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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. It mentioned in the original report that his Filipina wife said that they had to hurry to the gate. Surely this wasn't the only cause for such a tragic end. I'll admit I'm not as fit as I once was and could end up a bit breathless but to cough up blood is pretty full on. I suspect some other deep medical problem. Nasty way to go and not very nice if you witnessed it all. RIP to the deceased and commiserations to his wife.
  2. Holy molly... well that is what was attached to the Chiang Mai forum news. Thanks for that. It explains why the photos were so different. Case closed?
  3. It was in a Chiang Mai News forum also : https://www.fox5dc.com/news/crazed-thai-smile-passenger-rips-planes-emergency-exit-door-open-before-takeoff
  4. See he was wearing blue top and in photo just now, it's green.
  5. Strange but this photo seems quite a bit different to one posted yesterday. Yesterday's photo must have been the Wong one. This is the white one, sorry Wong one.... Ahhh bugger I'm confused
  6. Yes and he certainly didn't look 40 nor of Asian/Chinese decent. Never judge a book by its cover? (Unless its Penthouse/Playboy etc)
  7. I agree, you need to weigh up the odds. Fight or flight. Opposition is armed, you are not... Simple answer: Flight (Unless your name is John Wick)
  8. No matter what, he always does the Wong thing at the Wong place and Wong time
  9. The last time I was in Pattaya it coincided with Songkran. Local merchants were doing a booming trade in large blocks of ice. Where I was drinking the bar had 4x 44 gallon drums full of ice water, which was constantly topped up by obliging tourists (ie they were paying for the ice) I can't say it was pleasant getting a ice cold bucket of water thrown at you. It wasn't so bad once you warmed up a bit but initially it was a bit of a fright. A Thai couple came past on a scooter with the guy pleading not to get his missus wet. One falang didn't listen and drenched her with a bucket of the ice water. Then things got a bit ugly... The guy got off the scooter and pulled out a knife. Fortunately the bar was owned/run by some local police. The mammasan jumped straight in and cooled things down. I think the falang that threw the water was extremely lucky. A donation was given to the bar and the falang decided to call it a day. It toned things down a bit after that.
  10. Bugger, I'd have thought the unlucky bike rider would have seen the truck and taken necessary action (Escape plan) The Honda X-ADV 750 has more than enough grunt to pull away from this truck. Perhaps we will never know the sequence of events. Nevertheless it's a warning to all bike riders out there... You gotta keep your wits about you. RIP to the rider. 🙏
  11. I've never understood the need to wear sunglasses at night. Dilated pupils maybe?
  12. Love the headline: Sneaky TikTok scams. Are there any 'non-sneaky' scams?
  13. My 1st year in Chiang Mai and I thought this was fun, the second year.... not so much. It was a down hill spiral after that. Either stock up the fridge and stay home or spend the day sitting inside a pub somewhere. I did have a good Songkran in Pattaya many years ago, sitting in a corner bar not far from Dynasty Inn. Met a few other expats there and we all had a great time. Not so good trying to return to BKK tho. Took an hour just to clear Pattaya township. Luckily I was in a taxi and not on a bike. 3 Days of water fights are more than enough. And agree it's mainly for the younger folk these days.
  14. Tie him up by his nut sack and give all those that pass by an opportunity to give him a good wallop. Agree and hope the grand mother did stop this a hole during his attack on the child.
  15. Damn, I lived in CM for about 7 years and never went here. What a spread, very good value at 230 bt. Looks very delicious and so tempting to over indulge. Maybe my next weekend getaway will be back to CM.
  16. I like the idea... if it saves us some of the 'fees' which we currently pay to visit those other countries. I've only been to Europe once, landing in Frankfurter. It was so easy and a real dream to visit a lot of other countries while there. No hassles with immigration and exorbitant visa fees. 👍👍👍
  17. Well the 43 Yr old should know all about respecting your elders esp here in Thailand. The 73 Yr old taught him a lesson that he won't forget in a while. Wonders will never cease....
  18. Yep that's a bit of a prang. Won't be driving away from that one, nearly broke into 2. Some just don't think/realise that if you get it wrong at speed then more damage is generally the result.... either to vehicle or human. Slow down you bloody idiot
  19. Kamagra gel is illegal? WTF? When they said they were getting hard on drugs... I thought differently
  20. Hmmmm strange coincidence that the upcoming Golden Cobra exercise is just around the corner Many nations will be attending. Amongst them is the USN (United States Navy) who have just said they will be helping with this salvage. Sorry China.... Don't need your help this time, but watch this space!
  21. Bloody hell, looks like just a few dyna bolts holding it all together. Very shoddy workmanship. They all went down faster than an express elevator. Bit of a worry
  22. Yep I'd probably go the CRF300 route too. The 250 is perhaps a little under powered and the 300 doesn't add much weight. You do want a lighter bike in the event you get stuck in mud or fall off during a river crossing etc. There was a doco a few years back about a Brit Lass that did a world tour on a CRF250. Very good PR for Honda. I wish you the best on your expedition.
  23. Well done on all the bling bling. I had one of these in Chiang Mai about 8 years ago. Fun bike
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