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Wake Up1

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Everything posted by Wake Up1

  1. All of the above is required by Sattihip. That is why I need advice from someone in Sattihip that has done Thai process if possible.
  2. That sounds nice but Sattihip requires more including having my passport transcribed into Thai language and my parents USA names translated into Thai language among other requirements.
  3. Thank you for your help. Where did you get your passport translated into Thai and did you have a separate paper for translating your parents names into Thai ?
  4. Hello I am a USA citizen trying to get a yellow house book in Sattihip District Chonburi Province. Would someone who has been through the process help me understand in English what I need to do please ? I have uploaded the written requirements in Thai language. The Chonburi Sattihip office does not have an English speaking officer that can help me and my family understand where to go or what to do. Thank you
  5. You will not love Thailand if you go places you are clearly not wanted. The condo office clearly says they don’t want you. Some Thai only bars and clubs don’t want us. Move on to a place in condo Thailand that does want you.
  6. I am glad Congress must pass tax policy. Why do people believe the President controls tax policy ?
  7. To the OP You sound similar to the Muslim men of Afghanistan. The people you label as radicals. This mistaken interpretation of biblical anti women rhetoric needs to stop.
  8. In my opinion many great benefit’s and definitely worth every baht. . One of the best benefits is never having to deal with CW. The immigration officers at the One Stop Center are professional and knowledgeable. You can get a residency certificate same day for 500 baht unlike CW. The LTR staff are wonderful and knowledgeable.
  9. Another weird comment by a Trump cult member. Always talking like you know things you don’t know. Go ahead live wherever you want and do what you want. Just stop acting like voting residency is a short term requirement. Or continue to spread your version of the truth like your hero does.
  10. No you sound like a guy that does not know the state election laws and you are just mouthing off nonsense.
  11. β€œ Changed to somewhere where my vote is magnified” you sound like a Trumpy supporter.
  12. Imagine America and world leaders having to put up with this weirdness and this weird guy for four more years. Please no. Stop the orange man who wears more makeup than other clowns. .
  13. More weird behavior by the orange face. But loved by his cult who love and embrace weirdness.
  14. I will take him over the orange weird one any day of the week. And over the cult members that worship the orange face. Adults worshipping an old man that acts weird and is a sore loser. And they believe he is one of them and loves them. Would be a great comedy skit if it was not real.
  15. Where are the Ronald Reagan Republicans Ike me? I did not support the fake WMD war against Iraq and Dick Chaney. I also have never supported a con man like the Donald. But Liz Cheney is one of the few to call the Donald a disgrace. I wish we had a true Republican Party as the true Republicans like me must vote for Kamala to avoid the mass disaster of the Donald cult. MAGA cult members are naive and act weird. They love a weird acting man who lacks integrity and character. I never imagined a USA that would allow an orange make up face com man to control and memorize a large group of adults who dress up like fools and yell Fight Fight Fight and support January 6 traitors. Good riddance to the Donald. God help the Republican Party to take back control from the MAGA cult and the anti abortion religious radicals.
  16. Sounds like a weird orange man dialogue full of falsehoods.
  17. Amazing to me how the Trump fans listen to him lie daily but always have a fake excuse for his weird and dangerous behavior. How could anyone listen to him tell the world how great he is everyday at solving issues and how terrible everyone is that opposes him. We now have the Democratic Party, the Republican Party the Trump Cult Party. Most descent Republicans and people don’t want anything to do with the orange one who brags he can stop wars instantly and Putin is afraid of him. How dim do you have to be to believe in a man that has never truly accomplished anything for anyone other than hinself. No question exists he is a weak bully with a treasonous tongue, lacks character and integrity and dresses like an orange face combined with a blonde pullover mess on his head. Did some of you ever want to grow up and wear weird clothes while shouting Go Trump Go and Fight Fight Fight. Weird just weird. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 all of his and your actions are weird to normal people.
  18. Obviously you have never actually seen families of Mexico illegally in Texas working to survive starvation. You also have no clue the risks they take to get here. Many more just like you and that is why the weird one must lose this election just like he lost the last election. He is a dangerous con man who somehow gets others to believe his lies and cons through attacks on others. Everyday he lies and everyday he attacks and every day he makes America and the world less great.
  19. You really are clueless. You cannot find USA citizens willing to do the work most illegal Mexicans will do.. They don’t have to do those jobs. Of course if you could find a citizen that had the work effort and honestly of the illegal Mexicans you would hire them same price. illegal Mexicans are working to survive and thankful for a job. Not many citizens have a clue what their life is like including you and the orange face.
  20. Guarantee you more MAGA people in Texas continue to hire Mexican illegal immigrants than any other group. You only know what you hear from the orange face. If we have a mass deportation the economy will suffer high inflation and you will not be able to afford anything that currently uses cheap labor.
  21. If you think being an illegal immigrant in the USA is an easy life then you are naive and brainwashed by BS blame the immigrants propaganda. I have hired many Mexican illegal immigrants and they are the best workers. Honest and simply trying to survive. Before Trump’s attacks in 2016 demonizing the Mexican illegal immigrants name me one politician that claimed we have a problem with the Texas border. None. I grew up in Texas and if you have mass deportation then you have mass inflation and none of the dirty jobs will be done. Get real and get off the hate words of the weird orange man. Can you believe that any real man would follow another man that paints his face orange and does that weird thing with his hair loss? Talk about weird the Donald talks and acts weird Just as weird are the grown ups dressing up in the Donald outfits πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  22. What a weird comment 😎 keep up the weirdness all the way to November 🀣
  23. He was her teacher. He knew her age
  24. You win the weird comment of the day.
  25. Gay men don’t ask the 14 year old girl to lie to her mother that she is with a friend at the mall. Not rocket science 😎
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