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  1. Who's going to Thailand to spend $250 USD a day for "quality" food and drink. For the regular Thai that's a months salary!! Somebody is dreaming
  2. As is usual YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY in all business done in Thailand. One of the downsides to long term staying. I'll start complaining when they drop some bomb that existing accounts may be frozen if the holder doesn't make a regular report, deposit, withdrawal or stool sample. One things for certain. Things will continue to change and not in favor on the long stay expat. Has there been any good news lately concerning expats wishing long stay in LOS? I've not seen it.
  3. I said retirement VISA --- extensions are not done at desk 5 Soi 5 immigration. Also I have not lived in country contiguously for 12 years. I can see why you might need an agent.
  4. The Dragon lady at desk 5 Jomtien gave me a hard time once but I have made 2 retirement visas with her in the last 6 years and didn't need to give her any money under the table. Either way, one has to fill out forms. All the forms you need are in English. They are the same anywhere you go. I call BS. No way you did not fill out any forms. You can do it straight up and save the 19k Baht. Not a big deal unless you are too lazy to spend an hour doing the paper work. I REFUSE to do immigration business with an agent and I don't dare bribe an immigration official. It can be done straight up. I've done 5 over 12 years by myself. The rest of the punters can waste their money and be forced to use an agent for their immigration business. I"m not unhappy they are cracking down foreigners doing banking in country. There are way to many scumbags abusing Thailand for scams and crime. I have had both my Baht and Foreign currency account for about 12 years now. I don't dare close the accounts now as it is very convenient to have them for bringing money into country, immigration and getting cash when I need it.
  5. Is the world also flat? USA didn't land on the moon? Trump didn't lose the 2020 election? LOL!!!
  6. Who is finding this to cause widespread frustration? Perhaps only those how have NO CONSIDERATION for Thai people and their culture. A lot of Thais like this day off to practice religious traditions of merit making and visiting the temple. Who is frustrated about 1 day of not being able to drink at a bar or restaurant? I don't get it. No big deal to me.
  7. "Tikhomirova is alleged to be sharing her cell with more hardened criminals, a situation that has raised alarms among human rights advocates." And we all know Russia is at the leading edge of human rights initiatives ... ah oh wait a minute now.. exactly what human rights advocates are raising alarms?
  8. Ouch, me thinks Trump winning presidency and putting together a wacky administration seems to have given all the crazies a license to "come out" and show their true colors. Scary...
  9. Wait, isn't Pattaya supposed to be the "sun drenched haven" ?? Thaksin should read the news more often.
  10. This is has got to be close to a daily occurrence in Pattaya. Slow thinking and disgruntled punters get pissed out of their mind and cause trouble. Seems this never get's old to comment on 🙂 Move along, another in the endless parade of sots making their way to the join the dregs of the earth.
  11. If anyone on the board is looking for help there are local Thailand "in person" meetings available. https://aathailand.com for meeting schedules and locations. Online meetings are available and are going 24/7 at anytime of the day or night 365 days a year ONLINE! https://aa-intergroup or local Thailand in person meetings https://aathailand.org
  12. Thanks for the news. I'll be giving Pattaya a miss this next time round.
  13. So, this is nice, but I IMHO I would not make the assumption that "we are all alcoholics". I'd take care in labeling someone alcoholic because they drank heavy for a number of years. Just because someone has a drinking problem or decides to quit after drinking regularly for years does NOT make them alcoholic. People who can quit on their own willpower, at least by AA's definition of alcoholism, are not alcoholic. They still have the will power or "discipline" to stop. They can do it on their own. Alcoholics are the ones who know they have to quit, try to quit, but go back to it no matter how great the wish or desire. This is alcoholism. The OP has not stated he is alcoholic, but rather specifically says he was a moderate to heavy drinker. The fact that he is able to give it up on his own tells me he is NOT alcoholic but a moderate to heavy drinker who decided to give it up There is a really good saying that you might here in quality meetings of AA. All alcoholics are drunks but not all drunks are alcoholics. Thorough study of AA literature outlines this simple fact. (read bottom of page 20 to top of page 21 in the AA book) Here they make the differentiation between moderate or heavy drinkers and "real" alcoholics. What I would say to the OP is this. If you find you cannot give it up entirely and drink again in trying to give it up then you are probably alcoholic and AA has an answer for you.
  14. Despite what the history books say, moving to Cambodia is NOT the end of the line. Moving to Vietnam is. ChatGPT answer: Whether moving to Cambodia is the "end of the line" depends entirely on your perspective and circumstances. In Jim's case though it seems anywhere he goes he's going to wind up in a s#!t storm since his penchant for making really had decisions will follow him wherever he goes. Anywhere is the "end of the line" for Jim.
  15. Generally speaking, in my opinion and experience, all rehabs in Thailand (and all over the world) are glorified detox centers and are basically an expensive introduction to AA or NA. All of them will encourage joining AA or NA once the stay is concluded and you are "on our own". Some of them will even start a "patient" on the 12 steps and have them do some of them while in "treatment". An inexpensive way to go about getting recovery from alcoholism (if the man is indeed an alcoholic) is, under a Doctors care, get detoxed from alcohol and then follow up by attending strong AA meetings. (Strong AA meetings are ones that encourage doing the 12 step program with a sponsor who uses AA literature to guide a man through the 12 step program to recovery from alcoholism) Your friend has to be willing to do all this though. If he is not willing to ask for help or work towards recovery than there is not much that can be done. The old adage applies. You can't help someone who doesn't want help. Desperation and eagerness to get recovery is pretty much essential to recover from alcoholism. It doesn't happen, for instance, by only going to AA meetings. In good AA meetings we say meetings are helpful but meetings do not bring about recovery from alcoholism. Doing the 12 step program does. If your man is willing to go to meetings, get a sponsor and do the 12 steps with him he can recovery from alcoholism.
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