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Everything posted by TeacherJane

  1. There are a number of lasers and techniques, not all equally subject to testing in peer review. So I would approach all of them with caution
  2. Kathoey are not LGBTQ. The word glosses better as intersex, and that's how they are seen. You cant choose to become or come out as, a kathoei... Regarding them as transgender, or gay, is cultural appropriation. People who appropriate 'third sex' categories, for things like gender identities, ought to remember the historical use of a 'thrd sex' ie. a eunuch or neuter, physically ambiguous and defaulting to effeminacy. Kathoei are only aware of it in middle childhood, unlike current Western narratives that have 3 to 5 year olds profess a trans identity. Earlier in childhood, adults will be aware of kathoey tendencies in the male child: play behavior, and body language, and the like. Naturally self-awareness intensifies during puberty, although they dont develop macho frames or muscle mass. No one claims them, literally, to be natal women with penises. Just that they are biologically 'off' as men. This is the point of commonality with Western transsexuals, but only with the early onset subset.
  3. Why be soft on them? ignore the ethics and they brought it on themselves. Consider the ethics, and the dilemmas are too serious, to be brushed aside with 'reproductive choice'
  4. Consider thandonations are not only for patients, because laboratories use blood collection to secure biological materials.
  5. Is it possible to be paid here, for donating blood or plasma?
  6. Without political crap this is not hard to do. Simply because the traits in question, are physical and measurable by anthropometry. Any athlete can be matched with physically appropriate competitor's, no?
  7. Bear in mind that Singapore is on the Lalay peninsula, which is historically Moslem... was it really an attitude imported by the Europeans?
  8. Support for gay marriage is mostly a Western thing, if you look on the map. So the arguments in favor have a cultural basis, and do not apply strongly, to Thailand. Where marriage is seen as between a man and a woman, to produce children. In Western societies, social obligation on marriage is rownplayed, and even heterosexual marriage is a lifestyle choice.
  9. Whatever the rights and wrongs, this is 21st century teenage stuff, to share DIY porn of themselves, and their friends, having sex. Assuming the 13 year old was of normal physical development, the P word is scarcely appropriate, if no more than 7 years was the age difference. Its all very irrelevant to the molestation of real children by actual grown ups, whatever is the rights and wrongs.
  10. Fakes are indeed readily available. But who exactly checks them, and how rigorously?
  11. Yes, teachers have a complex that they are undervalued. I could argue we are overvalued. It isn't a difficult job, how hard is it to edutain kindergarterners. Its a matter of the teacher as to their worth.
  12. I was told that by law, TEFL certificates need to be accredited, so they can be checked. But do they ever check fake degrees? Because I doubt everyone with a fake bachelor's or TEFL has been deported. My intuition is nobody cares, and the papers are some formality
  13. Obviously the are issues of personal space and consent, so intuitive respect wouldn't go amiss... but how can you legislate something such as this?
  14. Do you think no kathoey work in offices?
  15. Vulpini is merely a subclade and taxon, nested within the dog family or Canidae, that includes the true foxes or genus Vulpes. It makes no sense, that anyone has killed a vulpini
  16. So one of the deceased animals is stated to be a vulpini. But what's a vulpini?
  17. Even in Thailand, only a small number of human beings will be kathoey. Is it a mystery, so few of them are visibly successful? Kathoey I have met report no such problems at school, work, or elsewhere. The pro and anti prejudices exist onlybin the farang's interpretation.
  18. I appreciate that this is an old ad now, but are positions still available? Formerly I was floor manager at an aquarists retail shop, where I cared for fishes and invertebrates. Meanwhile maintaining my own private collection, including long term management of a difficult species, Pseudanthias tuka. Also I have written numerous materials, regarding exotic pets and wildlife, including vertebrate paleontology and zoological mysteries. Also, I have worked in ecotourism. so altogether this ought to compensate for any lack of marine biology degree on my part.
  19. What qualifications are required?
  20. By the way, where did the nice transsexuals go? Because they used to insist on being strongly gender normative, albeit switched sex, they always admitted they had a problem, though they denied it is psychiatric, and they used to complain only about surgical access, then the fact they weren't back then able to get married. in media terms its almost an extinct trope, though it was the cultural image at least in the UK, down until after 2000. It was what you saw if you watched talk shows, before that genre devolved into Jeremy Kyle mentality. The trope was present also in other countries, such asJapan, for instance the 90s-00s manga and anime, You're Under Arrest, featured a character of this type, whose misfortune was played for 'transphobic' laughs, yet she was always portrayed as feminine, sympathetic, and of good character. And you have to wonder how realist the trope ever was. Because it disappeared pretty fast. And its a lot, lot harder to have sympathy for them, nowadays. Or is it the dreadful transgender ideology - they were transsexuals before - came from the US, and reflects the toxic identity politics, that are globalized through American media?
  21. From what I can gather, it isn't mere 'transphobia' to point out their activities of this nature. Its still irrelevant to the crime, and rightly or wrongly, people associate trans with gay in their minds. Bit they never print a piece, identifying a perpetrator as gay, unless its relevant to the incident, and most journos would not directly point put a perp is black. So it's still a stupid double standard.
  22. Turtles are sadly entangled in. fisking nets often
  23. What is the point of reporting upon the gender status of the criminal? I feel politically correct, asking that. But there is no push to identify a criminal as gay, for example, unless its relevant to the said incident. When you look at it like that...
  24. This isndefinotely a Xenopeltis or sunbeam snake, a member of the revolutionary radiation, that gave us pythons and boas, but not classically a member of either group. This is a nonvenomous, burrowing predator, with a small.gape, and is therefore able to ingestbonly small prey, despite its ecological status as a dietary generalist. Sunbeams do have a reputation as ophiophages, or predators of other snakes. I never had much luck with imports of this species, but friends of mine found them to be easy once they were acclimatised and in good health.
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