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Baba Naba

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Everything posted by Baba Naba

  1. Who's to say that his wife did not tell him it was lost???
  2. Who's to say that his wife did not tell him it was lost???
  3. Hmmm.... hard to cheat at a pool game if your opponent is watching.
  4. Show me were secondary vapers has ever harmed anyone! FYI my vapors never left my personal space.
  5. If it was a replacement deed, then it was not forged, just duplicated and it was a legal document. Am I missing something?
  6. If the rule is "do not offend anyone" than I have obeyed that rule being that they are ignorant of me getting my nic fix in public.
  7. Not proud, just confident that I can get my nicotine fix pretty much anywhere without offending anyone.
  8. I receive both my Social Security and my VA disability pensions directly deposited into Bangkok Bank. Both of these incomes are non-taxable in the USA and can see no way they can be taxed here. Is there a fine for not getting a TIN or filing here? I'll just make some more popcorn and watch this soap opera play out...
  9. They havent used tin in over 50 years. They use aluminum now.... 😁
  10. “Foreigners aren’t afraid of Thai laws because they can pay fines.” and the Thai just ignore the fines... At least you get revenue from the foreigners...
  11. OK. if I am not fooling anyone then why has not a single stewardess said anything to me on the countless flights I have vaped on? You are the deluded one...
  12. I cringe to think what your filthy habits are... 😖
  13. "the smell became overwhelming, even through my mask, and I started feeling dizzy.”" That's total horse<deleted>! I would bet they were hiding their cloud and you could barely smell it. I have vaped everywhere w/o anyone even knowing I was doing it. There are simple methods of doing it and can be done anywhere w/o bothering a soul.
  14. I don't know what it is like here but in the USA you really have to know your stuff and have countless recorded and verified hours on a water vessel. The test is 3 parts and each one hour long. When I got my 100 ton Masters license in Miami, I saw many "Salty Dogs" not pass the test. This idiot was definitely NO CAPTAIN! He needs to be banned from operating any sort of vessel.
  15. Flights to Bangkok are CHEAP! You can get flights for the same price as a bus ticket on Kayak!
  16. Who just leaves over 200,000thb lying around with "sex workers"? Drunken stupidity... I would bet the hotel has a safe either in the room or at the front desk. 🙄
  17. Hope he didnt get blood on himself! Looks like "she" has AIDS!!!
  18. Frued was wack! I am more of a BF Skinner man! 😁
  19. Not alcohol. More likely he was coming off of something stronger or was high as hell on meth and needed to come down.
  20. This commenter is as ignorant as it gets...
  21. Proverbs 23:14 Thou shalt discipline him with the rod and save his soul from hell. Modern Translation: Spare the rod, spoil the child.
  22. Yes! Most tattoos spawn from a underlying sense of worthlessness. Many people feel that their tattoos give themselves worth but don't realize that self worth comes from the inside, and not from outer adornments. The same goes for nose, chin and boob jobs.
  23. "CRAZY IVAN, CRAZY IVAN!!!". (name that film 🤔).
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