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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Stink goes with your job. Get used to it.
  2. So you are not only a smell expert, but a cr@p expert also. Next time you go job hunting don't forget to list that in your resume'.
  3. You are correct. The three USAID.gov websites I visited earlier are now only producing a blank page. I also checked a fourth one with the same result.
  4. You keep coming up with all sort of dumb conclusions. I never alluded to or mentioned anything about "deep State". Making things up as you go along. Go play your dumb games with someone else.
  5. USAID websites may be public, but the actual details are hidden. Much of the information are templates for figuring costs. Typical government BS. This is what Americans really think about USAID: https://apnews.com/article/usaid/foreign-aid-freeze-trump-peter-marocco-8253d7dda776df89e10390c1645e78aa
  6. Sorry, this does not account for all of the money. I would like to see a breakdown showing administrative costs.
  7. I don't care if you don't care. Your prerogative. What I do care about is how my tax dollars are being spent.
  8. In other words making comments about something you know nothing about.
  9. Just imagine, Bernie Sanders was complaining that all of this house cleaning wasn't "happening behind closed doors...nothing done in secrecy." Crying because transparency (and accountability) are back.
  10. Has anyone noticed "this is not happening behind closed doors....nothing done in secret"?
  11. Are you sure that is what you are smelling. Could be you need one of these. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_nose
  12. So you think there aren't illegals coming from countries that are recipients of USAID funds? If these illegals have not benefited from the money, then that is a good sign the program is not working as intended. Where did all the money go. THINK!
  13. Evidently, you haven't seen videos of those thousands of illegals coming over the border or watched them being interviewed.
  14. Most of the illegals coming across the border are well dressed and far from starving. Or haven't you noticed? Stop the exaggeration.
  15. Smarter than you, that's for sure.
  16. But the problem has not been fixed and it keeps happening over and over and over. So much for responsibility.
  17. You forgot to mention he is the world's richest ignoramus.
  18. No need for you to spread misinformation. USAID is not the only federal agency distributing aid.
  19. Exactly right. This mismanagement has been going on for years and even the best and brightest will take a while to unravel this convoluted mess. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2025/feb/3/usaid-massive-pool-waste-corruption-shut/
  20. I am not devout follower like you claim, but look to the positive things he is doing like fighting illegal immigration and addressing wasteful spending. Show me where I have supported tax breaks for the rich. You can't because I haven't.
  21. You have spoken about compassion, but you have failed to point to your arrogance. Not everyone in America that is homeless or hungry is a deadbeat. It's quite evident you know very little about the little man. With all your wealth have you formed a charitable foundation to aid only those living outside of the U.S.? You're no better than the man you so despise. Hypocrisy comes to mind.
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