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Everything posted by norsurin

  1. I left Thailand with my exwife and our 2 kids 18 year ago.I never regret that.
  2. Dont invest more then u can afford to loose.
  3. I agree with u.First ur gf/wife take ur money and property.And u get ripped off everywhere..dual pricing etc etc And now the government coming after expats.Whats next?
  4. Not surprised at all.The next is the properties they coming after.Im happy i dont have anything in Thailand. I prefer wake up in the morning without any kind of headache about taxes or other problems. U cant trust this country.
  5. Good idea.I will never ever buy any kind of properties in Thailand.
  6. i stayed in soi 70 in hua-hin. I dont need more then a bed and a balcony.
  7. sukumvit soi 22..
  8. Bangkok is more experience then Pattaya i heard.Im not been in Pattaya for 13 years. What really surprised me was how much cheaper hua-hin is compared to Bangkok. I was out a nigth in Bangkok and they asked 120 baht for a drink..the same drink i bought in hua-hin for 60 baht.
  9. Im not been in Pattaya for 13 years Its a <deleted> place and dangerous for everyone.Foreign criminals all over the place. I prefer Bangkok where i never seen this kind of <deleted>.They open the borders to Russians and chinese gangs and mafia. Look at Phuket too.. people is not safe there same as Pattaya.
  10. Killing the tourist industry.Its to many stories now about the unsafe travel in Thailand. I haven't take a bus for ages..use my regular taxi who drive safe and not like an idiot in 150 km/h.
  11. My exwife wasn't a jealous type of women.When we lived together in surin she used to ask me if i have plan to go to karaoke at nigth because if so she would cook my dinner earlier. I was often in karaokebars and she brought me there.. talked with the ladies there in a friendly way.Then she went back home I i went to surin city about 40 km away she just said enjoy ur time..and told me to take a hotel for the night and she picked me up the next day. That time i worked in Singapore and malaysia.6 weeks on/off. We divorced 7 year ago..2 kids together.I brought my exwife and our kids to Norway 17 year ago.They still live here.I meet my kids on a daily basis because they work near my home.Sometimes i run into my exwife and we talk together in a shop etc.No hard feeling's..past is past.Anyway after i get divorced i had 3 different gf in Thailand.I cant stand jealous girls so i said goodbye to this girl's.I choose to be single and i like that.I love my freedom.
  12. Right.Never investt more then u can afforde to loose.I build a house in surin many years ago.Nice house that only cost me 360.000 baht that time.When i divorced my exwife it wasnt a big loose.Then i mean both..my exwife and the house.I will never buy or invest anything in Thailand again.I only rent and not on a longterm contract.Normally i stay in a hotel and pay 2 weeks in advance.When i go another place in Thailand i do the same in another hotel. Check out without any problems..no headache.I choose to be single and do whatever i want.
  13. Ur right.ETA will be the new standard worldwide.I see that in the news in Europe.
  14. The most beautiful thailady i have seen i saw was sitting on a street in surin city begging for money.I think her age middle of twenties.I gave her some money and when she smiled to me my heart melted.She was dark skinned like many other girls in this area.I have never forget her beautiful smile.I have never see her again..maybe she was Cambodian.
  15. I seen this kind of behavior many times in Thailand Actually more times when i lived in surin. I only see this 2 times in Bangkok over the last years.Then the bouncers took care of it
  16. The picture looks like a place where they selling alcohol.
  17. I guess that his socalled friend knew this could happen and had fun about that.
  18. Seems she had problems allready before she smoked weed.I have only smoke weed one time in my life.That was on my birthday when i turned 18.Im 62 now and i stay away from any kind of drugs.
  19. One time i arrived Bangkok it was many people in the passport control.I though this would take long time.Suddently a officer came to me and told me to follow him.I get stressed but for some reason he took me to the thai passportholders que.That took only 15 minutes and i was happy. I asked him why and he just smiled.
  20. Allways take a taxi Can stop and smoke..eat..a cold beer. Paid 1200 baht last time.Im using the same driver everytime.He came to pick me up in Korat..paid only 2000 baht.
  21. I agree.The biggest problem is the criminals from the countries u mentioned.They know it but don't care.
  22. Im single too..but stay away from parlors.I have some regular ladies who is nice to sit down and talk to.Sometimes dinner..some times get drunk together and have fun in my room. After no headache about anything.They know that i dont want a serious relationship and their fine about that.
  23. Then u have a choice..pay taxes or might loose it all the day she decides to throw u out. I will never ever buy anything in Thailand.I dont take any chances. I rent while staying there.Pay rent..and when i leave dont have to think about anything.
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