pre 2024 savings. The Jury is out with me on this non assessable thing. I personally do not think this is correct. Time will tell on that one.
  16. Agreed. I'm beginning to think that the only people who do not need to file are Those that are Non Tax Residents Those that do not remit any money. Those that remit less than the 60 / 120 / 220k filing thresholds.
  17. Both pensions above fall under Thai taxation. The UK State Pension is not a Government Pension ( Despite it being paid by the Government via the DWP )
  18. Sainsbury makes the headlines the reality is somewhat different https://www.theguardian.com/business/2025/jan/24/uk-inflation-bank-of-england-interest-rate-dilemma-flash-pmi Budget for Growth Growth Growth
  19. The damage is done. Why would they even think about coming back.
  20. Tip of the iceberg. Between 300 - 500k in London alone. Triple that number and it would be more accurate.
  21. The main issue at the moment, is not about paying tax. Its trying to get a straight answer on the need to actually file. And I have read at least one poster filing and receiving a no tax to pay certificate.
  22. Other than upgrading my IPAD, I have no idea. Yes, my LHG can still use the cash on delivery method, and i'm sure millions of others can also. For reasons unknown to me, I am not one of those millions.
  23. The only point of view that carries any weight, or actually matters. Is the point of view held by you and your wife.
  24. I agree For certain crimes, where guilt is 200% confirmed, like this case, and many others over the last decade or 2. Hang them. They are not worthy of having so called " Human Rights "
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