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Everything posted by rice555

  1. Do they know what a "Round Trip" means?
  2. From the now closed(??) Siam Seeds, Burpz- Black Triangle X Purplegas. She be getting close to chop.
  3. Update on the Highgas.
  4. Mrs. rice's Burpz plants(555)
  5. Mrs. rice's High Gas plants(555)
  6. First off, Thank You SumaiGrower for the "Nute-Formula"!! Pic's: #1 R/H High Gas and L/H Burpz plants side by side on a rain break. #2 Same as Pic#1, but, HG L/H and Burpz R/H side. #3 High Gas. #4 Burpz.
  7. Lost Internet twice and the power went off twice, nice light show out side. While the Burpz is bigger, the High Gas has been a fun plant to watch grow. The Highlighter(from Lit Farms) is I think Siam Seed used/bought seed in the High Gas cross. A Bt.67. seed. The Lost In Laos were Bt.50 each. More High Gas pic's.
  8. From Mrs. rice's garden 555. 1. Still some problems with note's. , but only with old growth fan's, not net growth. 2. L. Burpz- Black Triangle x Gaspurple. (center) High Gas-Highliter x Gaspurple and Lost in Laos- GTH and GSC. 3. High Gas. Rain break 5555555
  9. This u-Tube VDO shows how a guy hooking up two monitors with HDMI and USB 3 cables. Starts around the 16min. mark. I also have Mac Mini M2 16GB, also a Dell Monitor, but the U2723QE which has a built in up/down stream hub.
  10. Till the nutrient runoff is about 5-10% of the input. TIA
  11. As in my post, I said I feed them 1 time a day unless they dry out which I check by lifting the bag/pot to feel the weight. The High Gas in the 30 x 30 airpot needs more than the Burpz's in the 40 x 30 felt bag, which is a bit root bound. It's a habit of me saying feeding instead of watering after 24 years of growing hydro veg's in LOS, and only a little in dirt, which I water and fertiagate with drip system. I did flush for 3 days(rain water) and lowered the EC to 1.4. The plants are flowering so I help Mrs rice put them under cover. Two of the 3 plants got damaged from a flash storm, broke up the Lost in Laos(GTH X GSC), lost 1/2 the plant. Pix's 1 & 2. High Gas. After flush and lower EC. 1+ week later. Pix's 3, 4 & 5. Burpz. Same as the above info and the striped fan leaves. Pix's 6, 7 & 8. Lost in Laos. Same info as above and 1/2 the plant, storm damage.
  12. I got my 5-pack today.
  13. Take before you eat, takes longer with a full stomach.
  14. I had ordered more of the capsules 2 days before this thread. Another option for the Starry 4 is, see pix.
  15. Not to be OT, but Roe vs Wade should have never been a law. Later on in life she admitted "she" spread her legs, was not rapped, the base of the law was on a false claim.
  16. Forgot the USB on the bottom and the basket is full of Strawberry Gorilla.
  17. Another for the Starry 4 !!! Taken apart, with the mouth piece rotated and the battery door open, card and coin for size ref. Air adjustment, On-Off, Temp-Battery indicator, Temp + - and screen rotation adjustment buttons.
  18. Mostly the fan leaves, bottom to top. I feed 1 time, maybe 2 if really hot, but with lower EC. Till it runs out the bottom of the AP or GB. Coir/Perlite. RO or Rain Water, pH 6.1, EC 1.7-2.1 Now using 1.7. See pix for nutes. DIY from bulk chems. Started a month before the start of flowering. Shows up more on indica's. The leaf in my post above is Black Triangle X Gaspurple. Also but not as bad, Highlighter X Gaspurple. The #2 pix is the BT X GP (Siam Seed- Burpz) All the older, big fan leaves(affected ones) were pulled. The #3 pix is the older formula I got off RIU, DIY Nutes thread. TIA. rice555
  19. What about the 10-15? plants that a Thai family was allowed to grow for HOME USE, not a commerical grower? Seams that Mr. & Mrs. Somechi are getting forked again! No leafs for the curry.
  20. You don't mean the first 50-50 Prez?
  21. I like you don't know, but Bill Clinton got frequent flyer miles.
  22. Before the BBQ service starts, most people give an envelope to the family to help with the costs. As I sit out here by Phimai, the wife is at a BBQ in Korat of a school friend who died of "C". A few of the school friends saw in the hospital saw her last week, she couldn't talk the wife said, but she cried when she saw her friends at her bedside.
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