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Baba Naba

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Everything posted by Baba Naba

  1. I dont care what language they speak. Everyone should respect authority and then work it out. Not shooting your mouth off and disrepecting local LEOs like some spoiled brat. I applaud the Park Ranger in how he handled these rude tourists with self control. This is why I would not be a good cop. I would have lost it with this entitled paisan.
  2. It has been popular for over 15 years already! You are just not with the times Ping! 🤪
  3. Vaffanculo, stronzo presuntuoso! 🤬
  4. In 20 years of vaping there has been 68 deaths from EVALI. In just ONE YEAR there has been 480,000 deaths in just the USA! Your lies show just how dense you are Ping.... 🙄
  5. You lie like your Daddy Trump! "It's a FACT vaping is just as dangerous as smoking if not more so.". That is such a huge crock of BS!!! https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/ready-to-quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/vaping-myths-and-the-facts/
  6. I see no problem here. I am glad it is hot in Thailand. Snow Flakes melt quickly.... 🙄
  7. Yes, and the cases of this EVALI are extremely miniscule compared to he amount of people vaping. Less that 1% for sure https://www.mlo-online.com/management/regulatory/article/21119510/new-cases-in-outbreak-of-evali-on-the-decline
  8. I learn something new everyday! But you will notice that most people who get this malady are vaping thc juice products and thise that contained vitamin E acetate. Most of these products are made by bootlegging bathtub chemists. It is also mostly kids under 18. IMHO I believe that vaping shold be legalized everywhere for those 18 or even 21 and above just as cigarrettes are. Vaping does not contain carcenogens and does not cause cancer. Legalizing vaping would save people, not kill them.... If vaping was legalized and controlled then you would not have the dangerous bootleg juices being made. You no longer see EVALI in the USA or the Philippines because you can buy safe juices and the USA stopped many cases when they shut down JULES and VULES. https://www.mlo-online.com/management/regulatory/article/21119510/new-cases-in-outbreak-of-evali-on-the-decline
  9. This is 100% Fake News disseminated by Big Tobacco! I have vaped all day, everyday for 20 years now and my lungs are fine! I am thankful vaping got me off of those nasty smelling, carcinogenic cigarettes! Show me one piece of clinical documentation where vapes have damaged lungs! YOU CAN'T!!! Show me the proof on this actual article! It is 100% fabricated BS!!!
  10. The fuel never reaches the ocean! It evaporates! 🙄
  11. https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article34636903.ece/ALTERNATES/s338a/0_PAY-Alexandra-Tikhomirova-detained-in-Thai-5-east2west-news.jpg https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article34636890.ece/ALTERNATES/n310p/0_PAY-Alexandra-Tikhomirova-detained-in-Thai-1-east2west-news.jpg
  12. The BO alone would repel other tourists dollars away...
  13. If they legalized vaping, 3/4s of that nasty smelling smoke would be replaced by pleasent smelling vapor! 😁
  14. The boys are just looking for attention (good or bad), not necessarily speed. Not faster, just cooler and head turning. 😎
  15. Maybe from the British Isles? Kinda like all those Jesus's from Mexico?
  16. Hap is an abreviation for happy! 😅 hapless adjective [ before noun ] formal uk /ˈhæp.ləs/ us /ˈhæp.ləs/ unlucky and usually unhappy
  17. Are the British Isles considered Muslim countries now? British Nationals... 😕🤔
  18. Dang! No video? I would have loved to seen that!!! 😁
  19. He did not duplicate it. The title office did. He must have forged his wifes signature on the DUPLICATE he got from the title office.
  20. Now THAT makes sense.... If both owners signature are required...
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