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Posts posted by snoophound

  1. Yeah not sure they have any retail representation?

    They were trying to buy Thai Military bank but I think it fell over on the DD.

    Still worth a call.

    Closest ANZ branch to Thailand is in Phnom Penh Cambodia

    Eh? :o

    Ms Achara Boonyahansa


    9th Floor, Tower A, Diethelm Towers

    93/1 Wireless Road

    Bangkok 10330


    Fax: (66-2) 256 6347

    Phone: (66-2) 256 6350 / 58

    Note: ANZ refer to the above as a "representative office"

  2. I knew it couldnt have been the Heinekens



    The Public Health Office in Phayao Province has warned consumers to exercise caution in buying cold towels, after finding that some brands have used a banned substance, namely methanol, in their products.

    Md. CHAMNARN HARNSUTTHIWETCHAKUL (ชำนาญ หาญสุทธิเวชกุล) revealed that 3 brands of cold towels were found contaminated after the Food and Drug Administration conducted its random inspection on cold towels at different stores. The towels were found with methanol, a substance banned for use in cold towels as it causes headaches, dizziness, vomiting, dysentery, frustration, cold hands and feet, unclear vision, and even blindness.

    Consumers are urged to exercise caution when buying cold towels. They should see if the towels display the place of manufacturing, and the towels must also contain the label "controlled cosmetic". 

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 06 December 2005

  3. I have a 40 kilo Thai Tigress.

    She lives on a diet of Chillies,Noodles and Rice.

    She likes to be shampooed with Pantene and have a claw manicure at least once a week..

    Enjoys a saucer of JW Black.

    Occasionaly cries to be let out and disappears until early morning when she comes back and sleeps all day,waking occasionaly to check her bowl.

    Can be very fierce when provoked.


    They are probably giant tabbies by now, Ckeck the date of Pat's post.  :o

  4. Maybe an op for some contractors out there

    Thai hospital admits IBA

    HEALTH software group IBA has signed a $6.6 million agreement with Thailand's oldest hospital.

    Under the agreement, IBA will supply administration, clinical and record-keeping systems to the Siriaj Hospital in Bangkok. IBA said it also expected to sign a $1 million-per year maintenance contract at the end of the 12-month warranty period

    The implementation of its systems was part of a plan by the hospital to turn itself into a centre of excellence for both Thailand and the region, IBA said in a statement.

    The 2636 bed hospital sees around 1.7 million patients annually.

    In September, IBA announced that it had renegotiated Kodak's $50 million stake in the company, which was first agreed to in July 2004. September also saw IBA buy Indian health IT developer MEDIACOM for $32 million.

    IBA turned a net profit of $10.7 million for 2004-05

  5. My dear old mum says 12 days before and down 12 days after.

    With artificial trees anytime.  Hotels already have them up.  Back when we cut them from the woods of New Hampshire it used to less than about a week early or they would dry out too much.

  6. True

    Here in Aus a few years back we had the same.

    Reality is in the UK the Thai thing is tiny compared to eastern europe.

    In Aus....Its very few thais now,but much more sophisticated operations run by Korean and Chinese syndicates.

    The days of Thais starring in these busts are long gone.

    Just the High Commissions seem a bit out of date....as always.

    One walk around the casinos would sort them out,if they know what they were looking for.

    Its all about money lending and getting it back now.

    Since the issue of people being trafficked for prostitution has been brought up, it might be worth pointing out that the majority of women entering the UK by trafficking for prostitution rackets are coming to the UK from  the new EU nations. Relaxation of imigration laws has openned the door to this activity.

    It should also be noted that where Thais do have easy access to other countries with wealthier ecconomies a significant number of Thais travelling to those places are doing so to work as prostitutes: -  Singapore, KL and Japan are examples. Germany is another, where lax imigration from Thailand has indisputedly allowed Germans to set up brothels staffed with Thai prostitutes.

    Thais do enter the UK to work as prostitutes, perhaps they jump ship when they arrive, work behind some guy's back or simply sneak through the checks. What is prevented is gangs of traffickers bringing them into the UK via bogus visa applications.

    The issue is not simply protecting boarders, it is certainly not a simple matter of Homophobia - Stringent imigration checks protect, among others, the imigrant.

    We should all support stringent checking of visa applicants, they protect everyone, by no means least the applicant and to a great deal the sponsor too.

  7. One wonders why they even bother.

    The UK has more immigration problems than a few Thai gals invading the place then dumping their boyfriends.

    In my experience i have been involved directly (as opposed to just advising or being contacted after the event) with 10 applications , 4 visit, 2 student and 4 settlement. The 4 visits were all approved, the 2 student were both approved, and of the 4 settlement 1 was approved, 2 were refused and 1 is a new , as yet untested Civil Partnership visa .
    I'm happy that you have been so successful, but still wonder about the reasons for so many different applications. You say you are neither an agent nor indulging in serial relationships, maybe one day you will reveal all!
    all my successes (is that spelt right?) were when i did my own application and the 2 refusals were when the solicitor handled it all !! Maybe there is a moral here
    Well, it shows that your "immigration lawyer" wasn't very good, and that paying someone to prepare an application is a waste of money. In my own experience, having made a balls up first time, I made sure I knew exactly what was required and my wife's SV application met the criteria. Result? Visa issued after a 5 minute interview. This was five years ago, but last year my step-son submitted an application for a visit visa. He was asked 2 questions;

    "When do you want to go?"

    "Can you come back tomorrow to collect your passport and visa?"

    My wife is not middle class, she was making/selling shirts in a factory shop when I met her and our son is a student.

    Was I just lucky? Maybe, but I made my own luck by finding out exactly what was required and showing that the applications met the requirements!

    However the reality is that anyone who does not fit into the nice little package that the ECO's have been instructed by the Home Office to approve , (and the bulk of ordinary Thais fall into that "look carefully at this application" category) will be subjected to close scrutiny by the ECO's.....
    All first time applications are looked at carefully and subject to close scrutiny!
    .....who , and here's the crucial point, will look at the application with a view to finding reasons to refuse rather than looking at it with a view to finding reasons to approve.
    The fact remains that last year only 5.9% of applications were refused. Now, that's not very good if you fall within the 5.9%, but that figure alone disproves your assertion.

    Getting a UK visa is not simple, but it is a darn site easier than some other countries. I suspect that our American and Australian friends are wondering why we Brits are kicking up such a fuss when getting a UK visa is a hel_l of a lot easier than one to either of those countries!

    Of course, if people didn't try to pretend that their girl/boyfriend was a student, if some bargirls didn't try to get in so they could go on the game in London, if people didn't get a visit visa so they could work cash in hand in their uncle's restaurant, etc., etc., etc. (not just from Thailand, but many other countries too), it would be a lot easier. It is not the Home Office nor the ECOs who are to blame for the difficulties in getting a visa, it is the criminals and chancers who have abused the system in the past, and are still trying to do so today.

  8. Looks pricey

    The missuses little syndicate of captialists have been buying 2 bedders with air around there for under a mill

    Renting 10k a mth

    Dear Sir,

    Regarding the Condominium which I would like to porpose is near to the Don Muang, here I have a very good location for you which are in the Cheangwattana.

    The pricing for the rental of the room is as below;

    1 Room, 1 Hall and 1 Small Balcony the price are 13,000 - 14, 000 Thb

    2 Room, 1 Hall and 1 Balcony the price are 18,000- 20,000 Thb

    3 Room,1 Hall and I Balcony the price are 22,000- 24,000 Thb.

    Price for Sale:

    1 room, 1 Hall, 1 balcony= 1.3-1.8 Million THB

    2 room, 1 Hall, 1 balcony= 2.2 - 4.0 Million THB

    3 room, 1 Hall, I balcony= 4.0 - 5.0 Million THB

    Facility as: Swimming Pool, Gym, Sauna, Laundry and Car Park

    If you wish to have a look the room than we may be make an appointment or response my e-mail as: [email protected]. My Mobile phone are: +6630479541.

    Thank you and best regards,

    Jackson Ng

    Email Address: [email protected]

  9. Exactly my point.

    Well poor old bugger.

    Guess he didnt know when you scorn a thai gal esp an older one,you better run.


    Could have been worse,twas only a car.

    She could have turned the destructiveness onto herself

    Or worse ..to the old fella ...he could have been a nice snack for the local ducks.

    There is little reasoning with a Thai in a rage.

    you didnt see the news on T V , she battered the old man from head to toe , cannot be a excuse for this and if the Thai police let her away with this we will be seeing a lot more murders ,

    only that i live in Thailand i would not believe that they will only issue a warrant if she doesnt cooperate , can you imagine it the other way round

  10. Well

    Could have been worse,twas only a car.

    She could have turned the destructiveness onto herself

    Or worse ..to the old fella ...he could have been a nice snack for the local ducks.

    There is little reasoning with a Thai in a rage.

    True love never runs smooth :D

    And probably not his Lancer now. :D

    Police: Did you yell "FORE"

    Wife: Yes

    Police: OK, his fault

    NOW THAT WAS FUNNY. but would sound like FOL ! :D . OK so tell me i thought asian women were passive , i know the filipinas are , thais dont seemed to be .

    Does not just happen in thailand,my second wife(a german lady)whose main aim in life was increase the national debt, got upset when her spending privileges were revoked!! waited till I had gone to work and then took a sledge hammer ,to my my featherbed framed Norton 600cc Dominator 1959 which was in showroom condition,was cheaper to keep her than divorce her, but in the end She Died,was not me honest :o ,now her ashes have pride of place in an eggtimer here on my desk!!so now when ever I feel like it I can put her to work,gives eggtimer a turn there you go dear "arbeit macht spass"roughly translated work is fun!! :D Nignoy

    After reading what you have posted about your wife she must be turning in her..............eggtimer :D

  11. Availability due to canncellation beutifull rooms  marble b/ rooms and big swimming pool from 600 per night tel 099327965  or contact  whitehouseaccommodation.com for photos ext

    Looks nice, but a bit too far out for me.

    I had to smile when I read your services section Barry.

    Quote " We can help you to find romance friends even love with eligible Thai nationals or even bar ladies". :o

    Good Marketing

    Hot and cold running everyting

  12. From where come the foreign owners???

    Massage-girls-get-unionised: Accuse foreign owners of exploitation

    The Thai massage centre on Third Road, was at the centre of an unusual row as 250 masseuses gathered there to protest the actions of their foreign boss. The girls were employees of the massage palace who were complaining about high handed and unfair practices by management.

    Spokeswoman Ms Orawa- dee Saying, aged 45, explained that she had been sacked after objecting to what she claimed were scams to deprive her, and others, of their just desserts. For example, it had been agreed that salaries would be paid on the 2nd, 12th and 22nd of each month, but no cash had actually been forthcoming in the recent past. She also complained that customers’ tips, often given to girls after a rub down, were ignobly collected after each encounter and given to management.

    Other masseuses then joined in and told reporters that some girls received a salary as low as 4,000 a month, whilst others were on a rate of pay of 70 baht per customer hour. They explained that these paltry sums were totally inadequate to pay their rent, feed their husbands or look after their children. The general outcry was that Thai women were being financially exploited by greedy foreigners who seemed to be above the law as long as they kept warm to certain officials.

    The girls went on, in rhetorical style, to ask why City Hall did not have standards to prevent exploitation of Thais and prevent customers from being overcharged by seedy entrepreneurs in the resort as a whole. Ms Orawadee said she had no idea if this particular massage parlour had the right paperwork and certification to operate as a massage parlour and wondered if work permits had been obtained in accordance with regulations.

    City Hall said it was a police and Labour Office responsibility to check work related documentation. The demonstration is believed to have been far the biggest in the resort’s history about unsatisfactory conditions of employment and its very uniqueness reflects the traditional weakness of organized labour in the resort. Eventually, the owner paid off the wages which the masseuses were demanding, but they in turn elected to finish at this particular pleasure palace in any case.

    -Pattaya Today

    2 Dec 2005

  13. I siad the ones I know :o

    The hardest part of the job of the ones in Thailand i know ,is dealing with unrealistic and greedy Thai owners.

    Pretty cushy in Aus.

    Hotel Managers

    They work????



    They might work to get there,but once there,most I know do diddly squat.

    Aside from enjoying endless hospitality,free functions,travel etc etc.

    The lowly paid  assistant  managers and accountants and marketing people work.


    Wrong! nuff said.

  14. Sooner the better.

    Once real pressure is felt you always get lots of technology breakthroughs.

    Isnt it true that both world wars produced significant technology breakthroughs.

    Lets hope for some more signficant advances in fuel cell and other new technologies.

    News Released: November 26, 2005

    UK citizens fear the terminal decline in global oil supply

    (PRLEAP.COM) A series of events in the UK in December aimed at raising awareness of the imminent peak and decline of global oil supply looks to press ‘Peak Oil’ onto the national consciousness, culminating in a large conference at the London School of Economics on December 14th.

    We have already seen the end of ‘cheap’ oil as supply has struggled to meet demand. ‘Peak Oil’ means demand will have to be destroyed as it is the point of maximum global oil supply, followed by a terminal decline which will present significant challenges for the oil-based way of living, and according to an increasing number of analysts, we can expect it very soon. With no combination of alternatives able to make up for the shortfall, everything from trade and agriculture to plastics and healthcare will be affected.

    Yeah, that might happen soon... might even cause countries to go to war to take control of oil because demand is higher than supply. The UK might start considering refocusing on Nuclear power plants as a solution to the power problem. Every time there is a hurricane the price of oil will shoot up because supplies fall due to very low reserves.

    Oh, they have, they are, it does?... hmmm... maybe it's already happening and we're just in denial?

  15. Should wear brown to match the color of their noses.

    Long as the volunteers dont start recruiting retired petty crims and wearing blackshirts and poncing around trying to look important.

    Well they have recently changed thier uniforms from all white to all black paramilitary style..

    As these guys have no rights of detention or arrest why do they carry handcuffs on thier utility belt (with mace) ???

    I personally am a little leery of these hobby bobbys.. To my mind anyone that wants authority so bad they will volenteer to work for free probably shouldnt have it..

    Also work permit questions anyone ??

  16. Hotel Managers

    They work????



    They might work to get there,but once there,most I know do diddly squat.

    Aside from enjoying endless hospitality,free functions,travel etc etc.

    The lowly paid assistant managers and accountants and marketing people work.

    Lets say a 5* hotel with 50 rooms was fully booked at 8,000 baht a night for 75 percent of the year thats 50 x 8000 x 255 = 102 million baht anual revenue

    Been to a 5* hotel? Then you know they are 4-500 rooms and up up.

    Exception are some boutique offshots where 1 night is in thousands US$.

    For a 5* hotel to break even, a friend who is a manager at Hyatt said - 26% occupancy is enough. He is full to the brim all year round.

    The Marriott Resort & Spa in BKK with 413 rooms was bursting at the seams in the worst of low, rainy, season in October. Landmark, JW Marriott, all 5* like that.

  17. You would rip the front end out of it on Thai Roads unfort.

    Suppose you could have it raised!!

    When I see Holden and Ford utes on Sukh, I'll believe that there is an FTA between LOS & Aus. :o

    A "You Beaut - Holden Ute"

    Wouldn't this be a treat going up and down Suk, or getting a bag of Rice in Issan ??


    Or even the Mighty Falcon Ute

    Ford Claim to have invented the Ute from a customer Suggestion...


    Either one of these would certainly get you up the hills to Issan rather quickly

  18. Thats a lot of money for a thai grad to find for work experience 150k baht?

    I am sure our english oe kids dont need to show anywhere near as much.

    The applicant has to show $AUD 5000 in a bank to cover himself/ herself. AFAIK there is no formal  ' sponsorship ' for this program. The first visa was issued at    the Australian Embassy last week. It is meant to be a two way street, but as yet,  the Thai side has not sorted out the work permit waiver,  Surprise surprise.  :o

  19. Well the point is you expect Value for money. :D

    I had the misfortune of staying here for a prepaid three night pkg.


    The place is run down

    Our room was meant to be a suite.

    We checked in and the bathroom smelt.

    The missus complained (in thai) and got the usual blank stare.

    It was full moon so it was no other room avail.

    I went down the road to buy air fresh ,bleah etc.

    Came back...and the missus had used the loo and it had overflowed......

    Great start.

    It got worse before it got better.

    It only got better after the Missus had a serious Tantrum in Thai to someone who owned up eventualy to being in charge.

    I spent three hours drinving around in a dusty truck looking for another room,with no luck

    Its fine for backbackers and beach sleepers etc,but for this Snob ,I would never go back.

    I wont go into what was going on in the pool the morning after the party ,only to say some fat pommy slappers got lucky,and squealed away like stuck pigs all morning.

    Dont believe the pics you see of places on Phangan

    Most are far away from the reality.

    Its stupidly expensive compared to Samui

    If you are fussy that is.

    Go for the night and dont sleep is best bet

    Get a fast boat out in the morning before the riff raff wake up.

    Ahhh.. the local snob (?) :o

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