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Posts posted by Hawaiian

  1. 26 minutes ago, Morch said:


    You claim 'war crimes'. There is no actual investigation, there is no such definitive pronouncement by relevant bodies. It's an opinion, mostly aired by biased sources, people, bodies. It's not a fact as your seem to think. To put it in words which might be easier for you to understand - you're jumping the gun.


    I've no idea what 'independent sources' you're on about, or how does that change the fact that there is no proper legal verdict on 'war crimes' being committed.


    As for your last bit - if you say so, kinda doubt it myself.

    Similar to an indictment.  Evidence is not always what it seems to be.  Nothing is certain until a verdict is issued. 

    Seems we already have a judge an jury in place. 


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  2. 16 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Israeli war crimes are sufficiently widely enough alleged that I can safely claim it's not an extreme position. In fact the minority (by far) deny these are war crimes. As I suggested, try reading independent sources. Israel risks being a pariah nation for generations.

    Maybe a pariah in some circles, but if Hamas is eliminated accolades may be the outcome from other quarters.  In a previous post, you mentioned the decades of resentment from the defeated after WWII.  When I pointed out the mutual security and defense treaties made a few years after the war (not decades) you dismissed this as being political and not personal sentiments. 

    Although we can only surmise how the Israelis are perceived after the hostilities end, I would say your negative views will be proven wrong.  Time moves on.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ezzra said:

    Your ignorance and lack of history knowledge is really showing saying that Israel was a 'gift' to the Jewish people after the WWII war,

    i strongly suggests that you go back to the history books and read up on biblical times, the holy land, the origin of the Jewish people and the so called "Palestinian people"..

    ( The Jews in the holy-land has 2000 odd years ago crucified Jesus right? ergo, there were Jews back than living and occupying


    I attended a Catholic School for 12 years where every year religion was a standard course, which naturally included bible study.  Both the old and new testaments mention the Jews.  Today, I look to the Bible for its historical value and not its religious significance.  Archaeological discoveries have shown the geography and historical events recorded in the Bible are fairly accurate.  Therefore, using the Bible as a reference in discussing the present dispute regarding Israel and Palestine, I feel is quite reliable.


    One of the main differences between the Jewish and Christian faiths is about Jesus Christ.  Christians believe he was the Messiah while most Jews believe he was a prophet. Islam has similar views as Christians about Jesus.  Since all three religions consider Jerusalem as a holy site why not designate it as an open city.  Being an international city would prohibit both Israelis and Palestinians from making it their capital city.  Then with international help a new capital could be built in the West Bank for the Palestinians.    Would this diffuse some of the hostilities between the two camps?  I am far from being an expert in this area, but can only hope this would stop the constant controversy over the city and save it from any more destruction.

    If you only have negative comments to make, keep them to yourselves.



  4. 2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

    He could have said that on any channel. I don't see what Democracy Now has to do with what he says.

    Chomsky is Jewish.

    He is regarded as THE expert on the Middle East.

    Did you disagree with any of what he said? I'd like to know is he is not being honest.


    Evidently, you failed to comprehend what my response to you was.

    The reason the video was on that channel is because the hostess was programed to ask the questions that aligned with the slanted views of so-called Middle East expert, Noam Chomsky. If he is THE expert on the Middle East, then I am THE expert on Hawaii.  The truth is I am not and neither is Chomsky as you claim.

    Again, you need to read my reply to that totally biased video.  If you still don't get the message, perhaps a course in remedial English is in line.


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  5. 16 minutes ago, ozimoron said:


    Israelis have had the opportunity to sleep peacefully since 1948. They chose to make sure that the Palerstinians could never sleep peacefully. War criminals. Blame Netanyahu for anything Hamas did.

    I sleep peacefully, never worrying about what you have accused me and others of.  It is because of my racism?

  6. 1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

    It is Israel's fault. They are just 'mowing the lawn' like they did 9 years ago. Some people have short memories, trying to put the blame on Hamas. 


    Watch this and tell me what you think. 


    First of all, Democracy Now leans to the left, pretty far left.  While described as accurately presenting the facts, does not mean you present all the facts. Chomsky uses strongly loaded words like sadistic, brutal, rampage, mowing the lawn, etc. to describe actions taken by Israel.  He goes on and on about Israel, the bad player, but barely mentions Hamas.


    Read what this website says about Democracy Now.



    Personally, I feel this is a totally one sided view about Israeli/Hamas relations and the present conflict.  No one could be a better apologist for Hamas than Chomsky.

    Did you notice the expression and the tone of voice of the hostess?  Looked and sounded like bias to me.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 40 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    My post wasn't intended to one person, but to all of those make it a personal feud and argument using the war in Gaza their personal war by venting their personal frustrations on theses pages..

    I know you weren't calling me out.  I've posted a similar statement on another forum that had members rehashing the same issues over and over that eventually turned into heated discussions.  In fact, some offending posts were removed by the moderator.

  8. 15 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Hello everyone... today is the 75th day of the war, and by all accounts it's going to continue for months more, so save

    your breath on insults, beratements, arguments and name callings, that in many cases it has become personal between 

    some members here, you're going to have plenty of time to do so in the coming weeks and months...

    Got it.  I've tried to cut back, but have made the mistake of replying to the trolls on this forum.  We are all human, some more than others.

  9. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    US announces 10-nation force to counter Houthi attacks in Red Sea


    IMO a load of <deleted>, and the most expensive way to solve a problem that was only caused by the israeli massacre in Gaza.

    Stop the massacre and the Houthi problem goes away.


    Germany hasn't signed on, and given their support for the israelis, one wonders why. Even the Brits have dusted the cobwebs off a ship to join in the fun. The Seychelles have joined, but one wonders if their coastguard actually has any anti missile capability to contribute anything worth while.

    Even if the Israelis stop, the Houthis may or may not  agree to a cease fire.  If a cease fire does take place it won't take long for the missile barrages to start again.  They'll cite an incident to claim Israel did not keep their word and make more demands.

    Allowing Hamas to exist in its present form is kicking the can down the road.  They are determined to fight to the bitter end.  No matter what they agree to they find or create a reason to resume hostilities.

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  10. 1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


    US announces 10-nation force to counter Houthi attacks in Red Sea


    IMO a load of <deleted>, and the most expensive way to solve a problem that was only caused by the israeli massacre in Gaza.

    Stop the massacre and the Houthi problem goes away.


    Germany hasn't signed on, and given their support for the israelis, one wonders why. Even the Brits have dusted the cobwebs off a ship to join in the fun. The Seychelles have joined, but one wonders if their coastguard actually has any anti missile capability to contribute anything worth while.

    This is exactly what I predicted 4 days ago.

    Germany presently has 8 naval vessels off the coast of Lebanon participating in UNIFIL.  The Seychelles role in all of this is to gather intelligence.

    • Confused 1
  11. 2 hours ago, ozimoron said:


    You initially attacked me for accusing you of denying Israeli war crimes and now you are forced to admit doing so. You have no credibility here.

    That's your opinion.  It is my opinion that it's not Israel's fault Hamas failed to better the living conditions of the people of Gaza with the millions of dollars given to them.  By using the money for other means made them useful in contributing to Iran's goal of fomenting unrest. Iranian stooges, they are.

    How you wish to connect the dots is your business.  However, on this forum, your business is NOT forcing anyone to do or say anything.

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  12. 1 minute ago, ozimoron said:


    "trying to shift the blame to Israel" is denying Israeli culpability, especially of war crimes.


    If you will unequivocally acknowledge that Israel committed war crimes I will apologize unreservedly. If not, I stand by my accusation.

    There is no doubt in my mind Israel has done some bad things to the Palestinians.  I would consider some their actions taken to be illegal under international rules, but l am not so sure about labeling them as war crimes.  And no need to give me a definition and list of war crimes.  That has been on this forum several times.  No need for apologies.  Don't need 'em.

    • Thanks 2
  13. 5 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    So what if another religion becomes the majority?  The country  will still be called Israel. 


    What if Jewish people  there become less religious or athiest in the future...will they be kicked out of the country for not being Jews? 


    Developed countries are rightly evolving to be more multicultural and ethically mixed, and strive for diversity and equal rights. 


    This boils down to being extremely racist purely on religious grounds.


    It's like those crazy American  Christian white supremicisrs wanting to keep their white superior 

    race pure and free from interracial marriage, and some Jewish people wanting to keep the Jewish race pure? 


    I hope you don't think your religion or race are superior to others






    You asking about something that has just about zero chance of occurring.  Worry about that if and when it happens.

    • Like 1
  14. 37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Look the pain of the Nakba was very real in the 1940s but the Arabs could have has their state back then but attacked the Jews instead.

    I put the blame for the refugee status of Palestinian Arabs after several generations on them! 

    Their leadership and the greater Arab world had several opportunities over the decades to help their people live in peace and prosperity but instead they continue to fetishize rusty old jumbo keys to non existent houses.

    Hamas and it's supporters have been made a stooge of Iran.  It's the choice they made.  None of their Arab neighbors want them.  Jordan kicked them out and Egypt shut down the Sinai.  Why did Hamas squander millions in aid from the U.N. and other charitable organizations to fortify Gaza  instead of spending the money to better the lives of the people?  Again, it's the choice they made.  Now they are paying dearly for bad choices.

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