This makes me think that the call center and the criminal loss of cash was commited in Sweden and that they were just busted here... With lousy translations, it is very hard to decipher what is really being said.
Am I wrong?๐ค
For one thing, they may have been looking for a reason to change management.
My guess is that the manager used Google Translate for help and it spat out improper wording/wprds that could be misconstrued. Words like "educate" etc. As hotchili said, it would have been better said as "Let me explain/clarify the hotels green policy" and not come off sounding like you are disciplining a child. You dont school the hi-so on a public forum!!! ๐ฒ
When I was living in Germany I had a German tavern owner tell me "We like you Americans! You come in, get drunk, dance, sing and have a good time! The Brits we dont care for. They come here, drink, get drunk and FIGHT!!!". Go figure...
It is still dirt cheap to live here. Compare your home city to a city in Thailand on Numbeo and see just how much cheaper it is here...