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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. My lady say funny man

    big hair and small ham

    I am fairly certain Songkhla and Hat Yai as well as Khon Kaen and Khorat have more inhabitants than Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai is growing very quickly though.

    I reckon you're right meadish... I spent the past week in CM and it is nowhere near as big as Korat (Nakhon Ratchasima).


  2. What about boys?? of the skirt wearing kind

    Always seem to be more of them outside

    I've just come back from Soi 6. The place looks deserted with absolutely no women outside any of the bars.

    I went in one bar where it was business as usual inside. Speaking to the bar owner he told me that the police have now banned the girls from sitting outside the bars in this Soi.

    Rather spoils Soi 6 in my opinion. You can no longer cruise down the street and choose th bird you want.

  3. Thailand is well known (notorious???) for stories and situations like the one outlined on this thread. Yet each time someone does post seeking answers and advice someone always presumes its a troll!!

    You dont have to spend many nights in BKK to meet lots of trolls!!

    Quite true.

    But dont forget everyone was a newbie once and asking questions that look like trolls.

    Bottom line is sure this forum gets lots of questions like this.

    Why??Because the main reason Men go to Thailand is for the Women!!! cmon guys admit it!!!

    I dont think its fair to assume every posting like this is a troll.

    The good news is invariably some gems of advice get posted amongst the sug knowall crap and thats what Forums are all about.

  4. Jump on a plane and spend some time with her.

    Resist all temptation to be overly generous with money to her or her family and friends.

    Be as sensible with money as you would be at home.

    Be yourself.

    Take it slowly and be objective.

    Go home and think about it.

    Keep all documentation,incl date stamped photos,letters,western unions if you must.

    This will help you get her a visa.

    Make a decision on whether you truly can live in thailand.

    You are not alone.its just some of the old krustys on this forum all have seen the dark side of these kind of relationships.

    Its not just thai women either...I have a friend that went a long way down the track with this kind of thing with a russian gal ,until the day before she was meant to fly to his country he was hit for 5k usd.


    Thank you so much for the responce i have got so far..I need to change the name of the thread to "Going to get married in oct what to do" I can't do anything other then go there and marry this lady..Not for her i might of put that gun to my head (NO BS) She has been there for me in her on way..I know she is a good clean women because of my talks with her..Infact call me a idiot i sent her $500 Western union days ago and she has yet to pick up the funds..I sent her that money for the hel_l of it..I sent it to her to show her i am sincere in my wants to marry her..I as i have said i am a sad person and she is the best thing that life has to offer to me..So with that said "Show me the way brothers" Help me learn things i might need to know if i do infact wind up living in Thailand..I can live there or here in the states..Just not sure if i want to live in Thailand..No going to Hollypark, and Vegas..No going so many places i like to go..WOULD I WIND UP SHOOTING MYSELF THERE BEING SO BORED..Who know! I was thinking heck i can marry this doll and live in Thailand 1 month every 6 months..she is ok with whatever works..I can't go into this scared and with a 3 feet back atitude..I am going there full steam and can only hope this works out..I have enough coin to give her $300 a month for her family, and can provide her with home and more in Thailand for us if we rent a place..I am just looking for idea guys on what is the best way to plan my life after i marry this women..

    Thanks you guys are great and i hope to become freinds with some of you guys and meet in Oct..Make sure you have alot of tissues for me..


  5. Havent you noticed especialy with the girls that they will call friends any time they feel like it day or night???

    My lady has the solution or has now becuase it drives me crazy

    "Sleep Now Off Mobile"

    Truly amazes me when she wakes up and clucks about a missed call.


    Speaking about the US, 1 in 3 people there think the sun revolves around in world :o

    Oh really? And would you mind sharing your source of information?

    Sorry i got not source, I watched it on the news, maybe the media was just taking a swipe at the americans, but it wouldnt surprise me if it was true

    With such an intelligent rebuttal, perhaps Mr. Donz should be an Ambassador.

    I prefer to be addressed as Sir Donz, everything i say is facts, trust me :D

    Never trust anyone who says trust me!! This has proved sound advice for me on many occasions!!

    TBWG :D:D:D

  6. Point one is a Very good point

    Most understimate this.

    If she earns 300 a month and gives 80% to her family, understand that she'll want to continue giving 80% of her income to her family. That might get to be 80% of your income.

    How you come to discuss virginity with a regular Thai girl over the internet is beyond me.

    Can I ask a question.

    How is her English?

  7. Its all about sexy women and exchange rates.

    Its all good right now.

    I think that his problem is that the bar that ` he is not associated with` is not doing very well.

    gharknes it`s the location old chap......bad spot.......many bars and clubs failed down that soi.....and with all the building work going on and the possible closure again of the soi I would suggest you relocate, soften the name of the place......after all who wants to drink in a place where the name suggests that you will be attacked or be bitten or ripped off by a beast of the seas :o

  8. You dont know how lucky you are

    Monty Python.

    I must be a in a maudlin mood today,

    but I remember someone telling me about a woman and child that they had seen that day sat out in the mid-day sun on a footbridge somewhere in Bangkok begging for money

    and both the mother and the child were weeping uncontrollably and the woman's teardrops were falling onto the child's face.

    For your own sake, bulmercke, log off NOW! Leave that internet cafe! Run! Find somewhere where people are laughing, having fun! Talk to them!! Save yourself, bulmercke, before it's too late! :o

  9. Living in and around Pattaya for some years now I have the strong idea that Pattaya is absolutely not Thai.

    More and more I discuss, with Thai and Farangs, about the fact that Pattaya is a very sick city and needs treatment.

    Pattaya is a city which contains inhabitants from all over Thailand (Thai) and all over the world (foreigners). This results in an amazing mixture of cultures, believes, back grounds and strange ideas.

    The prove that Pattaya is more or less a geographical cancer is that there are social casualties every day, Thai as well as foreigners.

    Pattaya is a magnet for people (Thai as well as foreigners) who like to live on the dark side of live.

    Pattaya is a place where Thai can make easy and quick cash and where foreigners make that possible.

    Of course, there are numbers of people who live in Pattaya, happy and forever. They usually live on 'the other side of Sukhumvit' in a nice piece of property.

    In the 1980's, Pattaya had approx. 6,500 born Pattayans. Of course has grown slightly over the years, but at this moment Pattaya can accomodate about 600,000 people. It's like you take a dwarf and put a pick up truck on his back: the load is too heavy!!!

    Well, dear readers, I can go on and on............but let me get one thing straight: I love Thailand and especially the E-San, but whenever I have to go to Pattaya it is as entering another world.

    This pathetic attempt at Pattaya bashing and the nonsense expressed therein bears all the hallmarks of an invidual who has lost his way, is racist and really knows nothing of Pattaya and the area and the reasons why multicultural cities flourish.

    I doubt that you have ever been to Pattaya and enjoyed this vibrant and expanding city which many of us love and see flourishing with offerings of both good investment opportunities and enjoyment for millions of tourists and visitors.

    If you have been to Pattaya or as you say `live in and around Pattaya` then I suggest that you do something positive, get out a bit more and go and enjoy life.

    Well its Thailands fun city

    Disneyland for the desparate and dateless single man.

    Sure it sounds trite but many people have found a new lease of life...thats nice.

    Some havent and it eventualy kills them.

    For me its love hate.

    Why not have a topic?. :o:D

  10. You cant underestimate the amount Thai Gals miss home.

    Younger uneducated girls moreso.

    Most Girls in our network here in aus go back every 4-6mths ..you have to budget it even if they go alone.

    Also I note the younger and more uneducated girls view of love and permanency is very different to what ours is.

    I met one recent arrival thru my lady at a club a month back.

    Boyfriend sponsored her over for three mths...shes a pattaya export ..shes already turning tricks and saying shes staying with a girlfriend.

    I'm Canadian, got my Thai girlfriend here on a fiance visa, and during this 90 period, every time something doesn't go right she says she wants to go back home to Thailand. She crys, gets very quiet for a day, and then seems to snap out of it. It's getting very hard to make any plans, not knowing what she really wants. She will not discuss this with me, and gets very quiet and ignores me when I try to have the discussion about our future together. Any suggestions?
  11. Maybe build a thai visa retirement home.

    All the old Krustys can sit in their wheelchairs and moan all day.

    Three squares a day and some sexy matrons to look after them.

    I sincerely doubt that Brit, members banned or inactive for a period of time do not seem to affect the member numbers.

    Let's face it, do you really think the number of posters who post on this board (in the last 6 months lets say) numbers 26,375. I think 5000 would be a lot closer to the truth, probably less than that. :o

    Like most public parts of the internet the number of people who post here are hugely outnumbered by the lurkers. Having 26,375 members doesn't mean that they all post.

  12. Its not that bad given the flotsam and jetsam that gravitate to pattaya .

    hel_l I live in Sydney ,burglarys in my apartment block regularly,jeez just last week in what was meant to be a secure underground carpark my neighbors mercs wheels were stolen,,gang related shootings on the rise ,we dont have soi dogs but we do have people esp chinese immigrants with those yapping handbag dogs that bark incessantly and pee in the common areas.

    Sydney is meant to be one of the most desirable places in the world to live too.

    So stop with the whining and worrying.

    No worse than any other place in thailand

    What statistics are you basing that comment on ?

    Most of the folks I know that live in Pattaya have been burgled at least once.

    What statistics are you basing that comment on ?

    How many folks do you know that live in Pattaya ?

    How many of them have been burgled once ?

    How many of them have been burgled more than once ?

    Where are YOUR statistics ?


  13. You said it bunch of 40 year old juvenile delinquents.

    Every year seems to get worse.

    I went to Bang Saen the other day to watch the Song Khran parade...really amazing...the town and Sukumvit were clogged with drenched revelers and the atmosphere was fantastic. Hardly a farang in sight.

    Pattaya on the other hand!

    They haven't even had the main event yet and the level of aggression and feeling of tension is almost palpable....the difference? Thais in general seem to see Song Khran as a water festival to celebrate the start of their New Year, whereas farangs seem to regard it as a public game of paint ball....

    I saw 2 guys walking along 2nd road the other night with pump guns and the way they were swaggering along you'd think they were some military elite fighters out on patrol! The idea is not to hunt and maim....it's to have a good time....for everyone not just indulge in some psychopathic fantasy........

  14. Great fun ruined only by Fat and Fiftyish falangs acting like 18 year olds.

    The two morons on top of soi13 last year all day squirting water in motorcyclist faces should have been arrested.

    quote name='Greer' date='2006-04-04 16:24:09' post='705181']

    I agree Meadish...

    For those who hate it.... for heavens sake... it's once a year!

    It's just for fun - and if you go out dressed up to the nines into an area where the water festivities are in full swing - what do you expect?

    I've lived in Thailand a long time, and the fun of Songkran is just that - sanuk!

    Maybe the governement should set aside certain areas where people who wish to chuck water all over the place can do so - and then those who don't want to be involved can keep away and no-one will be offended by getting wet.

    It's not as if it was cold weather either - wear a t-shirt and an old pair of shorts and enjoy some fun and get cool in the heat of April.

    I admit that I am not terribly in favour of ice in the water either, but it's all in good humour - so just duck a bit.... geees...

  15. Point is

    Anyone with half a brain knows this is the deal you get.

    So why do it???

    Sure the sentences are harsh and not your chav holiday camp in your british prisons,but can you really say he was dumb enough not to know the risk??

    I honestly do not get you guys.

    The wretch is an easy patsy for a draconian system that continually favours the rich and advantaged over the poor and stupid. In any civilized country such a sentence, preposterously disproportionate to the crime, would draw condemnation from every quarter. But here in Thailand you mock and gloat with scarcely contained glee eager to spout sanctimonious slogans like " hey buddy, if you can't do the time don't do the crime " or " ee knew wot he wuz gettin' into" as if they were some justification for the absurd punishment.

    The reality is of course the illicit drug industry in this country depends on those very people who are responsible for consigning another farang to a lifetime of misery for an offence that is trivial at worst. I don't see that as cause for your ribald cackling but more of a matter of sorrow.

    Then again, you could all just be a bunch of pricks.

  16. Another quality Pattaya businessman. :o:D

    Whats more of a threat to society a fugitive restaurantuer or a baking soda dealer?

    Fugitive Scandinavian murderer arrested

    Residence permit revoked

    BANGKOK: -- Immigration Police recently arrested two foreigners, a fugitive Scandinavian murder suspect and an alleged African drug dealer, a senior officer told a press conference Thursday.

    Swede Bakken Geir, 53, wanted in a murder case in Norway, was arrested at his home in Chon Buri's Bang Lamung district where he lived with his Thai wife, Immigration Commissioner Lt-General Suwat Thumrongsrisakul said.

    Geir arrived in Thailand in 2002 and ran a restaurant in Pattaya. His residence permit was revoked after it was confirmed that he was wanted in Norway and he will be deported soon, Suwat said.

    Suwat said the other foreigner was suspected cocaine dealer Afdul Dialo, 29, who was arrested in a sting operation in Bangkok's Wattana district following a tip-off.

    However, police found only one kilogram of baking soda in his possession. Dialo told police he had sold his stock of the drug to other customers and was trying to cheat a first-time customer.

    Suwat said Dialo would be expelled from the country because his behaviour was a threat to society.

    --The Nation 2006-03-17

  17. Just doesnt seem logical to pay a dowry twice.

    But UP TO YOU.

    Whatever the situation when you get involved with a thai family as a falang you are seen as having money too much,

    Their seems to be way to many stories of falangs funding thai families.

    Some feel ok with it and say they can afford it and enjoy the giving others feel a lot of pressure and begin to resent it or if they dont pay up get resented by the wife/girlfriend.

    Some just kid themselves that they are ok with it.

    To me it seems to be a treadmill.

    We bought a nice aprtment for my ladies elderly mum and dad last year .

    The idea was she and her sis would have a room when they come back to bkk for holidays a few times a year from here in aus.

    Now their are 10 of the bludging family crowded into it....missus and sis paying for hotel.

    My lady says what can I do ,you falang not understand thai people.


    No worries mate....I'll pass it onto my ex...... :D

    :D As long as she is tasty :o

  18. Met mine is the Retro bar in Sydney,I was well tanked and she was with three mates.

    She kept pushing me towards her girlfriend.

    I persevered.

    For you lonely Sydneyites.

    Cheers nightclub on Pitt st on Friday or Sat nights lots of thai girls as does the Shark bar nearby.

    Cheers is kinda weird,its reasonably well known for asian/thai gals and you get some older sleazy guys hanging round and trying to paw the girls as if they are in Pattaya.

    Not a good thing to do in Sydney.

    Im from the Uk but i've been living in sydney for the last year.. my girlfriends in thailand now but was living with me and we went to the pavillion all the time.. Small world. How old is your mrs? maybe she's friends with my mrs

    I'm sure I used to drink in there when I was in Sydney - is it near star bar on George St? cheap drinks iirc.....$2.50 schooners?

    Cant remember seeing any Thai girls when I was in there (trust me I woulve spotted them :D ).................but, then again I usually couldnt see anything :o .

    Anybody in Thai society in Sydney would know where to find the Thai girls (and guys) all congregated in one place. I'll leave y'all to find out for yourselves. If you don't already know, then they've been going there without you :D

  19. Was a great thread while it lasted.

    A bit like an online gameshow :o

    It sure amused and got the braincells working of the bored and restless on the board.

    And of course the positives.

    We learned what a scouser is

    We learned more about Uk VISA Applications.

    We learned some simple ways to determine if its a posting made by a thai person or not.

    We learned their are such technical things as proxies.

    I for one am looking forward to the next windup or was that WHINEDUP??.

    Perhaps a Troll of the month award???

    I must say, I find this all highly amusing, especially since thai3 had the stupidity to call his so called wife Visalady.

    Obviously she is a visa-less-lady and by all accounts until she finds herself a REAL man will remain visa-less !

    Funny how the lawyer from that top hotel chain couldnt sort things... but then again, even a spiritualist would be hard pushed to contact this particular Visalady.


  20. So the moral of the tale is "Do not flaunt your wealth in Rural Thailand"

    Wanted German's run ended


    Romuald Mariusz Wanatowicz, 50, a German national arrested for stealing 4.3 million euros (201 million baht) in Germany before fleeing to Thailand. Immigration police say he married a Thai woman and opened a restaurant as a front in Prachuap Khiri Khan.

    BANGKOK: -- A German man accused of stealing 4.3 million euros (201 million baht) in security van hold-ups in 1999 and 2003 has been arrested in Thailand after two years on the run and will be deported, immigration police said yesterday. A Bangladeshi man found carrying fake passports will also be sent back home.

    Romuald Mariusz Wanatowicz, 49, was arrested on Monday in Lampang province where he lived with his Thai wife.

    Residents had reported him for suspicious behaviour, saying he was flaunting his wealth in the poor rural area.

    Police contacted the German embassy and learnt Mr Wanatowicz's passport had been revoked and a warrant for his arrest issued in Germany in October last year.

    A Bangladeshi police said used one name, Sayed, was arrested in Bangkok on Monday with five counterfeit Indian passports and a fake French one, and a credit card bearing his photograph but with the name of Damak Bin Hassan, police said.

    He was charged with counterfeiting official documents that allegedly involved giving fake passports to Bangladeshis to help them migrate to Malaysia for work, police said.

    --Agencies 2006-02-22

  21. :o:D:D


    MY problem was taking my lady to NZ..she was a bit of a bangkok party gal if you get my drift.

    She couldnt handle the fact she could not go out and eat at 2 am in the morning.

    Why no shop open?

    Me hungy

    Why only one thai shop and far away?.

    Dont underestimate the importance of food in a thai ladies life.

    The temperature. Bright sunny day in winter; "Why it so cold? The sun is shining!" She arrived for the first time in February. My brother was picking us up and when we got outside the terminal into the car park a look of shock appeared on her face as she exclaimed "Why smoke come out my mouth!?"

    Light evenings in the summer, dark afternoons in the winter.

    How expensive everything is compared to Thailand. Tell her "Don't think baht; think pound."

  22. Massive margin in coffee.

    gross margin 75%-

    franchises also seem to have better resale and the banks will lend on the better ones for fitout

    Really, do those coffee franchises actually work that well ?? Location I presume same as anything.

    SC, not sure of the vineyard, probably at some stage. I nearly bought a house one street behind Acland st, would have been a great reno project, but came to Los instead.

    Come on, free dinners maybe for a couple of nights a year forever, in return for a booming successfull idea. I deserve much more. Its not like I live there or anything and would be in the place every night !!!!

    The angle I am talking I think would be a huge hit in that location, even have a name for it if you want, but that will definitely cost you free meals forever and in writing.

  23. Depends on the area

    I had a girlfriend from Pattya who had her dream of a thai rest in Melb near Toorak ,I went and on the main road in about 6 blocks there were six thai restaurants,Its the same in Newtown in Sydney.

    My lady is a great cook and we have been in and out of a couple of places in sydney

    Unless you have a serious edge the thai rest market is way too overcrowded.

    My mailbox gets a dozen flyers a week from thai restaurants in our area.

    Incidentaly we have tried most and none meet the missus s or my standard for good thai food,that smells opportunity but experience tells us people prefer falang thai meaning seriously dumbed down thai food.

    How about a franchise like gloria jeans coffee ,I have a friend who bought and hasnt looked back.

    Any catching ideas .

    I am due to go back to Melbourne ( Australia ) to reopen a business !

    I am the landlord and the tenant did not commit to the lease.

    I use to run this location a successful café shop before, but I am not interested to start again the same type of business!

    What I am looking is a Thai café / restaurant open 7 days from lunch to dinner .

    It is in a busy area , and my aimed is to look first after the local and second after the tourists !

    I will get Thai personnel as chef , I will sponsor him , already done the exercise with pastry chef long time ago !

    Now I feel like a sucker. But it will be great if you guys can given me some impute , I want casual and simple , between a Thai place with plastic stool but smart at the same time ! get the oversea students and locals at first !

    I think BOI is helping Thai restaurants oversea with ideas , will contact them later .

    Place is not big enough for some floor show .

    If you have some catching idée please post them ?


  24. And can see it when peeing :D

    Embarrasingly fat old men on huge bikes with Tee Rak perched on the back, pulling that 'I'm Brando' snarl.

    Sad and a trifle pathetic.

    Personally I have a penis.............................:o

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