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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Not sure what you mean/imply by having life to it. Grand Centara next to the Mall is a very good hotel. No bar though if that's what you're after. Need more info....
  2. I think a drunk clown could pass the current Thai motorcycle licence... Looking at the driving standards on the road I'd say that's a fair guess
  3. Really? I just checked my NZ issued IDP which is valid in Thailand. I have both car and motorcycle endorsement. I use both here in Thailand until I get my retirement visa. The. I'll go and get my Thai licences (again). To get and IDP (In NZ at least) you must have a full licence for the category you wish to obtain. I have full licence for all categories less passenger and bus. Are you saying the IDPs are Incorrect?
  4. Nothing wrong with bike bikes. It's the speed that kills. I feel a lot safer on a big bike than a scooter. At high speed, both riders are at risk of becoming a fatality. At low speed the scooter will likely crumble and rider hurt. A big bike can survive a low speed crash better due to construction and materials used. On a big bike you can use acceleration to get out of the 'danger zone'. Both types of bike still require respect when you ride them. Know their and your capabilites and ride accordingly. Use the mirrors constantly... a mindset that everyone is out to get you isn't a bad one to have in Thailand. Be seen... wear hi-viz. It helps alot.
  5. Was in Pattaya last Friday. Won't return for a other year. Only there to to see visa agent. Glad I won't be anywhere near the place come Songkran. I think Pattaya takes a certain type of expat to live there full time. I couldn't do it. Why? Too many temptations and I'd be broke within a month! I prefer the quieter life now, but still meet up with other expats at least once a week at a local watering hole. It's all good.
  6. Maybe he could teach tantric sex in jail? Now just hold it there....
  7. Bugger, that use to be my favourite crossing when I was living in Chiang Mai. Back in the day of visa runs. Duty Free Dark Rum was a bonus of the crossing. But I did notice/taste that more and more of it was becoming fake. Found Lao Duty Free to be twice the price of what could be bought locally in Vientiane. Go figure!
  8. I don't mind riding bikes and have all the necessary licences to do so. However after just completing a trip from Korat-Pattaya-Nakhon Sawan-Chiang Mai-Nakhon Sawan-Korat in my sister in laws Honda Jazz, there are some roads that I would steer well clear of. I found that any of the motorways are just down right crazy. Yes I know bikes can't travel on them and just as well. Talk about dumb fakrs on the road. Here's just a small list of observations: No indication, Following too close, Excessive speed, Heavy Goods vehicles not staying left, Treating road as racetrack and driving from one side to the other to find empty lane, Failure to stay in lane. I know kiwi drivers in NZ are known to be very bad drivers but no where near the level of madness I saw here. Not surprised the accident level is so high and deaths from such is also high. Crazy stuff.... bordering on scary. Scooting around a local Soi is fine but some of the major roads near cities ain't really good for bikes. Open roads seem ok.
  9. I recall a few years back when the BIB were actually invalidating IDPs (International Driving Permits). Unsure if it was legal or not but the reason given is that the IDP is only valid for 6 months. Although when you apply and receive the IDP it states that it is good for 12 months. Additional reasoning from BIB is that you should obtain Thai licence if staying longer than 6 months. Plus the BIB insist that you must also have your passport with you together with the IDP for it to be valid. These are probable areas that can/do trip up tourists.
  10. Medal ribbons are likely issued out for things like: turning up to work on time, Wash hands after using bathroom, Ironing uniform A little like the USA forces! (Or the Girl Guides/Boy Scouts) So many ribbons of which many are not tied into any form of active service.
  11. Now now Bob, there's logic in there thinking... You'll only confuse the poor boy
  12. I've found the circular blades with tungsten tips are brilliant on small trees, as long as it has heaps of holes in the blade so it doesn't bind while cutting. Otherwise the line style cutter is great for grass. Triple blade I found cut better than either straight or 4 blade. Yes they do need sharpening but a cordless angle grinder takes care of that.
  13. The first time I went to Aussie, the immigration officer asked: Do you have any criminal records? I replied: Sorry I didn't realise it was still a requirement.
  14. Damn it Bob, wish I was having a beer right now. Currently in Hang Dong picking up stuff the missus left here 5 years ago. Hope to get the hell out of here by 3 then it's a 6 hour drive to Nakhon Sawan where we'll stay over night. I'll down 2 Leo's in quick succession no doubt. Then ease into something stronger. Sunday drive back to Korat
  15. The black market lotteries certainly pay out alot more than the legit government one... So I've been told
  16. I was going to say a 357 magnum but they are hard to come by apparently. As per the last post. Don't back down or appear afraid. We've got Soi dogs all around where we live. The missus is weary of them and yet they don't bother me in the least. If any yap/snarl or growl at me, I stop, look them in the eye and quietly walk towards them. They always walk/run away. Nowadays they don't bother trying to go me. I ignore them and they go about their business. I'd never run from a dog, probably the worst thing to do. They will always beat you in a race and if there's a pack of them you're in serious trouble.
  17. A bottle of 'pine o clean' is a short term fix. Check with landlord, ask them about it. You may be lucky and they might even care. In addition to the previous post, check those p or s traps. If you have them, they may do with a clean out. Hair and scum block up rather quickly. Esp in the shower if your missus has long hair.
  18. Sorry Bob, the missus would give me the bash if I told you!
  19. Actually contrary to popular belief, not all the attractive ones go to Pattaya... you get ugly ones too!
  20. Not sure about attractive Bob, But delicious certainly!
  21. I've never liked those pudding bowl style helmets. Only slightly better than nothing. I always don a full face helmet, no matter how damn hot it is. Best safe than sorry. Most proper bikers know this and buy the best they can afford. Learnt this back in NZ as the roads there are a coarse chip seal. It's like sandpaper should you slide on it. Roads here aren't so bad being predominantly concrete. But that too has its problems ie sand, grit, oil even water can become a big hazard. Condolences to the parents.
  22. I have a question to all these 'members' who always reply to any of Bob's posts in the negative. What is your problem? Everyone that is registered on asean now is entitled to their own opinion and can post virtually anything within the bounds of the rules. But it appears that as soon as Bob posts anything, the troop of 'assassin's appear. It's quite simple people, if you don't like/agree with Bob's posts then either don't read them or use the block feature. I've only been on here a short time and I'm astounded by the amount of attacks on Bob. I'm sure he is probably a bit eccentric but that doesn't give licence to all these personal attacks. I could add a lot more but then it may see as a rant. People please think before posting nasty replies.
  23. Here we go again: Wrong place, Wrong time
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