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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Fan Mail caught up with. Good night Ladies!
  2. Seek the same shrink as Roo will be seeing very soon.
  3. In contrast you have nothing. Please provide proof of the murders and crimes is fake. Oh, you can’t, Just typical liberal deflection. Appreciate your efforts but not cutting it. As expected.
  4. Thank you for your insightful information.
  5. I believe your BS. as much as you believe Fox. Tell that to the families of the victims, not me. You will most likely get a different opinion.
  6. Please. Post your articles of real crime and not some stats that you and WALKER love to post . Engage in the real world and get out of fantasy world of stats, and spreadsheets and iife in a basement. Are you capable of this task? I highly doubt it but will give you the benefit of the doubt since you are the Global Warming Greenhouse Effect EXPERT and an expert on every other topic so please, strut your stuff.
  7. Life doesn’t revolve around stats as you and your cronies should wake up, get off the spread sheets into the real world. That is, if you can ever get your fat as- out of the basement.
  8. You’re a man that insists on links. So please tell us what is fake, misleading or misinformation about these. Your comrades are counting on you. Or do you prefer them to do your dirty work.
  9. Here is a few more misinformation on crime. You prove the hypocrite you are by moaning about someone supposedly making fun of Biden’s speech impediment but and then calling real crime, not some stats from some government file misleading and misinformation. Fake news. I strongly recommend psychiatric counseling. You will need it regardless when Trump is elected. https://www.foxnews.com/us/washington-d-c-thieves-leave-video-message-amid-crime-spree-love-daddy https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348240299112 https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348224299112 https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-man-charged-murder-after-reported-his-wife-her-mother-missing-bodies-not-found-police https://www.foxnews.com/politics/progressive-la-county-da-gascon-faces-11-primary-challengers-amid-uproar-over-crime
  10. Never because the truth hurts but must be shown
  11. Tell that to the murdered victims families Mr compassion
  12. So please, master of knowledge. Tell us about the fake crime I posted
  13. As stated in my post you won’t see the majority of crime in liberal media. Which post from the Fox crime is fake?
  14. The WH scandal. Remember? Pretty good idea whose it was. Irate behavior a side effect. Strange, in this day and age of DNA, satellite images on a dime and seeking out bad guys in the caves of Tora Bora (WALKER) no one could figure that one out. What’s your handle on the never found substance?
  15. I believe you’re in a daydream again. You won’t see this on MSNBC. Am I gaslamping? https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348413909112 https://www.foxnews.com/media/liberal-bastions-revolt-against-progressive-crime-policies-passing-new-laws-crack-down-drugs https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-teen-lizbeth-medina-murder-what-know-about-illegal-immigrant-suspect-rafael-romero https://www.foxnews.com/us/baltimore-man-convicted-murder-ambush-police-officer-motive-never-presented https://www.foxnews.com/us/arizona-teen-beating-death-6-suspects-charged-murder-alleged-halloween-party-attack https://www.foxnews.com/us/massachusetts-police-launch-manhunt-suspect-linked-double-murder-mother-daughter https://www.foxnews.com/video/6348385590112
  16. Biden’s cluster f—- botched withdrawal from Afghanistan gets this man’s son killed. He’s arrested for heckling, Pelosi, a supposedly professional gets nothing for ripping up Trumps speech. Only in America. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gold-star-dad-steve-nikoui-arrested-heckling-biden-sotu-address
  17. Maybe there is more to the WH cocaine scandal than what we were led to believe.
  18. Completely disagree with everything you posted! Stats are all you know. Biased ones at that. You think Biden and his minions are going to release anything on a government site that makes him look bad. Get out in the real world and away from your desk.
  19. Professional writers were not impressed either. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/did-biden-pass-fail-former-presidential-speechwriters-grade-state-of-the-union-address
  20. So you can’t answer. No problem. Enough time wasted. So how is the weather in Ubon this time of year?
  21. I think Fox or Truth Social might show different numbers so up to the individual to believe who they want and vote for who they want. Are you ok with that? Voting for who a person wants to vote for. Or are you requesting stats.
  22. I guess my simple questions were too much for a Royal to answer, but most likely because you have no legitimate answer.
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