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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Opportunists are everywhere ready to take advantage of whatever presents itself as a moneymaker. If they provide a worthwhile service or product, so be it. If they don't then they are scammers that need to be hunted down and prosecuted.
  2. It's a corruption of the fraudulent Fauci. I'm quite sure you figured that one out, but for whatever reason had to comment.
  3. The U.S. is downsizing its forces on Okinawa and relocating much of them to Guam. This is mainly in response to Okinawa's complaints of well publicized incidents involving U.S. servicemen. Abandoning Taiwan and the Philippines will be a tragic mistake. Hopefully, you got it wrong.
  4. This will definitely backfire. It will devastate the GOP come midterm elections. Military veterans and their supporters are a force to reckon with. Not wise to mess with them.
  5. One reason Hawaii's property taxes are lower than the mainland USA is that education is managed and funded by the state government and not by local school districts. On Oahu (Honolulu) where the average home is valued at a million dollars or more, taxes and the overall cost of living is much higher. The latest figures show more Native Hawaiian living out of state than in Hawaii. They are being priced out of "paradise." Is it true that property taxes in Thailand are higher for vacant properties? I was told that when I first visited the country twenty years ago.
  6. Similar to rats abandoning a sinking ship. In this case, it's sketchy passengers scrambling to the lifeboats.
  7. I live on the island of Hawaii and the house is located in a residential subdivision bordering the national park. The main city on the island is 30 minutes away. There is no municipal water system and because of sufficient rainfall I have never had to buy water for my catchment tanks. Other than that we are served by the local utilities. My girlfriend's 30 year old niece lives in Bangkok and has established herself as a budding entrepreneur with several flourishing businesses catering mostly to wealthier Thais. She has managed to buy a townhouse and a nice condo apartment which she rents out. I'm not at liberty to mention her net worth, but I would venture to say she is a multimillionaire. In reference to egg prices, the recent price hike is due to bird flu. Millions of chickens have been culled. Supply cannot meet demand.
  8. They may own their own homes, but not the land they sit on with the government often demolishing homes for pet projects. There have been numerous complaints of these demolitions taking place with very little warning and more complaints of ridiculous compensation and resettlements in substandard structures.
  9. With my age exemption, I pay $200 a year in property taxes on a home conservatively appraised at $400,000. When it comes to egg prices, everything is relative. How many Thais make as much as you? This past November we paid 150 baht for 30 duck eggs while the daily minimum income is around 350 to 400 baht. I think you get the point.
  10. How many non-Chinese realize that property developers in China typically demand partial, or in some cases, full payment, before construction even begins on your new home. And if the developer goes belly up, forget it. It's even a worse country than many thought.
  11. I don't gamble, unless you call the stock market a gambling venue.
  12. Probably not capable in engaging in intelligent conversation, so mimicking the Trump-bashers is an easy out for him.
  13. "Most of the companies ran(sic) by mates of the British politicians" who imported the substandard PPE from China.
  14. Jumping to conclusions and repeating lies seems to be your MO. It so happens that my girl owns the home we live in, has a well paying, permanent job and has a sizeable retirement nest egg. The rent from my home supplements my retirement income. We have a happy, comfortable life together. Do you think smart "people are determined to continue along that stupid path," like stupid people continue to believe their own stupid lies? By the way, saving money is not being cheap unless one is willing to accept a much inferior product in order to save a buck.
  15. Why would anyone fly on Air India unless they were Indian? Or trying to save money?
  16. "setting the stage for even worse carnage in WWII."
  17. The PCR tests are not perfect. The results often are based on what stage of infection, if any, they are taken. You may be disagree, but to call people stupid and the tests absolute nonsense shows your ignorance. https://fullfact.org/online/pcr-test-mullis/
  18. It's going to take more than a sanctuary city to help these confused people. I long for the good old days when everyone had simpler lifestyles. Now it's lifestyles for the simple minded.
  19. I also get my annual flu shot and now my RSV shot. I also keep up to date with my COVID shots, so does my much younger other half. She has tested positive twice for COVID after being exposed at work. She was asymptomatic, while I tested negative both times. Are we just lucky or did being vaccinated work for us? I think a little bit of both. I still wear a mask when in public and no one ever gives me a strange look. I'm pushing 85 and rarely get sick, including catching a cold. I intend to keep it that way. From the onset of COVID it was obvious to me that the virus originated from the Wuhan lab. Why the secrecy and coverup if it did not? Why the delay in allowing the WHO to investigate? Why did Fauci deny that the U.S. was funding gain of function experiments? It will take a while, but eventually incontrovertible evidence will be uncovered to expose the real origin of COVID19.
  20. Does he consider holding elective office as being a federal employee? If so, there are a number of suspects that need to be investigated, including Joe Biden.
  21. The issue more is than just an invasion of privacy. It's what Maxine and her friends are trying to hide. They can run, but they can't hide from DOGE.
  22. No doubt about it; they are on the wrong side.
  23. Does your crystal ball also tell you what is legal and what is not? For your information I do not own a crystal ball that tells me the sky is falling and reveals what Trump and Vance are up to. Don't forget to order a backup crystal ball from China before Trump's new tariffs go into effect. In case you are not aware, the Chinese warranty is worthless like most of its predictions.
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