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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. The Chinese have committed these atrocities in their own country and are now doing in other countries corrupt enough to let it happen. In Cambodia they destroyed Sihanoukville and now Dara Sakor. Sri Lanka and Pakistan are also victims of Chinese greed.
  2. One thing about polls, not just political ones, I question is: the FOUR W'S. Who are you polling? Why are you polling? Where are you polling? When are you polling?
  3. The full democracy of Canada has just honored a Nazi in Parliament. Does that mean an upgrade to "pristine"?
  4. If the Thai government announced that all work permits held by foreigners cancelled there would be no reason to complain. After all, they make the rules. Better yet, kick all falangs out of the country. Problem solved. The the U.S has immigration laws that JB, Inc. refuses to enforce. As a retired U.S. military veteran I served to protect the sovereignty of my country. This flouting of immigration laws is seriously damaging our sovereignty. If there weren't millions of illegals in the U.S. law breaking employers would have a difficult time hiring illegals. Problem solved.
  5. Did you read the entire article or just the headline? The fact is, many are dissatisfied with JB, especially his handling of the invasion of illegals across the southern border. I fall into that category along with an increasing number of Democrats.
  6. Too bad it's a rooster. We have a hen that showed up at our doorstep and began eating our cats' food. Then she went into our laundry room and starting laying an egg every day. We began removing the eggs. Then she disappeared and 21 days later she shows up with a dozen chicks. As long as they are well fed they stay out of our flower beds. Our two cats have learned to ignore them. Time to find someone who wants the chicks.
  7. Latest ABC/Washington Times poll shows a majority of Americans favor DT over JB. Of course, DT haters will probably dismiss these results as GOP disinformation.
  8. Failed peace plan? The Abraham Accords was the first step to getting the Saudis to establish formal relations with the Israelis. Both MBS and Netanyahu have recently said they are optimistic. Of course, the Palestinian issue is and always always has been a stumbling block. Iran is furious at what is going on and has warned against any agreement between the two countries.
  9. Isn't communism supposed to solve the problem of income disparity and inequitable income distribution?
  10. So, when the Democrats controlled the White House and both houses of Congress why weren't the "poor laws" fixed?
  11. Money lubricates the wheels of justice.
  12. If the military has never been the career choice for most Americans why make it the lesser of a choice by injecting CRT and other woke issues? This is only turning off potentially well qualified candidates from enlisting and also the reason many valuable people are leaving.
  13. A world reserve currency controlled by dictatorships like China and Russia is highly unlikely. While some inroads have been made, it is also highly unlikely that other economic powers like Japan and Germany will join in. And I rather doubt India wants the dollar to be replaced by the yuan.
  14. When it comes to oil prices OPEC probably has the biggest impact.
  15. Why do you think Iran can be trusted to stop their nuclear weapons program? Normalizing relations with the mullahs......you got to be kidding.
  16. Long term strategy? Biden's days may be numbered. Come 2024, a new administration and a new Congress may not be so "green." Then what? The real reason for selling SPR oil was to reduce prices at the pump. If the Keystone Pipeline was not shut down the Covid and Ukraine situations may not have been so disruptive.
  17. "leave it in the ground" and sell more oil from our strategic oil reserve to replaced by more expensive imported oil. Typical Biden strategy.
  18. Start with the Chinese mafia headquarters in Sinhanoukville's Chinatown.
  19. So says a fabricated intelligence operative.
  20. Seems as many posters don't know this. I do. Through medication I have been able to keep my readings below 120/80. However, it did go over 165/100 during one emergency room visit. Judging from my own personal experience I would say the report of Thaksin's "hypertensive crisis seems quite plausible.
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