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Everything posted by davb

  1. I wish I could have visited back then. My Thai wife talks about how the street food was better when she was kid and how so much of it now is just a very sugary sauce on low-quality meat or rice. It's frustrating how society seems to be regressing.
  2. Here's the link. Looks like he is sold out. I also bought "Golden Tiger" from him, but none of those seeds sprouted. https://shopee.co.th/เมล็ดพันธุ์กัญชา-Wild-Thai-(-เพศเมีย-Fem-)-เมล็ดพันธุ์ชั้นนำต้นสูงใหญ่-ผลผลิตและอัตราการงอกสูง-แท้-!!-i.798774572.17098199502 Here's another possible source - he should be back soon: https://shop.line.me/@649cumxg/product/1005087295
  3. Here's the link. Looks like he is sold out. I also bought "Golden Tiger" from him, but none of those seeds sprouted. https://shopee.co.th/เมล็ดพันธุ์กัญชา-Wild-Thai-(-เพศเมีย-Fem-)-เมล็ดพันธุ์ชั้นนำต้นสูงใหญ่-ผลผลิตและอัตราการงอกสูง-แท้-!!-i.798774572.17098199502
  4. There's a seller on Shoppee that I got some from a few months ago. I had about a 50 percent failure rate of the seeds sprouting, but a couple of them came up. Haven't harvested yet.
  5. Last month I had a stop in Japan on the way back to Thailand and they scanned my checked baggage and flagged the Pax 3. I was at the gate and security called me aside and searched the bag. The security person didn't know what it was, and I said for smoking tobacco. People were about to board the flight, so she shrugged and let me go. That's the first time I've ever been stopped because of something in checked baggage. I would probably do it again, but like someone else said I would make sure it was thoroughly clean.
  6. Next year my current marriage visa expires and I need to renew it again. The problem is that my wife's daughter is having a grandbaby at that same time and she really, really, really wants to be in the US for it. The expected birth falls a little while before the time I need to begin the renewal process and so she won't be able to go to the immigration office with me. Do I have any options? Can I get some sort of extension on the marriage visa like for six months? I guess I could let it expire and switch to a tourist visa until she returns, and then start the marriage visa process all over again, but that seems like a lot of work. From what I've seen in this forum, she needs to be present the first time we go to the immigration office for the renewal. Thanks for any advice.
  7. This is what I got out of the app as far as amount of electricity used.
  8. Thank you everyone. I found some of the previous bills, so maybe it didn't go up as much as it seems. Here is what I've been paying - I'll try to find the amount of electricity used. I was just really surprised to see it go over 6,000 baht. 2023 April 4,673 May: 5,034 June: 5,063 July: 3,534 Aug: 4,646 Sept. 4,937 Oct - can't find Nov: 3,096 Dec.: 3,111 2024 Jan: 3,452 Feb.: 4,487 March: 5,090 April: 5,317 May: 6,245
  9. I just got our monthly bill for a very small 1-bedroom home and it was 6,200 baht. Does this seem normal? Last year it was always a little under 3,000 baht. In addition to our lights and television, the only electricity we use is for two wall-airconditioners. I know the rates recently went up, but this seems high. About six months ago the neighbor had someone update the wiring into his house. It was a sloppy job and a whole bunch of wires were left hanging from the meter into our yard. Is it possible they somehow connected to our electricity? The guy said he was having work done to help charge his electric car, and it was around then that our bill started going up. Is there a way to tell if he is using our electricity to charge his car? I'm not well-versed in electrical wiring, and the area around the meters (four of them) has wires going everywhere. What do other people pay for a stand-alone home (not a condo) in Bangkok?
  10. Are there any services in Bangkok that will remove junk from a yard? We asked the city, but they said their truck is too big for our road. We have two stacks of old roof tiles about waist-high. Also, some other rusted junk. Maybe one pickup truck load, but probably two. Any advice to find someone to do this would be appreciated.
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