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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. I think he's got his blogs mixed up... He's thinking about the other Swiss idiot at the Elephant sanctuary
  2. I can't believe an Ex wife would bail him out... I would have thought she'd be dancing on the ceiling in delight that he's locked up.
  3. And it continues.... as has been mentioned in other posts, one has to be careful as it may be perceived as work. Don't offer advice regarding drinks or food when in a bar for a start! I would think most 'tourists' would know what can and can't be done. Simple, don't break the law. We'll maybe not so simple if it's open to interpretation...
  4. Witch burning is a classic Python skit. I think this guy is going to be hung up in manacles tho... maybe the right way up if he's lucky
  5. Ha! I got stuck at Trentham for far to long as well. Through postings Burnham, Waiouru, Singapore, Linton and Trentham (twice). I spent 9 years in Trentham... agree it's a really boring place. But then I hated Wellington as a city too. Enjoyed a 6 month tour in Somalia and 6 months in East Timor. Although the Mog (Mogadishu) was a real <deleted>e hole, we really had a good time there. This is my 2nd time to LOS. Last time was for 6yrs in Chiang Mai, now in Korat since Nov 23. Its good to be back.
  6. The Vietnam era was a different time and I agree with what you have said. By the time I joined up that war was over but a lot of Vets were still serving. Some were very hard men, a few were a holes. But most were good. I had a SM who was out to get me, in the end I just accepted a charge to get him off my back. The OC called me back after orders and questioned me without the SM in his office. He understood my reasoning to accept the charge although I had witnesses to get off it. I believe he had a few words to the SM later. I never had a problem with him again. Regarding the haemorrhage of soldiers leaving the NZ Army, covid possibly caused a lot of that. They were used as security guards stationed at Hotels throughout NZ. It was a thankless task and boring as hell from what I heard. The majority of those stated that it wasnt what they believed they had signed up for. Moral was very low. There are a lot of other factors that have probably undermined what was once a reasonable "occupation". One young 2Lt I spoke too about a year ago said he'd put his papers in due to the political BS or PC crap that had found its way into the system. i. e They had to undergo sexual identity training! He said they were informed of 24 specific genders they needed to be aware of. WTF I've retired back in 04 after 23.5yrs. I enjoyed it. Worked hard, played harder!
  7. The police and military may attract thugs and bullies but they are weeded out very early on in the recruitment process. If you had given any of your precious time to the services then perhaps you'd know this. Otherwise carry on with your misconceived armchair attack on those that fight for your liberties. Loser.
  8. Generally serving or ex SAS will not let on. Especially active members. They become the grey men and blend in. It's all part of their training. If they get blown or burnt, the mission can be over. Yes.. I know, getting blown in Pattaya could have a 2 fold effect for these guys. They are pretty normal guys, just highly trained in military matters. There are also specialists with a team who may be the main player given differing scenarios. I take my hat off to them. It ain't an easy life and should have all the support required to carry out their tasks.
  9. Yep they are fairly ugly doors! Leyland are about 50 baht a can plus postage, but cheaper on postage if you buy more. Economy of effort and all that stuff. It's an acrylic lacquer and dries super fast. They may have enamel as well but I've not used that.
  10. Ahhhh the old boys network. (Commissioned Officers/Fools). Breaker Morant here we go...
  11. You could try rattle (spray) cans. Leyland make some great paints/colours. Their R2000 is a base prep especially for plastics. I use Leyland religiously when painting motorbike plastics. Lazada is your friend. Cheap as chips.
  12. Wow, looks more like an effluent area.
  13. Try Rimping, they may have can stock.
  14. Being arrested does not mean that they are automatically locked up. They maybe on open arrest, confined to quarters or barracks. I am certain that they had rules of engagement like every other conflict demands. High value targets would have been identified before going into the mission. Anything out of the ordinary would have been passed along the chain of command before a hit was authorised, unless there was an immediate threat of danger/loss of life or other events (That are covered in ROI). These soldiers are aware of the rules. They should not be procecuted if they are carrying out lawful orders of their superiors.
  15. Boracay in the Philippines is nice
  16. Gotcha... the search engine was defaulting to Don Muang and thereby not coming up with direct flights. Changed it to Bkk and hello, now it's showing the direct flights. Should be handy once I secure a job, lots of 777 dump truck jobs on offer.
  17. Incorrect... not my cats. I never wanted them and told her so at the start.
  18. From the sound of those symptoms I'd say it's terminal. Kittens and elderly cats rarely survive. When I was living in Chiang Mai the missus decided on adopting 2 cats. She neglected to get them fixed. About 1 year later we had 27 cats! Fortunately/unfortunately they got hit by the cat flu. Same symptoms and cause the can't smell they don't eat. They ended up basically starving to death. Not a good sight and it wasn't pleasant disposing of so many bodies. So no real good news I'm afraid
  19. Give him a chance... In a few months/weeks, once he's learnt how to apply lippy, eyeliner and false eyelashes you may see him hanging out around Soi 4. Not saying he'll make much income but at least he's trying. (VERY TRYING!)
  20. I think you'd be correct
  21. Yep I've seen a few news articles like that.... So why the hell don't they clean up their own back yard? Oh short memory... Cause they don't give a damn. It's below them to clean up.
  22. Hmmm I've pimped out a few bikes and scooters over the years. My first up mods on my next bike would be: (In this order) Replace piss weak horn with Stebel Nautilus air horn. About 500B off Lazada Replace headlight bulbs to LED if not already LED as well as brake light Replace standard disc pads to sintered pads Put better rubber on the wheels. I like Metzeler but they ain't cheap. Michelin City 2 are OK on scooters. Replace levers to colour coded alloy ones. Install LED strips that incorporate DRL and Indicators (Pure bling bling). Aftermarket alloy footpads There are quite a few other aftermarket mods that can be done on bigger bikes. I have found Lazada to be your friend. Lots of bling and minimal cost. But don't skimp on safety items ie brakes and tyres. Good luck!
  23. Dammit phone is going nuts... I get the impression that the locals don't give a damn. They need plastic to do business and to hell with the environment. I'm no greenie but I am shocked by lack of cleanliness/ pride in their own backyard.
  24. I've just returned from 5yrs in NZ. Previously I was living out in Mae Rim for 6-7 years. I'm now down in Korat. And my what a change. I cannot believe the amount of plastic rubbish everywhere. Most people say NZ is green but I doubted that as I even saw way to much rubbish there. This place is terrible. I get the im
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