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Everything posted by Angus55

  1. Yes India is next level robbery. One reason I will NEVER return. Another is the much higher cost of everything than SEA ,,,and lower quality. F India !
  2. The punishment for being stupid enough to break drug laws in Thailand. Deserved all she got IMO. Should have given her the death penalty as should all convicted of trafficing in death drugs.
  3. Yes. many Farang are stupid and rich. They deserve to be ripped off. Personally I will never take a tuk tuk if I can avoid it.
  4. Standing is not really culturally appropriate in Asia. They like everyone to be seated especially in dodgy public places like bars.
  5. Who writes this stuff? AI robots or US teenagers?
  6. "coming of a motorbike taxi with shopping. As i come off, my bag falls" 'coming off a bike' ....in my language which is the language of this forum, means crashing and falling off. But ok... he means dismounting...ok in that case he is somewhat to blame but wouldnt expect anyone to file for legal action....in the US yes but not in any decent country like Thailand.
  7. Of course . As soon as you die you are no longer bringing money into the country .
  8. How if she is just a GF and therefore not legally a parter?
  9. Of course. How could Trump be in the white house and prison at the same time....Also can a convicted sex offender like Don serve as president ?
  10. Why crafty? Theres nothing says a monk cant have a fag.... unless its the American version of fag that is.
  11. Not the ops fault. All the blame lies with the taxi driver who crashed and the idiot who ran over his shopping .
  12. rule #1...dont be worth more dead than alive !!!
  13. Is hashish also available legally or is it only weed?
  14. Is black hash available,,,,, for medicinal use of course...?
  15. Tweaked means? Give a example ... One assumes you are against meth and speed then ?
  16. So the world would be a better place if everyone was permanently baked ?
  17. Absolutely correct. !!. Israeli atrocities are so short sighted.
  18. Taking drugs to make things like sex, food, music and various other things more enjoyable is short sighted and dumbass. How about living the natural way , ie happy without having to put drugs into your system... using drugs doesnt lead anywhere good in the mid to long term. Sure getting high is fun and fine short term but it catches up with you , dont you think?
  19. What? I was only refering to Hi Viz wearing tossers <deleted> invading Thailand ! The kind of guys who insist you wear a helmet while riding a pedal cycle round Chiang mai....do us a favour and push off back to the Uk where your species are encoraged.
  20. Bad for your health...give it up boys .
  21. From crud to crud eh ?
  22. Having spent over 30 years in Thailand and SE Asia I am not too surprised at anything...let alone incredulous. It seems the weed investors knew at the start that it was all a bit of a gamble and were prepared to take that risk. As i personally dont smoke any more Im not bothered either way though it may be better if less ahole weed tourists come.
  23. Your upset because you cant smoke weed legally anymore while you still can do other more harmful drugs legally. right? I know . It sucks man .
  24. Not for long...Once its put all over the internet it will become like Pattaya - attracting scum from all over the world. ...happening already .
  25. How long will it take?
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