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Everything posted by Angus55

  1. People supporting murder of innocent people in Gaza are a disgrace and should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. Shame on you !
  2. UN’s top court orders Israel to immediately halt Rafah offensive https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/24/icj-orders-israel-to-halt-rafah-offensive-new-ruling
  3. Dont forget the hi viz jacket and compulsory insurance helmet etec etc etc etc f (deleted )
  4. Agreed. Disgusting what the Israelis are doing in Gaza. And being supported by the yanks too. Terrible.!
  5. Lol...talk about denial. I bet you think Trump won the last election too? Trum tard i guess.
  6. Yes . A lot of closed, preconceived opinionated minds on this forum though ! A lot of ego in it too. It will be hard for them to see the truth of what is going on.
  7. 34500 Palestinians Killed 24500 identified Plus approx. 10,000 dead under the rubble. These figures are NOT dispued by any international organization.
  8. Im not a leftist, Im a centrist who punches left.
  9. You are in denial.Why do you hold such preconceived opinions on the Israeli Palestinian conflict?
  10. This is up to May 1st from the United Nations and these figures are Not disputed by any international organization .
  11. 34500 Palestinians Killed 24500 identified Plus approx. 10,000 dead under the rubble. These figures are NOT dispued by any international organization.
  12. 34500 Palestinians Killed 24500 identified Plus approx. 10,000 dead under the rubble. These figures are NOT dispued by any international organization.
  13. Yes . That was from Amnesty Internationals report I think a few months ago. As you say the true number murdered by the Israelis is far highter than that.
  14. killed 21,600 Palestinians in Gaza, a third of them children,
  15. Israel conducted intense military operations that killed 21,600 Palestinians in Gaza, a third of them children, and wrecked 60% of homes. A third of them childern .!
  16. What is the Amnesty International report about Israel? Following a Hamas-led attack in southern Israel on 7 October during which at least 1,000 people were killed, of which 36 were children, and some 245 were taken hostage or captive, Israel conducted intense military operations that killed 21,600 Palestinians in Gaza, a third of them children, and wrecked 60% of homes. This was from some time ago. Since then they have continued to murder and maim Palestinans in a genocidal murder spree.
  17. What is the Amnesty International report about Israel? Following a Hamas-led attack in southern Israel on 7 October during which at least 1,000 people were killed, of which 36 were children, and some 245 were taken hostage or captive, Israel conducted intense military operations that killed 21,600 Palestinians in Gaza, a third of them children, and wrecked 60% of homes.
  18. They are targeting civillians, bombing apartment buildings and hospitals. Murderous scum.
  19. It is the Israeli army that is committing the genocide in Gaza. Murdering tens of thousands of innocent women and children.
  20. So you support the Israeli genocide in Gaza . That is despicable.
  21. As I said , it can be a problem in the USA....this is obvious considering the number of fundamentalist Christians in states like Kansas and the southern states.. Im guessing you were at meetings in LA or NYC .
  22. Turn Off the AC . It is not neccessary when you get used to the heat.
  23. Thats good to hear. Keeping off the stuff is the main thing. Jesus is just another name for God anyway.
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