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Baba Naba

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Everything posted by Baba Naba

  1. It is the movement of the cape and has NOTHING to do with color.... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/red-triggers-bulls/
  2. He didn't tip her.... (they love cow tipping in the USA 😉 )
  3. "The motive behind the heist remains unclear". Hmmm... let me think 🤔 Maybe for the money??? 🙄
  4. "A new government must now be formed, and the ruling Pheu Thai-led coalition will nominate a new candidate for prime minister, which will be voted on by the 500-seat parliament." -CNN WOO HOO! Hi-ho the derrio! The Wicked Witch is DEAD! 😁
  5. Yup! The did not say a thing about his day trip to Laos to buy souvenirs! There are now a bunch of happy Finns flying high without a plane ticket! Simon Says "I was on a 2 week bender and was way too stoned to phone home... Sorry Mom... I am so sorry you had to throw out my birthday cake..."
  6. There you have it! A shoving match ensued after the drunk Canuck was confronted about him trying to get into someone else's vehicle. He fell back and bonked his head. No punches thrown and no "group of Thug bouncers" Like half the half witted posters like to spew out... "Tourist Police Division 4, Sub-Division 2, brought in Mr. Patipan So-Heng, a 28-year-old security guard from Soi Pattaya 6, for questioning at the Pattaya City Police Station's investigation room. Mr. Patipan So-Heng, 28, spoke to reporters about the incident, explaining that he was informed by locals about a tourist attempting to break into a car. When the car owner confronted the tourist, the latter became aggressive. Mr. Patipan intervened to check the situation, but the tourist refused to cooperate and pushed him against a car. In response, Mr. Patipan pushed back. The tourist then tried to advance again, prompting Mr. Patipan to push him once more, causing the tourist to fall and hit his head on the ground. Mr. Patipan stressed that eyewitnesses did not see the entire incident from the beginning and misunderstood the situation. He attempted to explain to the tourist, but the tourist ran away. Upon seeing news reports of the incident, Mr. Patipan contacted the police to clarify the events. CCTV footage captured the altercation, clearly showing there was no punching involved, only pushing, which led to the tourist falling and injuring himself. The footage has been submitted to investigators as evidence to ensure fair proceedings for all parties involved.”
  7. "Tourist Police Division 4, Sub-Division 2, brought in Mr. Patipan So-Heng, a 28-year-old security guard from Soi Pattaya 6, for questioning at the Pattaya City Police Station's investigation room. Mr. Patipan So-Heng, 28, spoke to reporters about the incident, explaining that he was informed by locals about a tourist attempting to break into a car. When the car owner confronted the tourist, the latter became aggressive. Mr. Patipan intervened to check the situation, but the tourist refused to cooperate and pushed him against a car. In response, Mr. Patipan pushed back. The tourist then tried to advance again, prompting Mr. Patipan to push him once more, causing the tourist to fall and hit his head on the ground. Mr. Patipan stressed that eyewitnesses did not see the entire incident from the beginning and misunderstood the situation. He attempted to explain to the tourist, but the tourist ran away. Upon seeing news reports of the incident, Mr. Patipan contacted the police to clarify the events. CCTV footage captured the altercation, clearly showing there was no punching involved, only pushing, which led to the tourist falling and injuring himself. The footage has been submitted to investigators as evidence to ensure fair proceedings for all parties involved.”
  8. Get the whole story before shooting your mouth off... "Tourist Police Division 4, Sub-Division 2, brought in Mr. Patipan So-Heng, a 28-year-old security guard from Soi Pattaya 6, for questioning at the Pattaya City Police Station's investigation room. Mr. Patipan So-Heng, 28, spoke to reporters about the incident, explaining that he was informed by locals about a tourist attempting to break into a car. When the car owner confronted the tourist, the latter became aggressive. Mr. Patipan intervened to check the situation, but the tourist refused to cooperate and pushed him against a car. In response, Mr. Patipan pushed back. The tourist then tried to advance again, prompting Mr. Patipan to push him once more, causing the tourist to fall and hit his head on the ground. Mr. Patipan stressed that eyewitnesses did not see the entire incident from the beginning and misunderstood the situation. He attempted to explain to the tourist, but the tourist ran away. Upon seeing news reports of the incident, Mr. Patipan contacted the police to clarify the events. CCTV footage captured the altercation, clearly showing there was no punching involved, only pushing, which led to the tourist falling and injuring himself. The footage has been submitted to investigators as evidence to ensure fair proceedings for all parties involved.”
  9. Thank you so much Ade! I will contact one of the shops that carry Lindberg and see if they can replace my lenses with clear glass. Khab khun mak! 🙂
  10. I have made this same mistake before, flying what I thought to be first class and it ended up that the aircraft I was on did not have a first class section. I have since learned from my mistake and make sure I check what model aircraft my flight is on and what seat classes are available. It can be easily missed.
  11. I think you need to give 2 baht his change back... 🙄
  12. But you never know when you may need a knife. Even during leisure you may need to cut something.
  13. Maybe he'll create his own brand like Snoop Dog and Willie Nelson! $$$/฿฿฿ is the spatula that flipped him! https://apnews.com/article/health-asia-marijuana-thailand-62cb278fe7eb269cf2bf967d272ab098
  14. Looks like someone slipped him a butter brownie and he came to his senses. Most likely he's just flipping from pressure and the fact that he could really never put that Green Genie back in the bottle. Too much $$$ in play...
  15. Why dont they have a death penalty here! They should for things like this!!! Death is too good for this dog.🤬
  16. Well, in the US most working men (those that use their hands for work. Keyboards do not count) carry a knife. You never know when you'll need one on the job, and not for self protection. I started to carry a knife since my early teens in the Boy Scouts in Alaska. Never stopped. Now I carry one that opens automatically with one hand. Some of us old folks would call it a switchblade. 😮 Then when your one hand is holding something that you cannot let go of, the other can pull your knife out, open it and use it. 🙂
  17. Hi Folks! I just had cataract and "Lasik" done and no longer need my glasses after 45 years. But I still keep looking for them to put on! 555! I want to find a place that can put in clear glass in my very expensive glasses. They are pierced lens Lindbergs and would take a skilled technician to replace the lens etc. Any ideas Folks?
  18. Zenni is a great place for budget glasses. I have bought many a pair from them in the US. What's the shipping like to here? Do they really ship here?
  19. He was saying it was inexpensive, not expensive... DUH? 🙄
  20. Yo Pepper, I know the definition, I meant his or hers definition for this thread. Sub·stance noun 1.a particular kind of matter with uniform properties This could be a freaking glass of milk or bowl of cherries or even the air we breath for all that matters! So excuse me while I abuse this family size bag of crisps! 5555!!!
  21. Hi So here we come!🤑
  22. Will someone please tell me what other reason is there to come to Pattaya? Maybe to take selfies on the beach with the rest of the B girls?
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