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Baba Naba

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Everything posted by Baba Naba

  1. I only paid 199 thb a can on Shopee for Bush's baked beans and they are twice as tasty then Heinz!!! Shopee and Lazada is the way to go for imported foods...
  2. Were they safe crackers too? 🤔
  3. Cuz the cops get serviced FREE! No exchange of $$$! 😆
  4. 20K makes you a philanthropist? I have helped several others that much that deserved a helping hand! I have been blessed so I can "pay it forward". Guess that makes me a philanthropist too! 😁
  5. My disability pension and SS is not taxable. I do not claim anything. I also do not file, ever!
  6. I live only on a disability pension and SS. I paid no taxes in the USA and I'll be damned if i pay it here...
  7. That's right! Everyone is crazy about MJ! 🤪
  8. So she knows where the cameras are and where the farthest distances from them are for poor ID purposes. Makes sure it falls out at the right spot and her accomplice is sitting there wafting, with their mask on, and casually picks it up and walks away. Just a thought....
  9. Ahem.... Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine are all "unclassified" psychoactive DRUGS! Caffeine C8H10N4O2 Ethanol C2H6O Nicotine C10H14N2 So do they plan on classifying all of these DRUGS and all of the products containing them? Why not cigarettes? (because of Big Tobacco and big bucks) Do you know the difference between vaping and smoking? One is burnt, the other vaporized. One is smoke and the other water vapor. One has carcinogens and the other doesn't. One stinks terribly and clings to clothing, hair and anything else it comes into contact with., the other smells pleasant. One is filthy and produces trash, cigarette butts and ash, the other does not. One can be adjusted to taper off of the nicotine addiction the other you can't. So do you really want all the youths who are already hooked on nicotine to be forced into, and have no choice but to, smoking cigarettes??? It's a no brainer! (not sure if they have or use one)How imbecilic can you get? Please, save these kids, not kill them.
  10. Ahem.... Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine are all "unclassified" psychoactive DRUGS! Caffeine C8H10N4O2 Ethanol C2H6O Nicotine C10H14N2 So do they plan on classifying all of these DRUGS and all of the products containing them? Why not cigarettes? (because of Big Tobacco and big bucks) Do you know the difference between vaping and smoking? One is burnt, the other vaporized. One is smoke and the other water vapor. One has carcinogens and the other doesn't. One stinks terribly and clings to clothing, hair and anything else it comes into contact with., the other smells pleasant. One is filthy and produces trash, cigarette butts and ash, the other does not. One can be adjusted to taper off of the nicotine addiction the other you can't. So do you really want all the youths who are already hooked on nicotine to be forced into, and have no choice but to, smoking cigarettes??? It's a no brainer! (not sure if they have or use one)How imbecilic can you get? Please, save these kids, not kill them.
  11. Ahem.... Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine are all "unclassified" psychoactive DRUGS! Caffeine C8H10N4O2 Ethanol C2H6O Nicotine C10H14N2 So do they plan on classifying all of these DRUGS and all of the products containing them? Why not cigarettes? (because of Big Tobacco and big bucks) Do you know the difference between vaping and smoking? One is burnt, the other vaporized. One is smoke and the other water vapor. One has carcinogens and the other doesn't. One stinks terribly and clings to clothing, hair and anything else it comes into contact with., the other smells pleasant. One is filthy and produces trash, cigarette butts and ash, the other does not. One can be adjusted to taper off of the nicotine addiction the other you can't. So do you really want all the youths who are already hooked on nicotine to be forced into, and have no choice but to, smoking cigarettes??? It's a no brainer! (not sure if they have or use one)How imbecilic can you get? Please, save these kids, not kill them.
  12. Ahem.... Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine are all "unclassified" psychoactive DRUGS! Caffeine C8H10N4O2 Ethanol C2H6O Nicotine C10H14N2 So do they plan on classifying all of these DRUGS and all of the products containing them? Why not cigarettes? (because of Big Tobacco and big bucks) Do you know the difference between vaping and smoking? One is burnt, the other vaporized. One is smoke and the other water vapor. One has carcinogens and the other doesn't. One stinks terribly and clings to clothing, hair and anything else it comes into contact with., the other smells pleasant. One is filthy and produces trash, cigarette butts and ash, the other does not. One can be adjusted to taper off of the nicotine addiction the other you can't. So do you really want all the youths who are already hooked on nicotine to be forced into, and have no choice but to, smoking cigarettes??? It's a no brainer! (not sure if they have or use one)How imbecilic can you get? Please, save these kids, not kill them.
  13. What? With that particular spelling, all 3 of the names are Indian.
  14. No boob job there. looks like a natural 36b to me.
  15. "If you dont stop that you'll go blind!!!".
  16. Stupid woman. There are can vape completely unnoticed on flights. I have done it for years and no one the wiser... When you need your nic fix it is easy. I think she wanted be rebellious and wanted the attention.... 🙄
  17. As an ex-smoker I know what it is like to be in nicotine withdrawal after a 15 hour international flight and not be able to smoke even outside the freaking airport and you lite up as soon as possible. I actually can relate to this guys rage but in no way condone violence. But what was he supposed to do? Get out and find another cab he could smoke in or have the driver pull over while he wasted time on the side of the road smoking a fag and watching the meter tick? Now this is why I started vaping because I can easily get my fix anywhere in public and even on the plane w/o anyone knowing the better. You learn how to "sneak vape" without producing "clouds". Plus it doesn't stink and actually smells good!.
  18. Not a weed. Weed is a "unwanted and not valued" plant. Cannabis is a necessary healing herb with flowers! 🙂
  19. No, It's a Bar. Same as where they drove it from...
  20. Ban them from Thailand! They will surely do this again!
  21. It's going to be a bitch trying to get that Genie back in the bottle if not impossible. The PM needs to do a little research on the benefits of cannabis, let alone the tax revenue! But you can't fix stupid....
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