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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. No clear announcement about the expat tax things. Stop worrying. And start waiting for the things to come out in the way we can understand. At this moment, it is nothing more than tax chief's unofficial speech. And ignore all those stupid invitations from any accounting firms for Information Session; their only aim is to rip you off in return for the useless advice How can they show anything useful when they don't really know what will happen in the near future either. Personally, I am still very much in doubt If any real changes take place regarding retirees' income tax issue.
  2. Killed in A Motorcycle Accident Supposedly joyful expat life. Cut short all of sudden. The only relief was, he didn't much suffer before his last moment. Rest in peace Garrad...
  3. Cow Causes Motorcycle Crash Leading to Fatality... Killer cow's innocent outlook.
  4. Trump ‘asked Putin for advice’ about whether the US should help arm Ukraine One worst stupid question I have ever heard of...
  5. Hello, are you people in Chiang Ma? One easy way to assess the flood risk in your area. You can instantly see the elevation of each area(by its color). Chiang Mai topographic map, elevation, terrain (topographic-map.com) With this map(adjustable), you can predict which are area is safer. Hope this helps.
  6. When people mostly use cash, they can at least know how much money in their wallet/pocket. But when they rely on cashless payment all the time, they often forget it. And the promotion of online settlement undoubtfully increases the risk of overspending among the people with lower financial literacy. Interesting news. Thai household debt at record high amid sluggish economy, survey shows | Reuters
  7. Online payment. It always comes with extra cost(=fee; on top of the price of goods/services itself). That's what I really hate about. When I buy something at B30-, will have to pay 5-7B in addition to its retail price. And it can add up to quite an amount in a long time. It is amazing a lot of people(espeicially the poor ones) never look at that issue: They are wasting part of their hard-earned money to the institutionalized rip-off that only benefits online payment corporations. That's why I always stick to cash payment as much as possible. The hidden cost of Cashless Payment. It reminds me of a couple of old sayings related to money: Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. A food and his money are soon parted. Out of debt, out of danger. About a decade ago, I have heard that almost 20% of the Singaporeans (in their 30s), were in the state of bankruptcy due to their overspending on credit card. I wonder if Thailand is doing any Consumer Education at their primary/secondary schools?
  8. Iran's Nuclear Ambitions and Israel's Growing Concern Israel's concern means bombing strike is underway. As demonstrated in June 1981; they destroyed Saddam Hussein's nuke reactor(before its commission) by the aerial bombing. Operation Opera Before attack The moment of attack After the attack
  9. Thailand leads march towards cashless society From now on, do they digitally document every single bribery? From now on, will they digitally document every single bribery as well? It will certainly better the transparency of the kingdom.
  10. I still remember what happened within 7 feet from me, 16 years ago during the Chinese New Year season. Some idiot launched 3-inch wide fireworks only a feet away from the front door of a small internet cafe I used to use frequent. Kaboom! and the whole building was shaken as if artillery round impacted nearby ground. Fortunately, no one got injured or killed by that...
  11. Hope the death of 23 makes a difference for the future.
  12. In my case, always in Cash. Exception: Cost of passport renewal at my country's embassy in BKK. This way, risks of skimming will be minimal. In recent years, I have heard of quite a few cases where customers' money is stolen from the account liked to the online payment systems. When I book my airline ticket, I am willing to pay B300- fee to the kind local travel agent. As the cost of financial safety and peace of my mind... Pettie benefits from non-cash payment don't interest me.
  13. Even though Monsoon is not bound by the Premier Decree...
  14. What is the elevation of CNX Airport? Chiang Mai topographic map, elevation, terrain (topographic-map.com) Looks like a lot higher than the flood prone area(e.g.Muang Mai Market.
  15. Cause of the fire on the car. More than 2 decades ago, I have heard of the similar case; sudden flame up of the Diesel vehicle(truck) suddenly after engine start up. They later pinpointed its cause. That engine was reconditioned and the mechanic left the waste rug inside the engine before he reassembled the once disassembled diesel engine.
  16. Coronavirus also impacted on the moon? Sounds like a Resident Evil Extinction opening monologue... 0:13-
  17. Coronavirus's impacted on the moon? Sonds like Alice's monologue at the beginning of Resident Evil 3(Extinction). 0:14-
  18. A reckless rider short-cut own life. Accident, death, and cremation all at the same time, on the same spot. Rest in peace.
  19. Poor food, still better than no food at all?
  20. Those criminal gangs from China. One of the 93 countries covered by Thailand Visa Waiver scheme since late July this year. Open arms often invite Persona non grata (unwanted sort of aliens).
  21. Bangkok Will Not Flood, PM Paetongtarn Shinawatra Assures *Disclaimer: The Weather condition is beyond Govt's control.
  22. In Thailand, becoming a monk is often the last line of the safety net(to a man). Dormitory housing, daily meals, and the clothing are provided. As well as the respect from the people. Even though they need to shave their heads and stay away from the worldly vices.
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