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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Didn't Hamas violate the last cease agreement by firing rockets into Israel?
  2. Just curious why you singled them out of the many other news media sites.
  3. Did I post a link or quote anything from The Times of Israel?
  4. Caption on the article: "You rely on Al Jazeera for truth and transparency." I say quite far from the truth and totally biased reporting.
  5. Neutralizing Hamas is a slow, drawn out process, a job made very difficult and risky as Hamas is embedded in the civilian population with no concern for their lives. Hiding out in schools and medical facilities is as low as you can go. Unfortunately, taking control of the border has antagonized the Egyptians. Israel has no choice since Egypt has not been very effective in cutting off supplies and weapons to Hamas. The IDF has been doing a good job of exposing how extensive the Hamas network is and destroying it piece by piece.
  6. China's investments in infrastructure are funded by Chinese lenders and built by Chinese companies using mostly Chinese labor. In Pakistan, the new seaport and highway are part of China's New Silk Road (BRI). Now Pakistan is virtually bankrupt because they cannot service the debt created by these loans. The same thing has happened in Sri Lanka. Both countries have appealed to the IMF to bail them out. These are two of the most glaring examples of what many call debt traps. China has military bases in Djibouti and Cambodia and is negotiating with the Maldives. They are also making a move in the Solomon Islands. Also why is life in Cuba, North Korea and Iran different than we are being told and told by whom?
  7. "Now... we sorta know who did that bombing, right?" Either we know or we don't know. Which is it?
  8. You can request wheelchair assistance at the time of booking. Booking through an agency may require you to call the airline directly to arrange for assistance. Many airlines have independent contractors. It is customary to tip the attendant that assists you. My experience has been excellent service with very courteous and helpful attendants that know how to navigate through security, immigration and customs.
  9. Someone in the Pentagon convinced him to install it. Supposedly it will be towed to an Israeli port for repairs and reinstalled. With that kind of price tag wouldn't air drops be more effective? Either way, both are logistical nightmares.
  10. Not sure how much expats contribute to the economy. I am no economist, but I think the end result will be less revenue collected because of the multiplier effect of retail spending.
  11. In other words charging 4,000 baht for a distance of 6 to 7 kilometers is okay.
  12. So, in your opinion, what should Israel do now? Personally, I think there is no sense in Israel stopping now. My hope is once Israel does stop the civilian population in Gaza will rebel against Hamas and choose to work out something with the Israelis. For that to happen, Hamas leadership needs to be neutered and somehow be replaced by a new governing body. Probably wishful thinking on my part. Growing support for Hamas in the West Bank also needs to be addressed along with cutting off military aid from Iran and others. What a mess.
  13. This is precisely why it was a PRECISE hit. Had the civilians been in the safe zone they wouldn't been killed.
  14. If he keeps it up he won't have any body left to antagonize. Good riddance.
  15. Wow, this is serious. Threats and warnings are not necessary. Just go ahead and block me.
  16. Seems like you've got a problem. The link he posted happens to be one of my links. Stop playing games and wasting my time. Ignorance is bliss. This is not an insult, it is a fact.
  17. Bkk Brian posted a good one. Did you bother to read it?
  18. I took the time to carefully read the article. It is filled with inaccuracies and outright lies. Definitely not a reliable news source.
  19. Just because I furnished information that you were not aware of does not mean I am "defending atrocities." Your logic makes no sense at all. Already other sources are agreeing with Israel's claims. You can believe whatever and whomever you wish. Ignorance is bliss.
  20. How do you interview a dead rape victim? When survivors were found they may have been too traumatized or reluctant to speak for various reasons. Same for witnesses. Personally, I would never talk to anyone, I repeat, Anyone from the U.N.
  21. Israel says these civilians were OUTSIDE of the safe or humanitarian area. Others sources also report that, too.
  22. As you describe, Iran is the key player in all of this. Without their sponsorship of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and other terrorist organizations the situation in the Middle East, and Africa for that matter, would be less chaotic. Since the mullahs took over Iran has been stoking the fires of religious fanaticism fueling instability in this part of the world. Nothing will change until the theocracy in Tehran is removed. The big question is how to accomplish this without major military intervention.
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