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Everything posted by G_Money

  1. You are going to send @Dan O into another frenzy. He can’t accept the truth. Accurate post!
  2. Read my post above again. It may register in the empty void above your shoulders. Or it may not.
  3. Except he is the POTUS. Not a mob boss. While he hasn’t even been sworn in yet, he’s taking charge like he has been. Biden remains the disheveled lame duck he’s always been. The truth hurts, doesn’t it.
  4. You’re the one with the issue. Biden is weak and worthless. Trump is taking charge like a leader. Your special condition prevents you from acknowledging the truth. You can do nothing about Trump’s leadership except sit back and cry.
  5. Keep repeating what you posted over and over again. It will help you with your condition.
  6. Read about it on a different forum years ago. Whether factual is open for interpretation.
  7. Of course you never paid them a single baht either. Is that a correct statement?
  8. After reading the topic I thought it was a new sexual position.
  9. She’s in desperate need of a good hard Fuc-ing.
  10. Godfather 1 and 2. Sand Pebbles. Angels with Dirty Faces. Goodfellas. Casino.
  11. Sounds like Naughty Nigel and Ape Man. Nigel is dead and Ape Man may of been deported.
  12. Any reader of the Guardian will suffer brain rot.
  13. “traitor to everything for which the US supposedly stands.“ I don’t think so. Neither do We The People. You and your minions fit your definition to a T. Did you attend the Patriot Awards? After all, you claim to be a self proclaimed Patriot. I would suspect you wouldn’t pass that up to be amongst your peers.
  14. OMG! You’re back after President Trumps landslide. I thought you were gone forever just like @Danderman123 since the lies and predictions by both of you were proven false.
  15. I always get a kick out of “accidental stabbings” Must be Thai ghost in the room.
  16. Another drunk Brit is my educated guess.
  17. Nothing new. Creedence was well aware of UFO’s in the sixties.
  18. G_Money


    And some say life in Thailand is “Living the Dream”.
  19. I was wondering if any proud AN members were in attendance. Upon a closer look at the photos I couldn’t identify anyone over 75, so probably not. Appears the BIB didn’t receive a brown paper bag. Same thing has happened in Pattaya at local Swingers parties over the years.
  20. And the Guardian is the equivalent to the National Enquirer.
  21. He's definitely having a bad hair day. I actually think Trump has been secretly sworn in already. He’s already grabbing the bull by the horns and taking charge. Meanwhile Biden remains the same Lame Duck he’s always been.
  22. “none of which I paid for “ We believe you Bob, we really do
  23. Yes. They advised me the new passport will work. Just update the passport number and expiration date.
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