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Everything posted by Angus55

  1. I guess because there's a lot of really stupid farangs
  2. Why would you want to ?Most of em are SCUM.
  3. But trump doesnt have any policies all hes got is dumb childish personal attacks. Incredulous how anyone can support that.
  4. Makes one incredulous....Trump is actually a CONVICTED CRIMINALS,SEX CASE AND FRAUD. The trump camp would do well to stop calling others criminal..its laughable.
  5. Obviously new to thailand....of course ...you can buy booze any time any day anywhere anywhen in Thailand as long as you have money you can buy as much as you want.
  6. Seriously . Anyone still supporting trump in this age of information is an absolute retard.
  7. She is really making that fat buffon Trump look like the vile piece of dog turd that he is. Long may it continue. Long live the king.
  8. So then you get a tourist visa and extend that...I do t get why people want to stay i definitelh in Thailand anyway. Unless you have a Thai wife, then you get married.
  9. What the heck are you on about? You seriously want to discuss drivel like that? You must be lonesome as hell buddy.
  10. Of course its food but highly processed food. Possibly even giving them shots of growth hormone.
  11. Ok. I will bite. Kfc chickens are fed on chemical food to make them grow bigger faster...but really cant you work it out for yourself?
  12. I would also call BS on that. I have been eating fried chicken from street stalls in SEA for over 40 years now and have never once been sick from it. Maybe you have a western pampered belly.
  13. When booking airline tickets its worth paying a little more to AVOID AGODA. If your flight has no problem you may be ok but if your flight time is changed ,delayed or any other problem ,Agoda will not refund your money. So do yourself a favor and be warned.
  14. Smashed my tablet up yesterday. Looking for a new one before I jet off to Mozambique. Can I buy it on Shopee even if im just a tourist in Thailand? 1350 baht seems a bit cheap for this, whats the catch? Its not just for the case is it?
  15. Id agree with that...a bunch of retards in my experience.
  16. You mean 7 months from when? Surely not from when you turned 67 or 66 ?
  17. Personally I would never buy bottled water unless in emergency.
  18. Criminal to eat KFC in SEA really. You will get much better fried chikky at so many stalls no need to eat that overpriced overchemicalized crap.
  19. Another one up to no good...its an invasion !
  20. Not just Thailand...All Asian chicks are like that.
  21. Probably be in a protected unit. Would be worse in The Hilton.
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