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Everything posted by JoergADA

  1. It doesn’t matter anymore to me. But perhaps I should make use of this precious life form to help others.
  2. I am amazed, most foreigners write German words starting with a lowercase letter when an uppercase is required. You have managed the opposite. Her name is “ von der Leyen” .
  3. Just last week, a guy on a motorcycle in front of me smoked so I stopped in front of a school to clean my nose. As the school was closed the guard was smoking there next to the water sinks. As I did not expect that it meant more second hand smoke for me. Conclusion, there is no escaping it.
  4. I never made that connection, but, yes, you are right ! Well, at the moment it’s Auf Wiedersehen. I think it will take a week for these restaurants to reopen.
  5. That’s quite expensive. 100 Baht/hour at my neighbors‘ place who also happens to work as a masseuse
  6. If you read the name of the German restaurant from right to left then you have got it correct. 😅
  7. I know of a zebra crossing with traffic light, just for that crossing. seen Farangs crossing it while it was on green for traffic…..
  8. Is this supposed to be a pun on the polish president?
  9. A friend of mine put a bun in the oven, if I understood him correctly it was easier that way, Familienzusammenführung
  10. public park. you actually exercise more ( peer pressure ) and meet people
  11. In my case, I always have it on me, I just don’t want to take it out of the bagpack as a precaution, a few times it so happened I forgot to close the zipper, thankfully it did not drop out nor was it hit by a rain shower. Only the paranoid survive, a whole book has been written about it. Wait until you get older lol
  12. To my own account I never had to, last time was half a year ago or so though
  13. I am surprised JW and this FallenGong or whatever you call it is allowed to proselytize in public parks in Thailand. I have asked one of the JW dudes, he holds a real job and is on a work visa, my guess is breaching the statutes of it
  14. The all need money, as some goods and services must be bought in exchange for money. They just don’t label it as money.
  15. 5S here, two of them, both bought second hand. definitely need a new one for 5G and airtag, perhaps 13 ? lol I still remember the times paying $500 for a Motorola because it had a simple browser, learnt from that mistake
  16. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 136 seconds  
  17. online banking through the phone app and credit card for 300baht or so annually for withdrawals when abroad, same bank as OP
  18. it’s true just ask the pigeon breeders
  19. I have always wondered how influential Tucker is in the US, he says ZYN is not a sin, and ZYN takes off
  20. At least they didn’t have to pay for another Lao visa. how did they get back from the border to town in Laos where the hotels are located ? I just love the 200 baht a ride offer for the few Kilometers
  21. I am interested, too. And I thank OP for starting this thread. the first and very valuable insight I have got is that’s difficult to tell what people are vaping unless you ask. I didn’t know that vaping cannabis is a thing. does cannabis smell differently when you vape it ? a joint does, so I can tell it’s not cigarette smoke. although, according to my understanding a joint usually contains some tobacco so that it burns better.
  22. The banks in EU zone take them out of circulation as soon as a customer turns one in. Then there are probably tons of 500 Euro notes abroad, just with the Deutschmark, billions of Deutschmark have not yet been exchanged into Euros. on eBay 500 Euro notes are not worth more than its denomination, except for a few with “ special“ , god knows, serial numbers
  23. It probably depends on the country you are in. Worked for me at the first try at a bank in Spain ( though 8-9 years ago) and in Germany. It also worked at a kebab shop on a Sunday, without even buying anything, they seem to love 500s.
  24. How did you get to Brazil ? I usually fly via Europe with a few days stopover there to adjust for the time difference. Contemplating the route via Addis Abeba, just for the adventure. The price is also good.
  25. 2x30=60 better take a Maxim, Grab, whatever you call it. i am surprised they agreed to 30 baht in the first place, many aunties pay 20, not to mention students
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