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Wake Up1

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Everything posted by Wake Up1

  1. 10 year LTR visa is 50,000 baht and no 90 day reports and exempt from Thailand taxes owed and you can get a work permit if desired. I don’t see anyone close to age 50 and above paying anything close to 6 million baht now that the LTR visa is available. I prefer the LTR visa and its benefits and cost over any and all the various Thai Elite Visas.
  2. Hotels are the answer. People who live in condos or neighborhoods don’t want to put up with illegal AirBnB owners, users and parties. Prosecute the owners and users of illegal AirBnB condos.
  3. He was probably out of his province. Out of province atm fees are 15 or 20 baht. Out of province bank deposits are 15 baht. So out of province cashless transfers are similar to atm withdrawals with a 15 baht fee.
  4. 19 year old Driver. All over the world 18 and 19 year old drivers have the highest insurance rates for a reason. All of us were 19 and did dumb things once. Death penalty rhetoric for 19 year old drivers is either a wind up or you need some mental help.
  5. No one said anyone drives like saints! But to state as a fact that many motorbikes hit cars and car mirrors and do not stop in Bangkok is not correct information.
  6. Driven in Bangkok for many years and I live near the accident scene. Only once in many years did a motorbike hit my mirror and he stopped. No real damage. I find your version of stating motorbikes hit your cars often is either misleading or you are the most unlucky driver in Bangkok. Yes there are a lot of motorbikes. Yes they pass on both sides of your car. But they do not collide with cars or mirrors often with the majority of drivers.
  7. Thank you. I looked up the USA embassy website and you are correct. I did not believe the USA embassy would certify a foreign passport but they will.
  8. Did you overreact like this when you were a child? Get some perspective. Calm down and learn to not fear the worse possible outcomes. Chill 😊
  9. LTR do not pay tax on income earned outside of Thailand.
  10. Bangkok Bank withholds 15 percent from fixed accounts even if they know your tax number. Step one - last week went to Bangkok bank and got the tax receipt from the teller for tax paid step two - walked to Times Square Building on sukhumvit road ( located between Sheraton Grande Hotel and Korean Town) Went to the 13 floor to Thailand tax office. There a nice lady speaks English and she filled out my tax return for the withheld interest and showed me where to sign. then walk to desk 7 and file your return. Get a receipt and in 30 to 60 day you get a check in the mail for your withheld interest. if you don’t have a tax identification number then get one at Times Square Building 13 floor and then repeat steps one and two above. if you never get a refund check after two months (happened once in last several years ) go to the tax office on sukhumvit Soi 13 and advise them with your passport and tax return. They will resolve your issue and get you a replacement refund check.
  11. Your first renewal from two years to five years must be renewed before the two year license expires. If you renew it after the two year license expires you only get two years again and not five years. When you get your five year license you wait until after your birthday month to renew your five year license and you get six years instead of five years. Big difference between the two year and five year license renewal strategy.
  12. As long as they swear to not eat the cats and the dogs. 🐶 🐈
  13. Not sure about Chang Mai location to get authentic as I am in Bangkok. You get your Thailand birth certificate translated into English by a services recognized by your embassy. Your enbassy has a list of approved Thai translators. Then you take the original and translated birth certificate to the MFA office in Thailand to get the authentic stamp. In Bangkok you go to the attached office at Chang Wattana. I would guess Chang Mai has an MFA office also.
  14. He could have gotten the 10 year LTR visa for 50,000 baht and not paid any taxes in Thailand for worldwide income. Two hours to spare- Nice story. 😊
  15. I got the LTR after doing one year extensions for several years at CW. Worth the 50,000 baht I spent for the LTR visa. Easy to submit paper work. LTR staff helpful, kind, educated and pleasant to deal with. No visiting CW. 1 year report rather than 90 day report. Can get a residence certificate the same day for 500 baht. No Thailand tax issues. Can get a work permit if you want one. No 800k needed in the Thai bank. Multiple re-entry permit included in the price. IMO much better value than one year extensions or elite visa. Basically no visa issues for 10 years except to show you still qualify after 5 years.
  16. Moderator please close. The first response was correct and issue resolved. Thank you
  17. Miscommunication between nurse and me. Not affecting health care.
  18. Thank you. What you stated makes sense to me. I did not understand the nurse and we had miscommunication. Thank you for explaining the process to me. 😊
  19. Thai wife having a baby soon. Bangkok hospital wants my USA passport translated to Thai and they want my USA passport authenticated by the USA embassy. no problem but the nurse states I have to get the translation papers of my USA passport from English to Thai authenticated by the USA embassy as well as my USA passport . makes no sense to me. Any USA dads in last 12 months dealt with this issue of getting a birth certificate for a baby in Bangkok. if yes in Bangkok and yes in last 12 months and yes USA father and Thai mother please help me understand what I need the USA embassy to do. I have an appointment with the USA embassy next week. also if you have a translation company you recommend in Bangkok please share their information and costs. thank you. Anyone have any nasty things to say about having a baby please move on and refrain from sharing your negative opinions.
  20. Someone is always hiding something in the Trump conspiracy world. It is always someone’s else’s fault because he is the greatest ever at everything. Hard to believe adults are still falling for his con and grifting. An orange face con man. Will be glad when he is gone.
  21. Look up the backers of this group you use as a source. They are pro Trump supporters. America is too smart to allow this grifter to take the White House again. The orange man is clearly a fraud that has conned a lot of gullible people. Time to end his madness and the MAGA cult religion.
  22. Capital One personal or business credit cards give 1.5 percent cash back and no foreign transaction fees. Decent exchange rate. Apple Card also gives one or two percent back with no transaction fees. Capital One will mail you a card to Thailand if you are a USA citizen. They sent me a replacement business card to Thailand by express mail at their expense.
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