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Everything posted by MrPancake

  1. Not doing it will kill your agriculture. Gotta make a choice here...
  2. Thailand, top-notch social safety net hub.
  3. Updates don't eliminate plugins. It might have been deactivated or you might be using private navigation in which case, if the plugin isn't allowed on private tabs, you won't be able to use it. That said if it's really gone, just go on Firefox Extensions website and type in ad blocker. Many plugins to choose from. Sending you an PM with a link.
  4. Far smaller and less developed than Pattaya. Less options to do things. The city configuration isn't great - a bit like an elongated rectangle. It stretches on both sides of a large road coming down from BKK. Going from one side to the other on foot is a pain in the a$$. By car, things get funny when you need to make a u-turn on the highway (dunno if it qualifies as a highway). Also it makes everything distant. The train station area is currently under dev so it's a mess around there? New train station I believe. Expats are the same as in Pattaya imo. A lot of old people. Some have money, others don't. Less mongers of course. Thais are less friendly than in Pattaya imo. Rougher, less caring. I don't know why. My unverified theory has always been that the mentality there is heavily influence by the fact that they are the royal resort. Bars are divided in 3 areas. Soi Bintabaht is more for tourists, soi 80 is more for expats and Wonderland has always been more or less dead as far as I know. Lack of laundromats in the center. This is a real pain in the butt. I moved to Phuket coz I wanted to enjoy decent beaches and pristine water. Didn't regret it. Hua Hin had become dull to me. It's a bit of a depressing town honestly unless you enjoy slow life. Great immigration office at Blueport. That's really a plus. It is nice to spend a couple of weeks there and visit the different temples and hilltops. Imo after 6 months you'll get bored. But who knows... You should go visit if you haven't. Best way to figure out if you'd like it there full time.
  5. Well you don't choose to put gazoline vapors in your body but you do everytime you walk outside. Big deal. Modernity is what it is and the perfect world doesn't exist. Deal with it, bro. Stop being such a puss. Provide your source(s).
  6. Nothing is harmless. A glass of wine or a beer isn't harmless. That said, scientific evidence is clear. Vaping is much much safer than cigarettes. Real harm comes with excessive consumption or when the consumer is a young person with a brain that ain't fully developed yet. I doubt passive vaping is gonna cause you any long-term irreversible damage. If I'm not mistaken, the main component in the vapor is propylene glycol which is also used in clubs to create a foggy atmosphere on the dance floor. You'll be alright.
  7. I find them to be extremely boring. Social status comes with way too much self-censorship.
  8. The entire world seems to have switched to reverse mode these days. The US, Thailand, Europe... A new kind of fascism is on the rise.
  9. Thank you for sharing. Great vid 👍
  10. Maybe just for Songkran yeah then I'll go back to Pattaya or Isaan (not sure yet). I lived in Hua Hin for 3 years (10 years ago or something). It's pretty chill there but it can get a bit boring at times to be honest. I didn't like the beach. Too much horse crap everywhere, hyper salty water, no aquatic life. The monkeys are great 👍
  11. Great vid 👍 Thank you.
  12. I think it dumb. Completely useless garbage. I'm wondering how people can find money for such idiotic projects........
  13. It's not like Thais are already lacking purchase power....
  14. I drink to that my dear illiterate friend 👍 And welcome to Monkey's Island !!
  15. Nope. Incels don't have sex.
  16. You are pretty hard on yourself, bro. You have value you know. It's ok to be a monger. We're mammals after all!
  17. Those two were frickin great too 👍 Next time I get banned I'll use that name...
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