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Everything posted by Artisi

  1. Many would disagree about doing the right thing about marijuana.......
  2. Of course it's been turned down, lunch boxes have been delivered.
  3. I beg to differ, the police chief was very clear ("It's not allowed here", he claimed.)
  4. I pull a driver out of his over- turned truck a few years back while the Thai's stood by and watched, no media headlines for me ????
  5. Didn't they cancel 20% of the Future Forward parties vote in the last election?
  6. Correct, you can survive for a very long period of not eating before the body starts consuming itself, but you can't survive long without water intake.
  7. " .....vote wisely at the ballot box things would change." unlikly as fault will be found with the vote and it will be disqualified / banned or whatever excuse they can find to invalidate the votes.
  8. Agree, I don't have any dog in this fight, nor do I follow any religious doctrine, but to upset so many people, many of them without any ties to Turkey is simply a stupid move.
  9. "Corruption IS the force !" within the farce...
  10. Try Zam buk, it can assist by excluding moisture.
  11. Amazing Thailand -- did TAT choose that slogan with tongue in cheek?
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