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Everything posted by Dolf

  1. What a silly thing to say. Half of the white guys on the internet are left leaning or marxists so they represent the views of 50% of this group of people. You really didn't put much thought into your attempt to attack the black pastor and his views. The black pastor must be well ahead of you.
  2. I had Moderna after reading it offered the best protection and was safe. 1161 out of millions is low.
  3. Not interesting at all. So many millions got the vaccine and didn't die.
  4. Then you should never get any vaccines. None are 100% safe.
  5. Everything in life is personal. Like all the abuse Trump cops daily from you marxists whilst hiding on the internet. I bet you don't talk like this without the internet to hide you away.
  6. Trump produced the lowest unemployment in 50 years https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2020/article/job-market-remains-tight-in-2019-as-the-unemployment-rate-falls-to-its-lowest-level-since-1969.htm
  7. I'd say you are very clueless. You are some marxist white guy on the internet saying a black pastor isn't qualified to talk about black jobs when you live in fantasy internet land and he lives on the ground. But carry on with yoir rambling if you can't help it. You marxists are comedy gold.
  8. Always a sign of defeat when you produce no facts just whinging. Typical marxist.
  9. All medicines can kill. Even water can kill you. Why aren't they investigating water?
  10. How can you lie straight in bed? "Job market remains tight in 2019, as the unemployment rate falls to its lowest level since 1969" https://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2020/article/job-market-remains-tight-in-2019-as-the-unemployment-rate-falls-to-its-lowest-level-since-1969.htm
  11. But the marxists don't care.
  12. Post doesn't make sense. You say he reversed a decline in unemployment. Unemployment was low in 2019 but went up due to the pandemic.
  13. No vaccine has a high death rate. All very small, less than the actual diseases. If you believe otherwise why aren't people dropping like flies?
  14. You're a white guy on the internet who hates Trump. The opinion of a black pastor means a lot more than any rubbish you post.
  15. So white guys on the internet who have never voted republican are unbiased?
  16. Whinging white guy on the internet complaining about Trump. Nothing positive to say.
  17. I don't think white people in the internet have a clue really. https://www.delgazette.com/2019/11/14/trump-helping-black-communities-thrive/
  18. Because it doesn't happen. Nobody studies everything. Find an adult to explain how politics works.
  19. Only people with no argument would post like that. Fact free zone. Just rambling.
  20. Thanks to Trump. He has lots of black fans.
  21. Glass is always half empty with Trump haters.
  22. A crooked woman who helped her husband make millions with inside information caring about a Russian guy. You wouldn't find a worse woman than her without trying very hard.
  23. Facts versus ramblings from Trump haters.
  24. Trump helped the poor and black people more than Obama https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/02/under-trump-americans-have-seen-their-best-wage-growth-in-40-years/
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