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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. Finally, a sensible post.
  2. Maya Bay in Krabi and Haunama Bay on Oahu are two examples of what can be done to protect these popular hot spots.
  3. Like any business, customers come in all shapes, sizes and attitudes. The majority of tourists that I have met are polite and courteous. It's the rude jerks that turn off the locals. I have been visiting Thailand once or twice a year for over twenty years. I have been to more than 40 provinces and everyone has been nice to me.
  4. Idyllic utopian culture? Not so, according to history and stories from my grandparents and others. Same as today, only the alii (elite) had it good. Ever heard of the kapu system based on the ancient Hawaiian religion?
  5. Hypertension, the silent killer.
  6. https://www.khon2.com/top-stories/visitors-implored-to-come-back-as-maui-job-cuts/
  7. www.mayoclinic.org/first-aid/first-aid-shock/basics/art-20056620
  8. Your choice. Besides, I am talking about individuals who are ill or not feeling well and would be better off by conserving their energy.
  9. Common sense tells you that extreme heat or extreme cold requires the body to exert more effort to either keep cool or keep warm. This is the reason it's important for sick people to be in a place with a comfortable room temperature.
  10. I also have a political axe to grind. In 1954, the Democrat Party came to power in Hawaii. They have become the party of corruption. In the past few years the feds have been prosecuting dirty politicians and government officials that Hawaii's AGs have refused to do. Since being elected a trustee of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Keli'i Akina has exposed a lot of corruption and graft in the organization and continues to do so. He just happens to be the President and CEO of Grassroots. I don't care if he is a right wing Libertarian. At least he has the you-know-what to do something few people in Hawaii are willing to do. If you haven't already done so, read Land and Power in Hawaii by George Cooper and Gavan Daws. I lived and experienced much of what was written.
  11. A large percentage of the hospitality workforce are immigrants from the Philippines who continually sponsor their relatives to also immigrate to Hawaii. You're right about the pay. That is why many have of them work at more than one job. Unionized hotel workers starting pay is from $22 to $27 an hour. Skilled "engineering" positions are in the $35 an hour range. With overtime and tips some in housekeeping can make as much as $70,000 a year or more.
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/13/us/lahaina-water-failure.html
  13. Many here in Hawaii have placed the blame on out-of-state buyers driving up housing prices. As a retired home builder and mini developer, I have always maintained it's the unreasonable and cumbersome rules and regulations that are chiefly responsible. Now, Grassroots Hawaii has confirmed that along with several well respected economists agreeing.
  14. The phrase "Know what side one's bread is buttered on," seems appropriate. Now that sugar and pineapple gone, tourism is all the more important as an economic driver. So be nice to the tourists. Entire families have moved to the mainland USA because employment opportunities are limited. Many are native Hawaiians who are giving up their cherished local life style. Last week, two of my tenants, both full bloodied Hawaiian, left for higher paying jobs. They are also close friends that I hate seeing leave.
  15. Did you see my LOL? My comment was made in jest.
  16. Stop confusing yourself. Have you you been taking lessons from Biden and Harris?
  17. The subject is whether Xi has invaded Taiwan yet.
  18. It was a swamp before Trump got there. Trump wanted to drain the swamp, but he couldn't find the plug.
  19. No, maybe Putin warned him of the mess he is in for invading Ukraine. LOL.
  20. D.C. is a dirty place controlled by filthy people. Compromise is now a dirty word in Congress. I remember Colin Powell's wife asking him not to run for president because she had enough of the place. And no, I don't approve of Sen. Tuberville holding our military hostages.
  21. If you mean the U.S. Army, Gen. Randy George has taken over until someone is confirmed by the Senate. As for the 300 vacancies, most could go unfilled and nothing much would change.
  22. Most of the areas where frequent brush fires occur are lands that were deforested for the planting of pineapple and sugar or the establishment of cattle ranches. These are lands that already had a history of low rainfall and were irrigated. Now that sugar and most of the pineapple is gone fast growing invasive grasses, such as guinea grass from Africa, have taken over. During the summer months these grasses are easily ignited by dry lightning. Two years ago one of these fires came close to torching our home.
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