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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. if a scientist could disprove global warming, how much money would they make from the oil companies? Zero!
  2. I was, Pure politics by a Liberal George Soros backed Never Trumper judge. Pure Politics!
  3. What matters is that he became POTUS. A good one at that. Or was that a rigged election also. Were you one of the citizens that claimed they would leave the country, but didn’t?
  4. Just a reply to one of your mates. Best to have a chat with him regarding topics.
  5. We will again when Trump is elected. Drill baby drill!
  6. This man controls our nuclear arsenal. Scary! https://www.foxnews.com/video/6347054002112
  7. Make sure you lefties go out and buy a pair before they’re sold out.
  8. Anyone on the left is not normal. Classic leftist response though. Anyone with a different opinion must be a troll.
  9. lol, for what? Generation after generation of black women on welfare. Breaking up the nucleus of the black family.
  10. You’re a smart guy (I think). Google is your friend. Look it up.
  11. Amazing the youth of today. Arriving at age 24. “Self supporting”” for 10 years. No doubt in whatever means possible. . When I was his age I was too busy in a career, building equity, accumulating investments to even think about moving to Thailand. And now I reap the benefits. Wouldn’t change a thing.
  12. “When it becomes certain trump is going to jail, or certain he'll lose again in November” Talking jail time or election results. Nice try in changing the conversation. But then it’s what I expected of someone of your caliber.
  13. Even worse in America. Thanks Joe.
  14. We have all been hearing this for years. When Trump this. When Trump that. Remember “when” he was going to lose in 2016. Even long before then, “when” he goes to jail for all of his alleged crooked business dealings. Your predictions are not very accurate. Mine however is more on the mark. “When” hell freezes over.
  15. “The US Constitution, a wonderful document trump wants to toss out, has a beautiful goal of making all equal under the law.” Unless of course your name is Biden or Clinton. Then it’s a free pass with their get out of jail card. And please don’t tell me they’re not as guilty as Trump allegedly is. Citizens Biden and Clinton do get special treatment. It’s worth repeating, Pure Politics!
  16. Kicking myself in the nuts would be my choice.
  17. “Fact: Maddow has multiple awards for journalism. AFAIK you have none” True, I have none. How many do you have?
  18. Appears I’m not the only one. Even MSNBC of all places! There is hope for some of you yet! https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbc-host-katy-tur-demands-fair-after-judge-fines-trump-bans-him-from-business-new-york
  19. Liberal policies in effect. What happened? The freebies didn’t come fast enough.
  20. . And what was yours? CNN or MSNBC or most likely “The View “.
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