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Posts posted by Aujuba

  1. It's my first marriage but my wife has been married before. My wife is one year younger than me. We've been together for 5 years. We have our ups and downs but I always tell my wife that she is the only one for me. Like Edith and Archie Bunker ,no matter what arguments we have in the end we always know we love each other. To say our marriage is full of kisses and roses all the time would be ridiculous. My wife gives me freedom to go out and have a good time if I desire but to be honest I haven't found the urge for that. I used to be one of those guys who was with a different girl every night but after getting married the thrill has faded.

  2. The TRT leaders may try to work through the courts for something but they are against violence. I'd guess that the people on the street are the same losers who used violence when Thaksin was in power. TRT probably will form a new party of some sort and move on. The people from the lower ranks of TRT should be secretly happy that now they have a chance to run in their areas.

    No matter what happens all Thai people need to care about corruption. Corruption has caused these problems for Thailand. Corruption must be fought.

    In Japan they had two senior officials kill themselves after they got caught doing something corrupt. In China the government wants to execute the head of the ministry which controls drugs for corruption in office. Vietnam executes corrupt officials if I remember correctly. Corruption is the plague of Asia. It feeds the veins of the evil here. It drains the hope of the weak. It's gotta go.

  3. This isn't the best ending for the parties but it may be the people who benefit. With TRT kicked out, shamed, and feeling that they were unfairly treated (being that all parties are corrupt in their minds), they will stick it to the new parliamentarians. They will demand investigations when THEY see corruption. Just like a child who gets punished while his brother giggles on the sidelines, TRT will make sure that the democrats are pulled down when one of them is doing something wrong. A debt is owed. Corruption might become a victim of this decision. Lets hope for the best as the real problem in this country is corruption.

  4. I wonder what drives all these politicians. Do they really want to be found innocent so they can continue on doing good for the country? Do they really believe they are innocent-both sides? Is it that they just can't wait to get back to being a politician? Has their income gone down so much that they want to get back into skimming from government projects? Most of these guys have money. Why wouldn't they want to just get out of politics? Does getting convicted hold the prospect of other crimes of theirs being investigated?

  5. "When they say 'hey falang' shout back 'hey Khon lao'"

    I like this one. When I am up in Esarn I usually ask them in Thai if they are Cambodian. If I'm really bothered I'll ask if they are Kamin Dang. Most of the time I don't really get bothered by people saying farang. It's funny how you can look across the street and see someone's lips form the word 'farang.'

  6. It seems a lot of people think that the military coup came out of the blue. How many countries pulled their ambassadors in protest when it happened? Why didn't they? They knew that Thaksin really was everything the silenced opposition was saying he was. The word dictator has be ringing in Thailand for years. Thaksin shut up people and people disappeared during his time in office. Did the media get a chance to bring this up while Thaksin was in office? Yes, ASTV broadcasting from abroad was able to put out news against the government but the local media for some reason couldn't.

    As for those who blame the temporary government for not doing anything. It's temporary government. They weren't elected to DO things like create health care systems etc. They'll be gone soon enough. Hopefully after this year things will be better and Thailand will have a better future.

    No one wants censorship to increase. People will fight against it. No one wants their kids to grow up in a country without freedom. Who would want their kids to live in a country rife with corruption either? Well, maybe Thaksin Shinawatra.

  7. Do they wear the Nazi style helmets like the Americans? I think I read in a book somewhere that the first step to becoming a dictatorship is goose-stepping. Of course only the experts here who noticed this key activity would know. Has anyone seen any Burmese soldiers teaching this very militaristic march? It's not as easy as it looks and surely there's no way that the Thais could have figured this out alone. You know, the other day I noticed that the school children at some schools are carrying side arms and have Communist Manifestos. It could be the newest fashion craze but I'd rather let the anti-communist experts on this board check it out and get back to us.

  8. The simple truth is the coup didn't come out of the blue. If Thaksin had been an honest leader this would never have happened at all. Thaksin had his way of controlling the media. I'm waiting to see how this pans out. After the election all the censorship will stop. At that point if there are problems I will listen. If Thaksin cares about Thailand he will give up on making speeches and ralling support for his corrupt self. His words and actions now will result in a peaceful change or violence. If violence happens before the change of power Thaksin will have blood on his hands. I would guess Thailand still has much much more freedom on the net than places like China. Does it have more than Singapore? Malaysia? Anyone know?

  9. There have been more and more 'experts' on markets saying that the Chinese stockmarket is set for a large correction. If this happens what will happen to Thailand's economy? Thailand has a lot of links to China. Will Thailand suffer or gain from a correction in China? Thailand economy seems like it has been fairly stagnant. Could things really get any worse here?

  10. Not everyone has a scanner. The whole thing is silly anyways. If you live in Bangkok you are supposed to go to Soi Suan Pluu every 90 days from what I was told. The 90 day thing doesn't stop crime in anyway at all. If anyone from Thai immigration is willing to let us know one example of how it stopped crime it would be appreciated. The truth is its all a game. The Thai government keeps us coming and going hoping that eventually we will come late and pay them 2,000 baht. The fine people for being forgetful. Forgetful people are criminals in Thailand. Remember that.

  11. If you leave the country even for a short trip, I believe the 90 slip is invalidated. Am wrong about this?

    They give you a week either way from what I gather. Mine was due on the 4th but I went on the 15th. I paid 2,000.

    I think this ridiculous 90 day registration is a good representation of why Thailand is such a failure. It hassles people who follow the rules and meanwhile lets in any criminal for months on a tourist visa without a problem.

    I have worked for the govt for 13 years, have had a visa from the govt for 13 years, have had a work permit from the govt for 13 years, and live in govt housing yet I still have to register every 90 days. Well, I guess it just means that the Thai government really doesn't even trust itself.

    Land of Silliness.

  12. I know some of the 'interviewers' along the tourist areas are asking for your hotel info so a Real estate company can contact you about buying a condominium or something like that. A Thai friend of mine has her students do tourist interviews at the exit points from the country for the TAT. She collects info about tourists' spending while in the country and gives her research data to the government.

  13. Thaksin is a dirtbag and will always be. His story is written. If anyone likes his genius, there are many other rotten historical figures who they might like too. Thaksin saw the deaths of many Thais under his administration while he filled his pockets 'helping' Thailand. If he's gone forever Thailand would be much better off.

    Thaksin was not alone. There are lots of disgusting corrupt Thais who really worthless to the people of their country. Corruption is out of control here. Sadly a lot of people including foreigners quietly accept corruption and by doing so empower the corrupt. Corruption is the rape of society. Change will come for Thailand but with so many diehard bloodsuckers in Thailand that change might not come through peaceful actions.

  14. I would recommend an abortion if she had just gotten pregnant. If she is too far along well than maybe you could raise it with her. You could hire a nanny to help you at home for not too much. It's a problem but not the end of the world.

    As for the general problem of unwanted children, abortion should be legal. The government should be encouraging people not to have kids. half of the world's problems could be solved if the world's population went down. For some reason governments mouths are taped about this. Only China has made an effort to address the population issue. I think it all has to do with Capitalism's imperfection more than just Religion. Anyways we should all care about each other a lot more. If we don't care as we are doing we can expect more war and more problems in the world. Population is the number one problem.

  15. DrFisher, didn't England push tobacco first? Anyways this thread is about weightloss. This thread's drug has yet to be proven as a 'success'

    This drug Serc or betahistamine seems to have the same effect as ActiFed has on me. I feel very calm and loose my appetite when I take an ActiFed but at the moment I'm not planning on taking it often. You just never know what drugs do to you. The whole thing is interesting though.

  16. Thailand is fun but it's illogical. If you like fun and don't care about quality, justice, improving society, etc then come to Thailand and enjoy. But remember that Thailand is illogical. Thailand is illogical. It's illogical. But it can be fun.

  17. If the cops in the south are or were like these guys, then there will never be peace there. The Thai people need real justice and respectable police not a system like it has now. There are too many reasons to hate the Thai Police and the judicial system. When I first came here years ago I gave the police and military some respect but now I feel I wouldn't want to know any of them. They need to police within their force. The sick corrupted scumbag cops need to be jailed or kicked out. This story is shame to the country. It's a shame and I hope the international media picks up on it for the sake of the girl.

  18. I gave mine to the temple. You can give them away but it doesn't mean the person will wear them. A lot of people here will take anything even though they don't need it or plan to use it. I'm pretty careful now who I give things to. I want to make sure they or someone they know will probably use it rather than just pack it away into their heap of 'things' only to be tossed later.

  19. Swain if your friend smelled it may have been in Ketosis. They say when you are in Ketosis you have bad B.O. and bad breath. Ketosis is the key behind the Atkins Diet. Did he take the Epsom salts for 40 days? That seems like a long time.

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