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Everything posted by Angus55

  1. You never been to India or China then ?
  2. What narrow minded retards inhabit this forum... Thete are billions of people in the world who have a vegan/ vegetarian diet who live healthy lives...You can keep yer boring old farty sausage and pie grandpas.
  3. Oh and arent you the little bootlicker now?
  4. ....and how the heck is an ant going to harm you yet you want to exterminate them .? Madness.
  5. You include child molesters and land develope among those you want to exterminate yet you exclude homos, the most destructive creatures around.
  6. No big macs for you then.
  7. u to see a shrink, sick bastard
  8. I thought so. Sicko.
  9. What free uk vpns are there then ?
  10. You think you can kill anything you like as long as it inconveniences you ?
  11. Id say a Bk Kl return . Immigration dont give a toss as long as you are within the rules. 2 overland a year and unlimited flights into Bkk.
  12. The maximum UK pension is about £800 or 37000 baht. That is plenty to live well here if you know what your doing. A lot of farangs havent a clue how to live in Thailand ,taking taxis everywhere burning AC all day etc...
  13. I will try and let you know the answer to these questions later on this week as I'm about to try it myself
  14. Is it available on entry yet?....save me having to trawl through reams of posts from wanna be "travel agent visa experts"
  15. People supporting murder of innocent people in Gaza are a disgrace and should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Shame on you !
  16. UN’s top court orders Israel to immediately halt Rafah offensive https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/icj-orders-israel-to-halt-rafah-offensive-new-ruling
  17. Dont forget the hi viz jacket and compulsory insurance helmet etec etc etc etc f (deleted )
  18. Agreed. Disgusting what the Israelis are doing in Gaza. And being supported by the yanks too. Terrible.!
  19. Lol...talk about denial. I bet you think Trump won the last election too? Trum tard i guess.
  20. Yes . A lot of closed, preconceived opinionated minds on this forum though ! A lot of ego in it too. It will be hard for them to see the truth of what is going on.
  21. 34500 Palestinians Killed 24500 identified Plus approx. 10,000 dead under the rubble. These figures are NOT dispued by any international organization.
  22. Im not a leftist, Im a centrist who punches left.
  23. You are in denial.Why do you hold such preconceived opinions on the Israeli Palestinian conflict?
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