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Baba Naba

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Everything posted by Baba Naba

  1. Yes there is a great interest in Ancient Civilizations recently. Especially with nomadic tribes such as the Gibbers, Wynken's, Blynken's, and Nod's.... 😁
  2. "The urination occurred late at night or early in the morning on September 17th, likely after the individuals had been drinking." Thank you Capt Obvious! πŸ™„
  3. WOW! Nice moves! Where did you learn how to tap dance like that counselor? Yale Law School?
  4. The employer probably wasn't even looking for help but the fella was in a jam and needed help. Is this really a crime? "No good deed goes unpunished...". 😒 I would bet his work is much better quality then the "We dont need no stinking Code" Thai electricians...
  5. This gibberish is most likely Google Translate Russian/English translation excrement. It's on par with their Thai/English translation... πŸ™„
  6. Electrical wrenches??? πŸ€”πŸ™„
  7. There are millions of Black Frenchmen! Racist much?
  8. OK... Fine! I'll pay my 80 baht but dont expect a "tip"! 🀣
  9. and how fluent is his wife in English? Uour dealing with 3 languages and there are always misinterpretations.
  10. So blaming and paint brushing any and all guards as corrupt in every situation before finding out what really went on is fair?
  11. Like I said, you brothel vets wouldnt know... It's a military combat veteran thing. You definely would not know, civilian beyatch!
  12. There are still sites you can find here. Your not trying hard enough! 1000 baht and I will post a link! 🀣
  13. Why are they called "Security Officer's" if they dont secure anything?
  14. Look at him! He's proably in better shape then your 50 year old ass!
  15. You wouldnt know... It's a Veteran thing......πŸ™„
  16. Novel? You being sarcastic right? They take photos like that with EVERY bust they make!
  17. American Bully vs American Bull Dog. Do yall know the difference? FYI they are not an "aggressive breed". They are actually great and affectionate pets. It is not the breed, it is it's upbringing and environment that shapes the dog! So STOP your ignorance and saying that they need to be put down! I have known wonderful and loving Bullys and Bull dogs. Also great with children. https://vetexplainspets.com/american-bully-vs-bulldog/#
  18. He may still have a barrier even with his wife. How many Thai's do you know that know how to speak fluent Danish?
  19. My thoughts exactly! Apple Air Tags will show you exactly, within a few meters, where it is!
  20. Force him out with words? So they actually dragged him out of the vehicle? If he didnt want a fight, then dont get out of the freaking vehicle!!!!
  21. So the stabbing wasn't a part of the fight? πŸ™„
  22. It says you are a "advanced member". Right, advanced dementia with severe lack of reading comprehension! That is not the German in the police station flipping the bird you dim wit! πŸ™„ That's the assailant! The victim was in the freaking hospital! "The suspect, who gave his name as β€œMichael,” 44, refused to provide further identification details to the authorities. He made offensive gestures at the media and police, raising his middle finger while being photographed."
  23. Looks like the Polack got what he wanted.... A fight! If he wasnt looking for a fight he would have stayed in the car!
  24. And what would that be? That this young woman wanted to go see her old friends and show them there is a better way? One where a loving and caring older gentleman takes care of you and most likely your family too? Where both parties get what they are after in a fruitful contract? I dont see a damned thing wrong with this...
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