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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. Soon we’ll be hearing “It was Trump's fault”.
  2. No problem. Biden just gave Trump the A-OK to pardon the innocent victims of January 6th.
  3. Appears @flexomike and I were correct. Spelling, grammar same same in the context we were talking about. You let the occasional obvious typo go. Only to show favoritism for your leftists comrades Why does your grammar police skills only come out for Trump supporters? You won’t answer that so I’ll answer for you. You’re a hypocrite along with being a fake and phony. I have a special cap just for you.
  4. It won’t be the first time nor the last…lol.
  5. I don’t mind them on the ladies. Brings a new level of kink to the game.
  6. “But clearly we have lost our wat putting the autocratic criminal demagogue back inpower“ Not to worry! Biden will no longer be in power as of January 20th. Fear no more. BTW, expect a visit from @Lacessit for using “wat” instead of way. He loves criticizing others grammar imperfections. You might be able to edit it before you fall under his wrath.
  7. @BKKKevin made the post you’re referring to.
  8. OMG! They’re infiltrating Pattaya now. Saw this today on my walk.
  9. Pay no attention to his grammar criticism. When he has no legitimate reply he will revert to his standard operating procedure of pointing out minor mistakes caused by autocorrect. Rest assured, he will do that only for the Trump supporters. He will never, ever grammatically criticize a leftist. Fact. Even when he reads their posts such as @Tug who warrants his assistance more than anyone else. All from the same leftist that is equally guilty of minor grammar mistakes. He @Lacessit had posted election day was December 5th. Worth repeating. Leftists are hypocrites.
  10. Do you have Don Jr positive urinalysis? Without that you have nothing.
  11. I thought the UK was going to be submerged by now . We really could use more expertise from @Danderman123. Our former global warming. climate change, ozone layer and polar caps expert.
  12. Was unaware a positive drug urinalysis was a criminal conviction. Is this a new law?
  13. I expected it. Despite what he said. Lies and being a hypocrite are key leftists values.
  14. Agree 100 % He loves dishing it out but can’t take it when it comes back to him. Which is why I refer to him as a hypocrite
  15. Thoughtful?? From the leader of your leftist cult. Exactly the response I expected from his number 1 minion. Your ignorance gets worse with every post. When the shoe is a perfect fit, one should wear it.
  16. Only when you post idiotic posts Which is usually the norm.
  17. Approximately, give or take a few thousand
  18. I strongly suggest you start listening to one of your countries smarter and better educated woman As much as you love to boast how educated, sophisticated and smart you are, your posts indicate the polar opposite I know how much you hate anyone questioning your intelligence but you leave myself and others no choice. Is this anyway to spend your twilight years. Seriously. Listen to her and watch this great newscast.
  19. As I posted before and will continue because it is the truth Leftists are hypocrites. I know it and you know it.
  20. The gift that keeps on giving. The girls have reserved a spot for their boy. Center towards the front. Right behind the fat girl in pink. Same color as your spandex pants at the gym benching over 300 lbs. You should feel honored to join them. After all, you’ve earned that spot. Make sure you open your mouth wide and scream.
  21. “You do notice, don't you, that most of the pro-Trump people who post on this Forum (and elsewhere) seem to enjoy mocking and demeaning anyone who disagrees with them?“ Pot/Kettle/Black Being a hypocrite is the number 1 leftist core value. Witnessed on a daily basis.
  22. Your photo shop skills are good. Much better than your journalism talent.
  23. I never said you attended any rally. For an award winning journalist your English comprehension skills are underperforming. “Your kind” refers to the lost souls in the photo.
  24. “I'm a far-left liberal who is what you would call "woke" and has been for most of my life. “ I much prefer the word “kook”. Much more descriptive and accurate.
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