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Everything posted by Dioj

  1. Hub of standing pots and sleeping dogs.
  2. Not the point. Nobody "asked" them to do that.
  3. Right, the first mistake they made was even getting on the airplane.
  4. You mean all the dirty infidels who should have never even come in the first place?
  5. Exactly, there are no illegal weed businesses in Thailand, nor any illegal recreational use of cannabis for that matter, along with no prostitution, no illegal gambling, no gun problems, no road death issues, no air pollution problems, or any of the other things in the media tarnishing the pristine image of the hub of peace, safety, and serenity.
  6. GG is overweight, has edema because he never stands up, never travels, never leaves his computer, lacks getting any exercise, or exiting his dark, dank cave, and then creates a false narrative where he assumes the rest of the foreigners in Thailand are exactly the same as him. How trite and fully out of the realm of reality. Such a sad case of making wrong assumptions and only projecting.
  7. Both files already contain both Thai and English versions within each of the identical files you uploaded. Seemingly nothing more is needed.
  8. Thus, operating shops selling weed for recreational use can only be owned, operated, and profited by locals moving forward is the real underlying message here. Fine, if that's the real agenda then stop pretending that wide spread use of cannabis in Thailand is harming society, is damaging public image, is a health and safety risk, blah, blah, blah. If it is all just bluster to simply squeeze foreigners out of a hugely lucrative US$1 billion business that they want the locals to dominate then they should stop all the buffoonerous flip-flopping about the cannabis laws and stop pretending it's all about cannabis being a health and safety risk to local society. Also, nothing new in Thailand. So all the foreign run cannabis businesses will now have to bring locals into their businesses to insure the locals are getting a larger piece of the pie. This is actually something that has been done for years. Bring in foreign knowledge and experience to start with in order to develop an industry new to Thailand and once the locals have gleaned all the skills needed to do it themselves then they no longer feel they need to exploit the foreigners now involved who taught them the new techniques and methods to grow a new industry that they had no knowledge of before. Also, Srettha, and the rest of the PT goons, are probably only acting as if they want to make it an illegal narcotic again because they are pandering to their base of anti-cannabis supporters. At the end of the day they know the cannabis genie is not going back in bottle, but, when the laws aren't changed later, then they can at least say that they attempted to live up to their campaign promises, but they were blocked by other uncooperative parties in the coalition. It's always about the blame game and not about having any morals or values, doing things they claim are in the best interest of civil society, or even doing or achieving anything that they originally promised. It's always only about individual personal interests of "public servants" and political arse covering.
  9. And soon to be added to the list of occupations reserved for locals only. So, if your a foreigner wanting to operate a legal weed shop in the future, your work permit will need to state that your occupation is "agricultural science consultant".
  10. Makes unquestionable perfect sense. Operating TOTALLY ILLEGAL AND UNLICENSED cannabis shops is an occupation fully reserved for locals only.
  11. The question was were the two files you uploaded duplicates because it appears you updated the same identical file twice by accident.
  12. Seeing all the compromising situations many tourists put themselves into in "the land of don't be a fool", seems many could make more use of a list of the 72 dumb things they shouldn't do in Thailand.
  13. Thanks for sharing this. The two different documents are exactly the same?
  14. A bit more clarity now. Deputy Prime Minister Anutin Charnvirakul and the new Minister of Public Health Somsak Thepsuthin were both in on the meeting where Srettha expressed his newly proposed agenda, but nothing mentioned about what the other two ministers had to say at the meeting. This suggests they weren't in agreement. And without their support none of this will likely get very far.
  15. This might be one that hasn't been posted before, but not sure. Average price is 150B per gram on their website. But they also have some 30B per gram stuff also offered at 19B per gram when ordering 100 grams. See below. Link to their LINE account is on their website. https://happyfarm24.com/
  16. Do one in English. Name an executor in the Will and have it witnessed by a licensed Thai notary and two regular witnesses, preferably one of whom is also a foreigner. This type of Will is valid in most all countries and may only need a legal translation in non-English speaking countries like Thailand.
  17. And hopefully his job. Incompetence is strong with this one.
  18. There was/is no legal limit on the amount THC allowed in buds/flowers. The 0.2% rule only applies to extract products.
  19. The police haven't been missing out on anything. The majority of the 6,000 weed shops have been paying them off because they are either unlicensed, selling some additional cannabis products that are still illegal, and other shops sell alcohol too, which they also don't have a license for, and they stay open after closing hours. Easier for the police to go around and collect the envelopes from the shops than actually have to do some work shaking people down for cannabis money.
  20. He says and states a lot of things he wants to do as if he has sweeping dictatorial powers. He also told the BOT to reduce interest rates multiple times and yet they haven't. Outlawing cannabis will be very difficult for him and his party to try and pull off without support from the coalition. Anutin Charnvirakul, Prawit Wongsuwon, and Somsak Thepsuthin won't support it and it would be a big loss of face for Anutin if he were to make cannabis a criminal narcotic again. The 3 are also all big power players in government and with large vested interests in the cannabis industry.
  21. Yes, the former Justice Minister who supported Anutin, and who was also in favor of the changes that Anutin made to the cannabis criminal laws in June 2022, is now the new Public Health Minister. And the former health minister, who was against cannabis, is now out of the position. It remains to be seen what happens next, and the article linked below is clear as mud about what is on the horizon, but I suspect the new Public Health Minister was put there by Anutin and others from the coalition who are pro cannabis in order to prevent cannabis from being made illegal again, or even to be seriously regulated in any way. At the end of the day, the issue of for and against cannabis in the government really only comes down to financial interests. It's not about health and safety as they claim. The financial interests in the alcohol industry has probably been impacted the worst by cannabis no longer being illegal, but at the same time there is too much at stake financially for the country to just make cannabis illegal again. Prawit and Anutin have their own large financial interests in it too. And it's an industry worth well over $1 billion a year in Thailand and still growing. And especially now that the local economy is struggling with high interest rates, an increase of non-performing loans, and personal debt spiraling out of control, wiping out the economic benefits from cannabis would be a very bad idea. Enforcement of strict cannabis laws would also be a doubly challenging issue to undertake now that the industry has become so entrenched over the last 2 years with industry infrastructure, plus all the networks of growers, sellers, and buyers. Seems almost mechanically impossible to put the genie back in the bottle and break up the business now. https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/cannabis_news/thai-cabinet-reshuffle-impacts-contentious-cannabis-debate
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